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Sweet Seed's Killer Kush FV by Badbadger


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7 hour update!! :eek: Holy shit man take a bow :yep: 


I can tell a lot of effort went into that mate it's class work and your plants are looking spot on across the board they are loving the CMH LED mix :)


Enjoy your Easter with the family  :oldtoker:

Edited by Fragg
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On 13/04/2017 at 4:56 PM, Badbadger said:



Hey 420,


Today's my Wife's birthday hence the dedication of today's update to her...love you Mrs Badger happy birthday!!


However,today's update will not be delayed by everyday things like birthdays (shes not looking phew) so as the party people pass by in front of me all of them  chatting,eating and children doing all the things they do I'm sat on my M'inlaw's Chaise rather heavily high and tripping a little from Dark Devil intoxication that I stupidly decided to try prior to leaving home earlier,suffice to say I'm enjoyably regretting it.


I'd also snapped of a few photos before we left so have worked on editing them over lunch.


The day is Thursday the 13th of April,


The time is 2.23pm,


The moment has now arrived,


yes!! it's time to reveal the tent stats of today,

please,please "carm down carm down" as they say in Liverpool it's only a few numbers.


Those digits,brace yourself,are as follows-


Temp 25.8c


24hr Min 20.2c Max 27.1c


Humidity 51%.


I know It's all to much to take so grab a breath whilst I tell you all the stuff I've mucked about with now.


If you look at this photo - 



You may notice that the adapted furniture I had in my tent to stand the pots on has gone to be replaced by any plastic tubs around the house that weren't  needed.


Across those I fitted baton to sit the pots on allowing a tighter gap between pot bottom and fluids giving a shorter wicking distance.


All tubs now have air feeds bubbling away in them.


Each tub holds about 8 litres of H2O.


I made up 4litres of nutes at 2ml Algamic/1.5ml Fishmix/1.5ml Grow/2ml Bloom per litre then put 500ml into each tub.


This still means they're on relatively weak feeds but they are all potted in Biobizz All-Mix so should be fine  for now.


I am also aware that now we're flowering they'll need a Bloom boost and they'll also get some Topmax soon to help kick them into flower pronto.


The move to tubs was put forward by Mrs Badger after struggling with the last set up so now it's simpler for her to muscle the water in and out.




On to visual updates now and as her stature dictates Kala the number 1 Killer Kush FV is number one under the lense.


Here she is -




She does need some LST but given her a couple of days to recover from her first fan removal but will be done tomorrow.




Next up it's the Killers 2/3/4-

















Yesterday after consuming some Cream Mandarin I realised that the Green Poison fv only need to go into my little veg CAB when the lights aren't on in the main tent so my Wife's adding that to her daily chore rota.It does make photographing them easier so I'll include them again.


The 2 Poison's are vegging as I mentioned already so they're on 20/4 but 8 hours are under 90w of big CFL.


Here we are then the Green Poison twins 1 and 2 -




They are mainly on just H2O but have a ml or two of weak Fishmix just as a pep up.


So there we are then,I'm still completely blasted and appear to have typed this out in about 3 minutes although I've lost my way at least 5 times and ended up considering the important things in life like Scones,Chelsea Buns and Beyonce amongst other things.


I hope you all have a great day and your family's are healthy bright and smiling as everyone deserves to be.


Finally a labelled shot for layout clarity -




"All that's left to say is I've been Badbadger you've been a great audience so goodbye  everyone" (the crowd cheers)


As he steps out of the limelight Badger contemplates snaffling a whole plate of fairy cakes a couple of doorstep cheese and pickle sandwiches then reclining leisurely on his Mother in Laws  ancient but oh so comfy leather Chesterfield to consume the snaffled grub.


Good day to you Ladies and Gentlemen.

happy belated birthday to mrs badger ..flashing text doesnt always read well with me eyes so i not bothered reading that bit sorry


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Some fabulous last couple of updates there bud, these plants are looking good and those wick'd waste paper bins are doing the business under these lamps, got it all going lovely in here, all courtesy of the man posting before me the clever fella ;) happy belated to the wife too and enjoy the bank holidays :v: 

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@vince noir rock n roll star thanks for popping your head in and my Wife says thanks even though it's belated,shes seen a bit of your diary voodoo double hardcore mop action posts in the last few months so your no stranger lollol


Sorry about the flashing text I've not used them of late so will just stick to static ones.


@botanics nice to see you through the door chap and thanks for your kind words.Im putting in two scrog screens tomorrow but they're just for support so will be relatively high and I wont be stripping the lower foliage out either only whats needed for light which will save me some work.


Enjoy the rest of the long weekend guys,take care.

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hmmm 420,


I have just spent the afternoon upstairs with my Wife getting dirty.


Mrs Badger was pulling the plants out and changing the sumps of water and tidying up as I took the opportunity to photograph them out of the tent.


