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Wild Rose And Psicodelicia


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Hey Withnail.. all looking good, if a little stretchy! :D

I started LST'ing my WR late in veg (mistake!), but that wasn't enough and about 3 weeks into flower I supercropped, well I bent/gently broke the stems lol otherwise I was gonna run out of headroom and I was trying to make an even canopy.. I had already suffered light-burn, so drastic action was needed.

It is definitely slow to start flowering compared to some of the others I grew, but it did seriously take off after week 4, and was the heaviest yielder of that grow.

Of course I only grew 1 seed.... hardly smelled at all, but I really love the smoke.. :yep:

I am gonna plant the other seeds when I get a chance to see if there are any different pheno's, maybe with more aroma.

My cuts survived :D so I *may* try and fit a little 1L pot in with my new SweetSeeds competition grow, but I have so little space, it seems unlikely...

All the best m8 :nea:

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Guest mygreenmojo

Breaking News

In a street somewhere. In a city somewhere. A prolific stoner regrets ditching the rizla or bong option for the latest craze of chimney toking as he dice's with death...

We have since found out this involves stretching the marijuana plant until a giant cola forms in yor chimney breast. Once fully blocking the chimney it is then set alight from below. May i add 'to the growers delight'.

We are glad to report the grower was totally unhurt due to the fact that he floated down to the ground.

This picture has just come in from the scene of todays event.


:) peace and love :spliff:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Solidopc Not sure exact size,pics are a page or so back but I reckon about 15 inches when I put them into flower. am beginning to think that small pots may have something to do with the stretch,certainly read a fair bit of anecdotal evidence to suggest it happens... not that it matters now anyhoo....thanks for stopping by squire :D

Cheers dorko, nice to know whats coming.Mine are just beginning to bud now..as you can see below.I'm not noticing too much smell yet but its early,hopefully I can find something with some sniffage, I like a smell me :rofl:

lol @ mygreenmojo lol I Nice one dude :B):

Wild Rose Day 22 Flower

Start with #1 the bent one.They all have those almost hollow stems,very sturdy but not particularly flexible,I tried to crush the stem gently but it just buckled and folded,she is fine though as you can see...




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#2 ...she's the shortest but also the least developed so far...could be that she's just going to take longer to finish r it could be she is a smaller yeilder than #1...we will have to wait and see...


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And #3 the inbetweeener... you'll see the top bud looks a bit squashed, its cos the bud has had to grow into the side of my slanting roof ;ouch: Things have been shuffled around again now though so she can at least stand up straight for a bit.Hopefully they have all stopped stretching now otherwise I really am in trouble :rofl:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm cough update cough :smoke: ...

Mrm :v:

Oi you...I'll be reminding you of the same in the next few weeks when you're up to your arms in baby poo :D

I'll try and grab a pic tonight but I've friends over and a holiday to get sorted for so you may go without.

They are looking good though, beginning to get some fruitiness and swelling nicely ... just a minor problem... got Fucking spidermites again :yes: Think they must have come from my vegetables growing out the front :wink: I've still got some organic spidermite spray though so should be able to kill them all :yep:

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Hi cjc :B): Apologies, been on my 'olidays...which was nice :yes:

Luckily I have a dear friend who is happy to look after my girls wilst I was away and I've come back to goodness all round.

The Wild Rose as you'll see are coming along nicely.The Psicodelicia are flowering pretty quickly too,pics for them will be here next time hopefully :stoned:

Day 44 Flowering

WR 1 -The smallest,the slowest finisher by looks of things...and typically the frostiest buds :ouch:

post-24062-1254678927_thumb.jpg post-24062-1254678938_thumb.jpg post-24062-1254678951_thumb.jpg

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WR3 - The likeliest contender for a keeper at the moment but it will of course all depend on the smokage :stoned:

Looking at her I'm thinking she may be done in 10 days or so...its hard to tell though cos the main cola is well behind the lower buds which are mostly 50% or so orange hairs...

post-24062-1254679304_thumb.jpg post-24062-1254679315_thumb.jpg post-24062-1254679322_thumb.jpg

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Looks nice mate. What's the aroma of the WR's? It's the 1 sweetseed strain left that i really want to try, i've done all the others i wanted to.

I'd say the bottom one has a lil more than 10 days to go. I often get the lower buds more developed too than the main cola, and i keep hearing other people have it the other way round and the main cola matures faster, but not for me.

Sometimes if i'm desperate i'll take the lower branches, but generally i leave the whole thing till chop day. I'd say these lot will go 8 weeks easily, more like 60-65. That's just my impression from the pics, about 20 days i rekon, maybe less for #3. Gppd work man, loooking forward to seeing the psicoldelcias and hearing the smoke reports.

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Heya Withnail , they filled out nicely and 44 days flower they look alot more developed wild rose , i was expecting 80 days :B): how long did they stretch into flower ? i had to get the pruning shears out last night , good luck mate .

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Cheers Matsi... it was blinking fantastic thanks... a week in Devon end of September and not a drop of rain..who'da thunk it ? :yahoo:

Hi Solidopc :D I see you're the resident SS expert... good to hear you like them on the whole too, I've got most of them to grow at some point.The WR is giving out some fruity,slightly sour smell... could develop into something very nice but we will have to wait and see. Think you're probably right about the timescale tbh... still no rush...luckily for me with the perpetual thing there never is.

Hi TS good to see you in and thanks for swinging by :B): The stretched...and stretched...and stretched lol Easily 5 times the height from when flowered.However you've got to take into account they were'nt placed right under the light, were left to stretch in veg, and have been flowered out in small pots.They don't look particularly sativa in the structure but still they stretched.I'm sure under normal circumstances they would stretch less..we'll see when I grow the cuts out :unsure:

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