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Big Kush @ The House of Freax


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@@Freax sorry to hear that you have not been to well mate. Can I ask will you not be doing a flush just a taper down on the nutes?. What nutes are you using mate also?

By the sound of things you'll be getting sticky next week. Would love to see a few pre-harvest pictures :)

Nice update as usual and I hope you health improves. If you ever need a chat just pm or email me :)

All the best


Thats just the way it is dude, i think im some sort of medical anomaly tbh. lol

Flushing, hmm.

Im one of those guys who think that flushing your plants doesnt really make any difference to anything. I also think that depriving your plants of nutes when they are in full flower and really need them to be the best they can be is a bit silly. From all the reading ive done around the net this has been one of the most debated aspects of growing that ive come across.

So, yeah, ill just be tapering down over the next week by adding some fresh water to the tank every day, rather than just diluting the nutes right down straight away.

I use Growth Technology Ionic nutes dude. Ive used them since i did my first grow in Coco and ive stuck with them since. Mainly because of the price tbh, but also because theres no messing about with mixing part A and B its just 1 bottle for Grow and 1 for Bloom.

My entire nute lineup consists of Growth Tech Liquid Silicon, Ionic Grow, Bloom and Boost and some Green Planet Pro-Cal cal-mag supplement as i live in a soft water area, i also use Pythoff just to try and keep the roots fresh along the way. For an entire grow it probably costs me less than £50, ive seen some nute lineups costing over £300 listed in some diaries on here by the time all the odd additives have been thrown into the mix. I try to keep things as simple as possible dude. The less complicated things are, the less there is to go wrong imo.

Looking forward to it dude :yep: Quick dry a few small buds and roll some to keep me going then move the girls over and get a stool in the tent and crack on. No probs dude, ill get individual plant pics up before i take them down.

Cheers Fella, will do. Catch ya soon. :v:


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If it ain't broke don't fix it you have a feed regime that works and has for years. Some growers feed full strength right up until harvest me personally using organics when I grow feed until the end as the feed is in the soil/coco mix 50/50 :). I add 3l to 50 of bio grow and use guano liquid line grow,bloom and taste enhancer. That's enough for me.

I went to several grow rooms in Canada and holland and they were using over 18-22 nutes per grow! There is no need for that. If my old man was still here he used a super soil with his own compost etc and tomato food with some seeweed. I always loved the 5-6lb plants when I was young :)

All the best


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Ya hit the nail right on the head there dude, If it aint broke dont fix it. Yes mate, its ott how much stuff some people use. :yes:

5-6lb plants :rockon::yahoo: I could do with a few of them myself :lol: Maybe ill get somewhere near that some day, he says hopefully, crossing all of his fingers and toes at the same time. :rofl:

Right then, i got a few pics last night so here we go.






The next pics will hopefully be pre harvest and harvest pics as they should be coming down next week but with the little setbacks ive had here and there they might run on for a little longer, just gonna have to wait and see. :v:


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In the mid 80,s I grew up growing on a allotment with my day just general stuff. Come April he would always do 6 plant 2 rows of 3 and they were massive. I remember 1 year they had a 10 ft ladder to get to the top and my uncle was 6ft and still taller than him.

I don't know if it was because I was so young but I've talked to mum as dad is no longer her and she said he used get average 4lb/plant. I always wondered why he had so much oil :).

Ahh those were good memories :)

All the best


E2a-Those root were made mate :bong:

Oh are you noticing any good effects from the led additional? :)

All the best


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Sorry you've not been well mate.... You'll have to cut down on those trips to the outback. Seriously though, get well soon Bro. You don't think its down to inhaling the chemicals in the nutes... from not flushing? I see your point about giving the plant what she needs at a critical time, but a lot of nutes are designed to be flushed out, as per their feed schedules.... its not often you get a company telling you NOT to use their product! Even in that last week, the plant should be able to mop up the excess nutes in the leaves etc. You know best though, I bow to your experience!

Looking well tasty in there.... I also'd like to know what you reckon to the LED.

All the best for harvest time.

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@@Dinafem-Mark I'd love to get an outside grow going, but where I live as soon as any of the lads round here noticed anything resembling a cannabis plant it would be gone lol but I might try and find a little plot soon. I do live in the mountains after all, there's loads of woodland about, but a lot of it is covered with pine trees and the like which makes the soil around them really acidic from what I've been told. So I'd have to do quite a bit of prep to make soil amendments I guess.

Sorry to hear your dads no longer with us, sounds like he really knew his stuff :yes: 4lb plants, wow, now there's a trimming mission, he must have been at it for day's.

@@teehee Shit happens bro, usually to me :rofl: yeah, see, nipping down the shop to get skins and beers at yours then the jet lag and temperature difference all takes its toll dude :rofl: Nah it's nothing to do with my chest dude, been having some crazy pains and sensations in my right teste, so I've had all the examinations and tests done, bastard doctor didn't even have very long fingers so he really had to reach when I had my prostate checked :rofl: so I'm waiting for an ultrasound scan and they've got me on some strong antibiotics with some interesting possible side effects.

