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Cream Mandarine ® | G. Poison Auto ® | Black Jack Auto &#174


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Hi Senzi, I have had good buds with leaves like that, some plants take all the nutrients to the buds and neglect leaves in the final days looking like a deficency so you may be doing everything you can, time will teach you. If everything is right then thats what it will be.

Merry xmas chum, or should I say Happy new year because thats when you chop.

Then next the hard part, drying and curing.

So far 10/10, you doing great chum.

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Very nice mate, :yinyang:

Nice one Micro :smokin:

Hi Senzi, I have had good buds with leaves like that, some plants take all the nutrients to the buds and neglect leaves in the final days looking like a deficency so you may be doing everything you can, time will teach you. If everything is right then thats what it will be.

Merry xmas chum, or should I say Happy new year because thats when you chop.

Then next the hard part, drying and curing.

So far 10/10, you doing great chum.

Hi GC, Not gonna stress about it too much the plants are all developing well, like you said all part off the learning process being able to read your plants.

Merry xmas to you and a messy new year it will be indeed! :yahoo:


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hi senzi mate,things are looking sweet there buddy :yep:

can't offer any advice on your leaf problem though :unsure: but she still looks like she developing well so i wouldn't worry too much mate.

all the best to you and yours for the festive season mate :cheers:


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hi senzi mate,things are looking sweet there buddy :yep:

can't offer any advice on your leaf problem though :unsure: but she still looks like she developing well so i wouldn't worry too much mate.

all the best to you and yours for the festive season mate :cheers:


Cheers Benji !

Enjoy your Christmas mate :smokin:

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Day 50

Morning all- just a quick one! Hope everybody has been enjoying the festive break, I know I have :guitar: If fact a little bit too much, I've hardly had anytime to spend with the plants and they have been a little neglected. I left it a day or so late to feed and in my utterly twatted state I fed the Cream Mandarine 3ml of grow rather than Bloom on Christmas Day :wallbash:

I still have my rusty spots and yellow leaves on the tops of the the plants in places but it seems to have stopped spreading , I just watered them all with 2.5ml of Bloom but gave them about 3.5/4 litres of water to properly flush through the soil.

I have noticed that they all need to be fed every 4 days now rather than every 3, not sure if this is normal during flower?

I plan on keeping them all on 3ml bloom for the next few feeds then start knocking it down, I aim to harvest around day 70..20 days to go :yahoo:

My environment has been stable with temps at : Min 20c Max 27C and humidity 44% Min - 65 Max

I also have a new addition to which is a Xpelair Wac1 fan controller, just stuck some cable glands in it this morning and will be wiring it up during lights out at 10am. I'm hoping this will really help when it come to drying in my tent when I need to slow down that air flow..


So despite the plants looking a bit shabby in places the buds are really starting to look tasty now and are developing well, The main cola on the Cream mandarine is looking to be a stinker, its already really fat and dense I'm thinking she will be ready a little before the others. The Green Poison is looking the most resinous and smelling divine and the 2 black jacks are going to take a little longer I think but are coming along well and smelling great

Cream mandarin looking proper shabby at the moment I hope she gets back on her feet after a good feed of bloom



Green poison



Black jack 1



Black Jack 2





Lets hope these buds pack on some weight over the next few weeks :yinyang:



Edited by senzi
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Hey senzi, I've not been around much the last few months but just been catching up on your diary, looking good mate and good to see my guide was of use :D

And I wouldn't worry too much about the rust spots, I've had it in the past, never really got to the bottom of it, but didn't seem to effect them too much, just gotta keep an eye on it and that it doesn't spread as mine just seemed to effect a handful of leaves.

Not long to go now mate and you might not see it, but going back through your photos, your plants are putting on the weight and they really pile it on it the last couple of weeks.

Stay stoned :hippy:

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lookin well, and although you cant see it they are packing on the weight just now!

ditch the grow at this late stage :rofl:

atb mate

Cheers AP! will be sure not to make the mistake of using the wrong nuits again :rofl: I was battered

Nice work, they will put on weight right up till you chop em. They can explode in late stages going really knobbly.

