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Sweet Seed's Killer Kush FV by Badbadger


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Hey 420,


As I sit in my comfortable recliner this morning typing away with a cup tea I've just spotted two amorous Squirrels having "fun time" in our big tree,not a rare occurrence either the dirty little gits and between them and the randy Pigeons who come back every year it's like a free for all out there.


This year we've also been blessed  to have a Barn Owl family move back into the Tree thats 30m or so across the field behind us.


When you sit out at Sunset enjoying some of the crop you've lovingly tended for months on end with various Bats out hunting over head to then hear the Owl parents hunting and its little one calling them back makes for an incredibly soul satisfying smoke with a cup of tea to hand to keep you warm.


The Squirrels and they're offspring are really great to watch racing around our big tree's chasing each others tails and leaping from tree to tree which is so great to watch I'm surprised Michaela Strachen isn't sat on a log doing a Springwatch from Badgers garden special.


Despite the joys of mother nature today I've had a weekend that id rather forget as it was spent forcing painkillers down me closely followed by as much Cream Mandarin as I could but that's how it goes for me and ties in with my "dam drama"


I can't say I didn't enjoy spending some time watching Snooker,FA cup semi's and some outstanding gymnastics so it wasn't all bad plus I browsed through 420 a bit ,obviously.


I've finished my DIY phone mount and fitted it to a Charity shop tripod that cost £4 and is in great condition,heres a shot of it all set up if you take a look -




The mount has 2 strips of Velcro under the duct tape to give it a bit of padding rather than for it's gripping.It all works really well together so with some practice I should have some crisper close ups once there are some serious bud shots to be had.


After a suggestion by my eldest Son I'm also experimenting with a selfie stick to help me reach the harder parts of this grow without my Wife shifting it all at update time.


Grow wise I'm happy to at least be in the final straight of this grow now and judging by the ever building Kush perfume things are looking good all round.


This morning was spent with Mrs Badger cleaning and refilling the sumps of the wick'd women I keep locked in a tent upstairs.


The average water usage over 7 days is around the 1.7 ltr mark but I'm expecting some major uptake as the bud builds and will keep a record of it as it'll be interesting to have as data when compared to yield,quality and vitality at the end.


After Kala's dry pot issues last week I'm going to top feed them all Aired H2O with Algamic and Topmax at 2.5ml per litre twice a week or as needed.


I've had no further issues at all with any of them so I'm happy to accept having a dry pot top was the reason for Kala's illness and after a small leaf trim of the ruined fans she looks like her old self again.


Here we are then time to dip into the tent and see what's goin' on (no g).




Here's the new and final plant layout,I've been turning and shifting them round dependant on how they're growing and size in the hope I end up with a reasonably level canopy which they have surprisingly lol




These are the stats from my tent at 11.20 :


General Temperature 24.2c.


24hr Min 19.5c Max 27.1c which are just about all right.As many of you will know the difference between these 2 temps is vital to ensure good health and virile growth.


Humidity 41%


Today's photos were taken out of the tent in front of the window.Annoyingly though it started off sunny then clouded over until 10 minutes after we'd finished when it was blazing in again but we tried.




So we have the star of the show up first Kala Killer Kush no1.Shes picked herself back up again after last week's little dry pot drama,she's well in flower now so all's good,have a look:




I think I can say that by slowly topping and pruning I managed to slow her down whilst waiting for her sisters to catch her up and she's barely stretched at all since flip.




Next are her leggy sisters,think Cameron Diaz in her prime,incase you'd forgotten -



(always had a soft spot for Cameron as underneath her fine exterior she's fucking nuts,in a good way)


Here are the partly leggy Killer Kush now with a baby bud shot for each:


Killer Kush 2-




Killer Kush 3-




Killer Kush 4-




I wasn't to worried about the stretch as I set the screen high because I'm focusing on getting some big Cola's from this group of 3 so as you can see here they've just engaged with it and are slowing-




I have a 2 meter high tent so have plenty of space to grow into I just hope to focus all of the growth energy into some fat buds.




The 2 Green Poison are stepping up now.


It's obvious to me that they've connected with the wicks now as they've just "BOOMED" size wise in about 4-5 days with some awesome fans and meaty trunks.


Green Poison 1 




Green Poison 2




They seem to be happy enough in the standard black plastic pots.


I see little difference at equal dates of growth with the other strains in the mesh pots so at this point id say it hasnt made much difference really but it's still to early for a definitive answer.


Non comp section- 


As you may or may not know depending on how far you've travelled with me In this diary but I have 2 other non Sweet Seeds strains growing as space fillers.