One of them being the possibility of your Achilles tendon rupturing, it could happen within the first 48hrs or maybe several months after you've finished taking them. Another was the possibility of making any conditions like depression much worse and maybe making you consider suicide.

The kicker here is, it says it may lead to suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide or completed suicide. Then after that states that if any of these things happen, to stop taking the tablets and ring your doctor. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that if I'd completed a suicide attempt, I'd have a bloody hard time ringing the doctor. :rofl:

Anyway back to flushing. From what I've read, I've yet to come across any scientific evidence that any nutrient is actually stored in the flower of the plant, that's another reason that I don't flush and just taper down at the end.

Bow to my experience :rofl: I've only been at this for about 2yrs dude, maybe a bit longer, so I consider myself to be a noob as far as growing goes and I learn something new every day here which is cool. But I did do a lot of reading before I planted even 1 seed, about 3yrs with my head stuck in a few books and online and I have a few friends with a ton of growing experience, but as far as practical experience goes, I'm learning on the fly and loving it. Cheers though :realcool:

The LED. Tbh, I havnt really noticed much of a difference, maybe I will at harvest time and without doing a proper side by side I doubt I will and when these come down it has to go back to my mate anyhow so I'm not really going to get much of a chance to do one. But he is planning on getting a GT205 NFT system and I was thinking about doing an NFT grow next time, so if I gift him a seed/plant and use the same nutes, then environment variables and the lamp would be the only difference really, so it would be good to see.

T what's the temperature with you at the mo? Cos where we are its down to 1C and my garden has about 3 inches of snow in it. lol

Anyway I've rambled on enough now, so it's time for some brekkie and bacon is on the cards.

Take care guys. :v:

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Will be interested in ifinding the led has done anything. I have seen some good results on the forums with led grows but not many mixed led/hps grows around :).

If you do find that sacred out door plot mate just shout I'm sure we can find you a strain to grow :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark A few of the guys here told me that they've been using the HPS/LED combo for a while when I asked about putting it in the tent when I borrowed it. Like I said, I don't think I'll really see much difference until harvest.

I'd love to find that sacred spot dude, but where I am the weather is so unpredictable that along with the other variables I've already mentioned, Id be worried that it would all be a waste of time tbh.

But I did build myself a shed last year and I still have to attach my greenhouse to the front of it, so a greenhouse grow could still be on the cards in the near future, almost outside I suppose. lol I'll probably end up building a hydro system for the greenhouse, I've been thinking about trying to grow some hydro Chilies and Tomatos and some other bits once I get it built. I'd more than likely go with a gulley style NFT system that I could run around the inside of the greenhouse leaving me a bit of space in the middle. :yes:

Quick update on the girls. I've topped up my tank to 110L after it got down to around 80L which has brought the EC down by 0.3 to 1.1 and the PH is sat at 6.2. I'm fully expecting them to drink loads again over the next few days, so I'll top up again then.

As I'm running the 5 pots on the system which are 11L pots I think and the fact that it has to flood the brain pot too it needs about 75L to do a full flood cycle. So by letting them drink and then topping up its allowing me to effectively lower the EC without having to do a complete res change.

Cheers for looking in. :v:


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Quick weather report.... you're gonna hate this....

31C max this arvo, blue skies, light breeze... its 7pm and still scorching at 28C

Gonna be getting a tad warmer over the next 2 weeks

Time to crack open an ice cold Jim Beam and dry, deal with the kids, then a couple of nice fat ones once they're all asleep.

Have a good day mate, hope the snows not too deep where you are!

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@@teehee Nope I don't hate it, but fuck me we could do with some of your winter weather. lol

Enjoy the rest of your night dude. :v:

Ok I just opened the curtains and we've had rain, no snow left now, it's just cold. lol


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Ive almost forgotten what it's like to feel cold!

A quick trip to the drive in bottle shop sorts that out..... drive in bottleshops - imagine the mayhem that would cause back in the UK!

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Those girls are drinking some feed mate :) that a good sign.

Me and the wife are thinking about moving where you are sounds right up my street. Not to many people and a lot of open spaces :). I do think it will be spain for me :)

All the best

D-M. E2a thanx for the update mate :)

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@@teehee Alright don't rub it in. :rofl:

Drive through offies, that would be chaos here. :yes:

@@Dinafem-Mark Yes mate they've been drinking loads so can't complain. :thumsup:

It's not too bad round our way dude, yep, plenty of open space and no matter where you are, you can be on the mountainside in about 10 mins or less after leaving the house.

That's the only thing I really missed when I was living in London, the mountains and just being able to go wandering up them to get a bit of peace and quiet. I've spent years going up and down and all over them, from exploring them when we were kids to just going up one to clear my head, there's not many of them round here I've not climbed or walked over at some point. :yes:

Spain would be great though. Or Oz, I wouldn't mind either. Gotta be better than the UK. :v:


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