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In the night garden...


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Thank you for your update very much appreciated :). I agree that bk 1 looks not too good maybe let her veg to see how she does. You look to have a few nice girls and one of the coolest little veg cabs I have seen in a long time..

All the best


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Things are coming on nicely. Are you planning to flower them all at once?

Thanks Sy, the plan mate was to flower them all at the same time and looking to switch to 12/12 from the 2nd week of October (to time it ready for a harvest and dry before crimbo) but if they aren't ready at that point I will continue the veg until they are as I'm expecting them to take a fortnight to root the next size pot and a further fortnight for their finals (7.5 L), if they aren't ready for crimbo, then so be it.

"Thank you for your update very much appreciated :). I agree that bk 1 looks not too good maybe let her veg to see how she does. You look to have a few nice girls and one of the coolest little veg cabs I have seen in a long time..

All the best


Thanks Mark, I'll keep her going mate for as long as I can ;) I don't like giving up on any really if I can help it, if they die naturally well, then that's just meant to be etc, thanks for the positives mate it's appreciated :yep: I'm only just getting back into the groove after 5 years of not growing lol

Thanks for looking in guys :yep:

Edited by botanics
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B&Q Verve MP Evaluations so far

This is just a mini update really to throw out some of my evaluations of B&Q Verve MP (full update of plants later today when I take some pics). Now I've only started using this compost recently after reading up on the boards about the stuff (when I grew previously 5 years + ago I always used Westlands MP).

I started the Satori's which unfortunately hermied with this compost and found as I'm finding now with the BK and SA that seedlings are slow to develop, yes they are well enough, no obvious sign of deficiencies etc, but root growth appears slower and they are generally slower to develop than I used to find with Westlands years ago, now I'm thinking perhaps it is due to peat content, the Westlands I used to use had a fair bit of peat in there and the plants loved the stuff, however this Verve seems to not have the same levels of peat, more coir etc and I'm thinking that the release of nutrients in the verve is at much reduced levels but over longer periods of time, hence the slower growth and not just down to the peat level itself, so all in all at this point I think it fair to say that Verve may well be ok but for me, I think I'll be going back to a compost with more of a peat content (sustainably sourced) and quicker release of nutrients, (probably Westlands again).

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Plants are looking good mate. :yep:

Can't really comment on verve as I have never uses it, but myself and many others are having good results with 'Jacks Magic' which can be found in most garden centres.;)

ATB - iBD :yinyang:

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Cheers @ for the comments and heads up, think I'll check that compo out then next time I'm going to garden centre ;).. verve is ok like but I just think it's too slow releasing for us eager beavers that want our girls to get it on a bit sharpish lol

I don't think I've been in on your diary for a while mate, be popping in soon for a catch up, so many I'm reading I gets lost to where I am :doh:

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Good evaluation on the verve mate

I've since switched to 100 peat based clover which is sustainably sourced. Highly recommend it mate after using verve and iirc is sustainably sourced

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I always liked verve and found growth and roots to develop fast in it, its the gnats that pissed me off more than anything my last stuff was full of them so switched to pm now and what can i say, its the nuts bud fluffy as took and not a twig or gnat in sight


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Good evaluation on the verve mate

I've since switched to 100 peat based clover which is sustainably sourced. Highly recommend it mate after using verve and iirc is sustainably sourced

I don't know to much about the different mediums/compost you are using but I would try what @@blackpoolbouncer suggested :) as his plants do look outstanding in the medium he uses :)..

Do any of you make your own supersoil mixes etc?

All the best


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Good evaluation on the verve mate

I've since switched to 100 peat based clover which is sustainably sourced. Highly recommend it mate after using verve and iirc is sustainably sourced

Cheers mate think I'll have a quick search on the web for that brand, never heard of it before :yep:

I always liked verve and found growth and roots to develop fast in it, its the gnats that pissed me off more than anything my last stuff was full of them so switched to pm now and what can i say, its the nuts bud fluffy as took and not a twig or gnat in sight


Yeah the stuff is ok and to be fair I didn't have any gnat issues but did make sure it was as fresh as I could get etc but not as good as Westlands years ago (however I've heard that Westlands isn't so good any more)

I don't know to much about the different mediums/compost you are using but I would try what @@blackpoolbouncer suggested :) as his plants do look outstanding in the medium he uses :)..

Do any of you make your own supersoil mixes etc?

All the best


Oh I will be checking that gear out mate after looking at his girls ;)

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Day 30 20/4

Okay so now we are at day 30 of veg for the Blue Kushes and Strawberry Amnesias, no disasters and all are still alive but I did have a wilting issue with one (BK4) some of the leaves don't look the best but she is ok and doing her thang. (hate these small pots for getting the watering right).

BK3, BK5 and SA4 were potted up the other day too as roots were at the drainage holes, to be honest they could have waited for a few days but I wanted to get some miccos into the soil to do their work and get these girls moving (very glad I did as the roots are now at the drainage holes again, they are thick and healthy but will not be potted up until rooted fully)

Light schedule remains at 20/4 with a total of 125w (75w @6500K and 50w @2700K for a mix of blue and red) Internodal spacing is short and side shoots are beginning to develop on the most advanced phenos. I will be potting up all (except the ones the other day) tomorrow.

Temps are stable at 24C lights on and 21C lights off.

So without further ado :-

This first pic is of the runt (BK1) that is way behind the rest, but I'm keeping her going, she won't amount to much but all good fun


On we go to BK2, initially the early leaves were a bit deformed on this girl but as can be seen she is ironing those out and coming along nicely.


Now we have BK3,

This girl has been the strongest of all from the off, she's growing well, had no issues, has a good strong stem and excellent internodal spacing, she was also potted up with BK5 and SA4 and is the most advanced of all the plants, both BK and SA, she will be getting cloned for a keeper.


On we go to BK4, this one wilted slightly, due to me not watering them in time, some leaf discolouration and necrosis has resulted but she is still growing well with all new growth and I don't think she'll be too bothered and will pick up no worries


Now the last of the Blue Kushes, BK5. This one is doing ok, was one of the 3 potted up the other day, has some leaf discolouration etc but nothing major.


Right then on we go to the Strawberry Amnesias

First up, we have SA3, she's growing well, has nice leaf shape and internodes etc, think this ones a keeper to be honest


Now the second of the three remaining Strawberry Amnesias we have SA4, slightly different leaf shape and structure to SA3 this girl has been the strongest of the SA's so far and was the only SA potted up with BK3 and BK5


Last but not least we have SA5, slower than the other 2, but going all the same


And here they are all together, both in and out of their little home :)



Thanks for watching :yep:

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Very informative matey. I am thinking of getting some SA myself.

On the soil debate, I am very happy with jacks magic. No knats, nice and fluffy.

Nice plants.

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Very informative matey. I am thinking of getting some SA myself.

On the soil debate, I am very happy with jacks magic. No knats, nice and fluffy.

Nice plants.

Cheers Sy, hopefully mate I get to do these justice and give you a good heads up on the SA, Dodgee's were lovely, I was going to mainline these like he did, but oh I don't know, I need these finished for crimbo, so may well be a FIM or plain old top and supercrop, will definitely be taking some clones of the best and put some in with the next run :)

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Things look great mate. Nice vibrant and health looking girls :)

Thank you for the picture update, much appreciated.

All the best


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