Nice on Chum, they are looking more plump and tasty everyday and hope the continue doing so, can;t wait till the chop now

Very nice looking.

Cheers flourite mate :smokin:

Hey senzi, I've not been around much the last few months but just been catching up on your diary, looking good mate and good to see my guide was of use :D

And I wouldn't worry too much about the rust spots, I've had it in the past, never really got to the bottom of it, but didn't seem to effect them too much, just gotta keep an eye on it and that it doesn't spread as mine just seemed to effect a handful of leaves.

Not long to go now mate and you might not see it, but going back through your photos, your plants are putting on the weight and they really pile it on it the last couple of weeks.

Stay stoned :hippy:

Alrite Serps!

Cheers for stopping by mate and thanks for the guide to grow autos!!

The rust spots are a bit of a mystery to me but mine have all stopped spreading now so not to concerned they just look a bit nasty.

Yes mate 20ish days to the chop and I am seriously excited! bring on them buds :hippy:

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Day 56

So 8 weeks on since these babies stuck their heads above the soil and everything seems to be going to plan. All the buds sites are making steady progress and looking like they are going to be heaven to smoke. Every time I open the tent the smell is :eek: I have to get the Ona blocks out when ever I get the plants out of the tent as they stink my flat up in no time!

All have been fed 4ml of bloom and have responded well. Environment is nice and stable - Temps : 20c lights off 26c lights on Humidity is 45% lights on.

My Green Poison should be ready for the chop today according to the blurb on the description but she will be going for a couple of weeks more yet I reckon, shes a beaut... bumping up feed for her seemed to really do the trick, she was looking a bit shabby before. Here she is standing at 60cm tall




BlackJack 2 is probably my favorite :grubsup: , she is defiantly going to produce a decent amount of smoke and giving off such a great smell




Here is the BlackJack 1 shes only 48cm tall but is packing some really sticky dense buds and got a really lemon sherbert smell to her. She still has some yellowing leaves around the top but nothing major to worry about the flash makes it look worse than it is tbh




My Cream Mandarine has the fattest main cola :eek: I reckon she is going to be ready a little before the others, she looks well developed on top but the low bud sites still need to fatten up a little more. Her top leaves are still proper yellow but I guess this is pretty normal at this stage of the grow? The pics dont pic it up but she has a slight purple hue to her buds...beautiful



My tent is packed out, the plants are all really bushy rather than tall, my tallest plant being 60cm,



So still aiming harvest to be on day 70, I would like to chop them all together to make my life a bit easier for drying but we will see. If I need to make a dry box i think I have all the bits here to sort one out.

Cheers for looking :yinyang:



Edited by senzi
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hi senzi mate..hope you had a good xmas and new year :)

your girls are looking very chubby now....i am so envious!.....(have always liked fat birds....they go like the clappers cos they never know when there next shag is coming :rofl: )

you are sure to be getting quite a few oz of delicious bud.....for your first attempt you have done an excellent job :yep:

hope the next 2 weeks go problem free for you mate :yinyang:

i am really looking forward to see you harvest your first crop.....it is the best feeling ever :wink:

atb :hippy:

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hi senzi mate..hope you had a good xmas and new year :)

your girls are looking very chubby now....i am so envious!.....(have always liked fat birds....they go like the clappers cos they never know when there next shag is coming :rofl: )

you are sure to be getting quite a few oz of delicious bud.....for your first attempt you have done an excellent job :yep:

hope the next 2 weeks go problem free for you mate :yinyang:

i am really looking forward to see you harvest your first crop.....it is the best feeling ever :wink:

atb :hippy:

Happy new year dude had a great festive period cheers :smokin:

I know what you mean about the cubby ones :rofl: but yeah these girls sure are packing on some weight now and I reckon i'm defiantly in for a decent amount of tasty bud. I am surprised at how well this grow has gone but couldn't of done it without the help off people off here :yinyang:

Cheers for your comments dude


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