This took nearly 3hrs so Ive just rode the stairlift down to sit in my chair with a cup of tea to edit them.


Forgetting my phone was factory reset 2 days ago.I deleted a folder that usually has photos I didnt use per update,however today it contained the lovely daylight photos I'd just taken that are now digital memories.


Today's update was going to be great with beautiful pictures of the plants I'm actually proud of and cant do daylight ones until the weekend now ffs.


There will be an update but bit later now.


It's far from the end of the world but sorry people.


back upstairs I go.....



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Hey 420,


Here we are for the second time today after my cock up earlier.


Ive taken another set of photos that are nice enough but not a patch on the sunlit ones I did earlier and will do again at the weekend all being well.


As a Bank holiday this ones involved lots of Good grow work,the kids got out and about and other than my deletion it's actually been pretty good so I hope yours has been to.


Straight into the meat of the sandwich then let's get the data down and dusted.


All photos were taken today with only CMH on which gives a better look -




Compared to with LED - 




Today's tent stats are as follows 


Temperature - 25.6c


24hr Min 20.7c Max 27.1c 


Humidity 49%.


As mentioned above all the wick sumps were cleaned and refilled today.


They're refilled with water straight out of the tap but are then left for 24hrs bubbling before I add any nutes to make sure there's no Chlorine killing of the good flaura the plants need.


All the plants (non sweet seeds included) are on the same nute levels at the moment which are 
at 2ml Algamic/1.5ml Fishmix/1.5ml Grow/2ml Bloom per litre.


Just to help clarity heres a plant floorplan -




As were flowering I'll also run through the set up I'm using again.


Extraction is dealt with by a 6inch Manrose home fan with decent bearings and good pull drawing out through standard ducting to a Ram carbon filter 150mm x 450mm.


Fan speed is controlled by one those cheap and cheerful controllers from online stores and as it's teamed up with a budget but hardworking fan it works perfectly and is whisper quiet but still dealing with the heat easily which will help come Summer,unless we've had it.


Lighting is a DIY built unit that contains- 

9 x 35w G12 CMH (930) = 315w spread out into 3 groups of 3 all independently switched so I can control where and when I add or take away light levels to help keep an even canopy and also to control light levels for seedlings.


The unit also contains 2 x 300w Mars Hydro LED (2 x 145w act) so 290w,both are also switched independently and are fitted into the gaps between the 3 rows of CMH.


Currently it's running flat out giving 315w CMH and 290w LED so a healthy 600w all in and will stay like that until cropping now.


Here's the photo section for all you passer by's who just want to look at nice pictures without stupid words. 




As is tradition in this diary I'll start with Kala - Killer Kush nos 1.


Here she is all trimmed up and raring to go - 




You can just about see some light LST there.

Kals colour is good and healthy and I think she's recovered from her trim now.


There is a little secret that I'll share with you at end though!!!


Stand back and make a space for the (non) Little Killer Kush' s.




Kala's sisters are not really small anymore and are visibly growing every day.


They are now showing some good stretch the little beauties.


Killer Kush nos 2 -



Killer Kush nos 3 -



Lastly the biggest of the bunch the mighty Killer Kush 4 -




There's not to much to report with them really as,touchwood, everything's moving along nicely.


I have no issues other than making sure they're getting enough fluids which judging by the humongous fan leaves on show they appear to be.




Lastly,and im sorry theyre always last all you Green Poison fv fans,we move onto my Green Poison fv sisters.


As with the others everything is rolling along nicely. They're still a little young to be flipped really but you can tell they're happy puppies look at them all pert and chirpy - 


Green nos 1 -




Poison nos 2 -




From above -




I havnt mentioned the Poisons pots that are different,standard black plastic,but still with 5 wicks each.I tried to get 2 more mesh pots from the 1.99 shop but they were out.It may be good as a comparison to the mesh pots though as access to Oxygen through the sides may be reduced for them.


Now that's all done I have a little piece of exciting news regarding Kala.


After some inspection earlier I can confirm that she's In flower look -




I know it's super small still but after 10 days of 12/12 I'm proper chuffed especially after her humble beginnings.


After some disappointment in my last grow its great to see the results of my stolen growing techniques and borrowed knowledge paying off.


All of our knowledge and skills are borrowed of course the trick is making sure you do something to add to our shared history and maybe even bring an improvement or two along the way.


Enjoy your Bank holiday evenings and hope your families are well.


Take care fellow growers of the sacred herb.


(Badbadger takes a step back and sighs a "thank God that's over" sigh before remembering his next crops only a few weeks away and dreams of new flavours enter his mind as a small smile spreads upon his rugged yet timelessly handsome face.)


Good evening to you all.