They were all freebies from last year,namely 2 x Amhurst Sour Diesel fem and 1 x Kripplings Mind Can'trol fem.


The Cantrol is in a mesh pot with wicks the others are in standard 6 inch pots top watered so by the end I should have some good comparisons to make between them all as a group of 11 plants.


This is the first grow I've done  using the Mk2 model of my DIY LED/CMH light only and it seems to be working great so far with no obvious negatives.Stretch wasn't extreme and I know from my other diary that quality,resin and flavour is not going to be a problem.


Within the tent there is a contingency plan if either temps or the levels of intense Kush aroma over fills my fan and filter combo and that is to buy another 6inch Manrose fan the same,some ducting and another small carbon filter that can be switched on as needed for an extraction boost.


So there we go then a little late but jam packed update of growing and life in sunny,it was,Wiltshire.


Your all welcome to pop in any time just don't reach for the Fig rolls they're mine! mmmmmmm Figgy'licious as Homer would say.


Goodbye for now and hello Cream Mandarin.


(Badgers waving)

Edited by Badbadger
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Really enjoyed reading that! Trying some Green Poison FV myself this year, but they'll be outside. Best way to see the damned wildlife is through the window, cos something's already been digging up my early autos :lol:

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to really get the best out of the mesh pots badger you have to really prepare the previous pot .,if you air prune from the get go and get a big root mass in that first 4 inchs before repotting into the larger mesh pots it makes a massive difference ,also when using wicks you need to get the wick right up to about a cm under the soil surface ..the sooner the roots can latch onto the wick the bigger and faster they will grow ..its also best to have a min of 4 wicks per pot ..north east south and west positions .this allows enough spacing between the wicks to still allow air to the root zone .


tell no one this ..its just for your ears ..id hate to see you give up with the easiest of grow methods for big results .

all the best .v .

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@Badbadger another very enjoyable update from you mate, sorry to hear that your weekend was a bit of a struggle, I had thought something might be up as you had intended to update on Sunday? How you manage to put out these amazing updates is beyond me! Max respect :yep:


Did you use the new setup for the photos today cos they really look lovely, the way the light lands on them.....ahhhh :)


Telling me to think of Cameron Diaz in her prime could cause some issues with the wife though but thanks for the pic lol


Just had a mate drop off 3 fast and vast as his flat is getting inspected in the next day or two so I'm trying to save them, they have been in darkness for 24 hours and are bone dry too so I'd better pull out my finger and see what I can do!


ATB mate and hope you have the pain under control :oldtoker:



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Hey 420,


Before I get going I want to say a big thank you to my Wife for being awesome again the last few days and I would cease to exist without her.


Big thanks to my kids for going back to school so I can enjoy my Snooker in peace the monkeys.


The Sun's shining and the birds are chirping noisily in the trees around our garden this morning and I have a naughty early morning Chelsea Bun that will be making an appearance with a cup of tea In about 10mins.


Today's update is In a different format image wise as I've been forced to find an alternative to the humble photograph because my tent now contains at least half of the Amazon Rain Forest and I'm not a small enough mammal to squeeze past the spaces left in the jungle trails between my pots.


So todays visual update will be in video form with some unprofessionaly edited audio.


I opted for Vimeo as host in the end as it seemed easy although I've struggled with quality settings,not my end as it's uhd but will get it sussed out and start playing with it.


Firstly here's the literary update.


I'll go straight in now with my tent stats as of 8.05am today:




Temp 24.1c


24hr Min 19.5c Max 26.9c


Humidity is 52%




You'll see all of the Killer Kush FV first in the video and the only reason they aren't tied up is because I wasn't sure i could get around the tent well enough but they'll be tied today as you'll see next time.


Kush 2 in the centre needs opening up and a bit more reach which was why I placed her centrally but as with the others in that row it's quality of bud I'm trying to focus onto so will remove small popcorn early.


Today will be spent weaving and tying all the baby Kush buds up into position on the screen which I'll cover in my next update but it's not a traditional scrog I'm filling just more a simple support structure.


There are absolutely no issues with anything at the moment and the Kush are starting to draw more fluid up the wicks as was obvious this morning when I added a litre or so of H2O to 4 sumps.




The 2 amazingly explosive (now) Green Poison FV's are next to go.


These jolly green giants have been patiently waiting they're turn in the Sun and as you'll see in the video have some great fans that I hope will pump plenty of goodness up into they're buds.


All of the Kush and Poisons were top fed lastnight with 1ltr of aired H2O with 3ml Algamic and 2.5ml Topmax.


