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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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afternoon fellow growers and tokers ;)

found this on ukcia, saw a few threads about gritty sandy weed... check this out


Contaminated cannabis - are these tiny bits of glass? - More photos on our forum here

Contamination of cannabis is becoming an ever greater problem and because of prohibition, no-one knows how serious this is or indeed what the health effects might turn out to be. As many people are realising, the only way to be sure of having pure unadulterated cannabis is to grow it yourself. This is illegal of course, but it is the only way to avoid contact with the criminal market and to ensure what you have actually is cannabis.

had some of this stuff the other week... proper shady stuff

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this shit is everywhere and awful - test it...

shake off some crystals/powder some funk in a bowl and tip it out leaving the crystals behind....

then rub the crystals between your finger and thumb...

if they make hash ok, if not don't fucking put up with it!!

this shit will also scratch glass...so prob. is glass.

as everyone says the only real solution is obvious - g y o ! :yep:

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maybe its the spreading trend for cmmy grows....cant see how it all came from the one crop and last for this long...i have seen different powders used also to dip em....take a trich if it crunches then chuck it in his face :D:yep:

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I realised many moons ago that some weed available 'round & about' was not of a standard that was altogether acceptable (not saying that its all gak by any means). But I'm happier with what I have now whether its the biggest bloomin' donkey dick I've seen in these parts for some time or reasonable cleanly produced stuff. Weight is not a promary concern to me.

Also if the 'no good buggars' are stepping on weed in this manner surely the size of the deal is reducing?

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i get my weed from around the manchester area

and its for deffinete that there using iceing sugar (because of the taste)

and the grittyness imo i think is ground sillica gel, or possibly glass :yep:

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Thats why it all needs to be legalised all over the world so we have inspectors like we do now for kitchens etc. to stop this kind of practice no matter were in the world that is the only way to stop all this Cannabis Mixing as then its done in a really business manner and then we would have rights to complain about coffee-shops and other out-lets who are mixing it etc hope you get my drift... the whole World drugs law for cannabis needs changing badly and not for the worse by sending it all underground as it is now-!! as the results is dark and dirty and it needs to stop as to many people take Cannabis and the health implications with this dirty cannabis is colossal in the future as we are most users under Booze.

keep saying it wake up Govt.

Bongme :yep:

Edited by bongme
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dr rockster

wot is it? whos putting it in? can it harm u? i heard some1 lung collapsed of it a 19 yr old boy... how the fuck we una get em to stop this drout ting

Criminals put it in to maximise profits.It'll be here drought or not so grow your own bud.

Welcome to UK420. :yinyang:

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It really is a case of outright refusing to buy it. Eventually dealers will be reluctant to buy it and it should eventually stop. In the mean time try and grow ur own and fuck dealers altogether.

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Guest dirtbikeal

i think the name for it is bollux its a sugar addative which is sprayed onto wet grass to increase weight so greedy fcking dealers make more profit grow your own!

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