Edited by Badbadger
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Excellent update @Badbadger ;)  Must have taken a while too, it's a lot of work bud, especially when photos go awol :ouch:


Girls are looking tip top and that fan and filter combo being an unconventional one holding upo so good stuff man, the light too :g: I might be tapping you in the future about these little 35 W lamps, I'm liking the idea of them especially with all the independent switching, can't be too bad with a bit of wiring either mate, multi talented dude :yep:

Edited by botanics
cos I type like a monkey and hit the wrong keys :doh:
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Cracking update once more from you mate all the plants are loving it quite clearly from the pictures, shame about the daylight ones but hey-ho :) 

Great to see Kala go into flower and she seems to be inspiring her younger sisters to perform by the looks of it :) Those fans are massive as you say and are testament to your skills 


ATB man :oldtoker:

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@botanics thanks for popping in mate you make it sound like I knew what I was doing when I built that light lollol


I did it to my skill level which made it bulky but kept it simple = safe.If you have some skills you could build something that's less bulky and easier to control.Its really versatile though and can be just 1 little 35w for seedlings.

The Fan is a little jewel tbh for 18quid.


@Fragg how are you my friend? Thanks for calling in I have my fingers crossed things are stable and progressing without fuss.The pots do make it harder to photograph though but I'll do my best.


yep I was pissed when I deleted those photos as the plants looked so beautiful in the Sun.Hopefully this weekend will be nice again.


have a great day chaps and bring some lowly digestives next time,the 1 true biscuit of the gods.





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Building the light is old school mate and I loves it and in the old days this is how it had to be done, because of those who couldn't buy all the fancy and shiny new kit from retailers and had to make do with whatever and some clever thinking we have the genetics around, plus all the new stuff about...that's my way of living life see, independence ;) keeps you on your toes and there's no learning like doing in life (granted, safety is always first consideration and that's why these here boards are a great asset to all because of the multitude of skills and experience, a library of knowledge and a great thing)


I'm noticing since I started growing again that more and more peeps start up with a fancy new tent, shiny new lights, kit for this, kit for that with all the bells and whistles but then when shit doesn't go according to plan, they're all over the place but when you have to build the room, the lights and work with equipment that's not being used for it's design purpose and then get a decent enough pull at the end, that's when you really learn how to grow in an indoor garden and where I did my apprenticeship because I was as skint then as I am now (well worse now lol )  The only thing I didn't require to build was the HID as it came in one unit when I bought it but everything else was cheapo kit until then (fans too until I bought the RVK, filter homemade, veg light, homemade with T8 tube bank, rooms all custom job too)  There's also something extremely satisfying about smoking the end product from somthing that you've put together yourself, kinda part of the whole magic involved.


In my opinion of course, others will differ like and that's all good too, variation being the order of the day to finding what works or not. :yinyang:

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Colossal update (I feel your pic pain bro), everything looking bang on nonetheless. Hats off to you and @botanics electric frighten the shit out of me so all my lights are boxed and certified cos I'm a bloody menace lol


I will however be tapping you up for more info on the 35w lamp. Timing as ever as I need to create a small nursery .


Look after yourself, keep up the top gardening :yinyang:

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22 minutes ago, botanics said:



Electrician qualied mate, anytime you need help send me a PM, if I can help, I will same goes for you too @Badbadger ;)

Brilliant , thanks @botanics I may well become a nuisance lol:yinyang:

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@botanics there's a definite generational aspect to growing now it's almost mainstream for many people.


I grew first in the v'late 80's and early 90's and had to learn everything without any real specific information or skills other than basic DIY hearsay and folklore really.


Also back then in the Southwest at least there was no equipment at all so,sadly as I look back now,all of it was stolen to order from workshops and warehouses locally but over time I did well with it in the old barn of a family friend.


It had no road access at all so 3 of us close pals  basically lived there and it was a great place to live free from constraints,I started with bagseed and cloning (that my dad taught me,it was like witchcraft at the time lol) and I wouldn't say it was anywhere near quality now but back then at the height of the Acid house revolution it was f*****g awesome and we made enough to have a great time travelling around and partying hard.We managed not to lose our liberty by luck probably but round here the Police knew far,far less about "wacky baccy" than we did.


The days of building and making whole systems out of random parts is mostly gone now and most modern wanna be growers without the internet would be completely shafted all round.


I've always lived a make it do or do it yourself life even when earning well and through my bad luck it's still serving me well.


With regards to you maybe working on something similar using actual knowledge above wiring a plug!! id love to watch it come together over time and reducing the wiring and switch gear whilst keeping versatility would be one area id really be interested in working on.


I hope to keep this grow running smoothly now ive found some form again and it's great to have you all popping by although @Fragg is always nicking my last Custard Creams the cheeky git!



@Breezus there are loads of digi CDM/CMH shopfitting ballasts in the usual places online and up to 150w that you could build a monster with.


You can also buy used stripped reflectors with glass to retro fit the new ballasts into to save time building.


Good growing people 

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