The Algamic sits better in a top feed rather than having it smell like hot sweaty Seaweed in the sumps which proper pen and inks trust me! and I can control the Topmax better this way.


In the sumps is 1.5ml Fishmix/1.5ml Grow/2.5ml Bloom per 2 litres and they look fine on it so far.I can give them a pep up in top feed if they need it but unless they show me differently I'll leave as is.


So without anymore delay I present to you my video grow tent tour.I show each plants number/strain before I take a peek around it.


To shoot this I sat in my rolling bathroom chair which is quite high for easy access (hmmm) and I used an extended selfie stick for getting around the space resting across my lap on a pillow.


It took me about 3hrs yesterday before I had anything worth looking at and then added some music which today is by Thievery Collective and a track called True Sons of Zion,Here you go have a look -



This is my first video so I'll get better as I go it's just new and as always was annoyingly tough to do for me but I'll get there.


I can honestly say that as a grow technique the wicks/sumps is a  fantastic method and is so simple once up and rolling.


At the end of this diary once ive cropped I will do a laid out section on the system and list the improvements I'm going to make of which I have about 8 so far so all good fun for the future hopefully.


Until my next update I bid you farewell fellow growers.


Take care out ther love your own and all.

Edited by Badbadger
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Great video for a first time attempt mate and loved the choice of music too :smokin: What software did you use to edit the video with?


Nice to have zero issues in your grow too must be all that good karma you have built up :yep: The plants all look great!


ATB to you and yours :oldtoker:

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I can't watch the video for some reason, fucking computers aye, pain in the arse :wallbash:


Noce updates Badger ;) Plants are looking good man and loved the Mgyvering on the tripod, where there's a will buddy :yep:  Top job

Edited by botanics
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@Fragg thanks for popping mate, yeah it's going smoothly so far but maybe a little wild stretch wise which will be sorted,fine elsewhere though.


Regarding the video it's just all done in a stock Samsung android app on my Wife's Galaxy S5 which is a great phone all round and has lasted years without a single issue.


The audio is just stitched as it was  so no editing really.


Hoping to get a bit more skilled with the Selfie Stick lol and considering fitting a bungie and clip to hang it in the tent as a balance point to manouver it around easier.


@botanics sorry you couldn't watch the video,I'm going to set up a new seperate YouTube channel this week so should be better for you and I have a few ideas video wise to play with.


Thanks guys.

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thanks @bobnudd nice to see you buddy.


It takes a bit of effort to to do but it's alot less stressing on my athletic body especially on my super sized six pack lol


"Badger The Movie" is coming in 2018!


Cheers man.

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@Fragg with regards the Cameron Diaz shot I've always thought that the  lack of the usual over the top "naked bird" section as on many a website where Men gather is refreshing and a good thing in my view.


So really I should apologise for the Cameron image bringing down the standards of this fine institution.


Infact I will store it safely out of the way for you all..........now then where's my images of Cameron folder..............ah yeah next to Holly Willoughby's bulging folders... ...... hmmm now there's a thought lol


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Hey 420,


After reading through my update I realised that should you not be able to watch the video (botanics) there's no sense of what's going on so I've done a labelled layout to go alongside it.


Here you go - 




Will make a point of putting a couple of shots up with the videos until I start bud focus!


Take care people.

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@vince noir rock n roll star

I completely missed your reply about wick placement earlier in the week,sorry mate.


Firstly,yep I have no wicks above 5 inches so that's a next time fit and learnt the problems that caused so not all bad.


Secondly,I ended up rushing this grow along as I killed 90% of the first lot through being to lazy to walk from the bathroom whilst carrying sprouts so took my wheelchair which wasn't a great idea when you need a hand for balancing said sprouts!! (I'd been crap for few days but still kicking myself) (if I could lol)


It set me back 2-3 weeks though so rushed the potting up as wanted to finish in time but gave up on that anyway,note taken and can be more precise next time.


Thirdly,I've actually done 1 thing right lol The pots all have 5 wicks (just 6 inches to low hmmm)


I did wonder about wick height and was going to go higher which made complete sense but thought the photo in your thread showed them low but showing a good depth of view from down a flower pot shot isn't easy.


I have some tweaks of my own I'll put in before next round also so should do alot better after your advice to.


I've definitely found the grow system for me though it obviously works as all of them are so healthy and does well even poorly set up and saves alot of time for my wife she just does all the heavy stuff one day a week and I do the bits and bobs rest of the time so a genuine thanks.


Will all members please stop being completely awesome its so fucking annoying lol


Update tomorrow.

Edited by Badbadger
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glad you find it to your liking ..keep it simple stoner as ive always said ..


the plants definately liking it

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