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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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yeah well i need like 5 ks a week i cant grow that much!

5 kilos?

That's a pretty hefty habit u have there. I thought an eigth a day was bad.

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why do you need that much? ;)

edit to say: Dont buy gritted weed, even with just a speckle of that shit. People round this way been admitted to A & E for throat ulcers apparently related to grit

Edited by ganjafiend420
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Dealers I have always known have never needed a set amount every week, they just buy what they can afford whenever its possible to rescore sort of thing. Havent ever known a dealer always to have weed even long before the grit

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5k a week? wow talk about a-dick-teed

that would be hmm lemme see 36 x 5 is about 180 so 180 oz a week

now thats 28 gram ounces so brings it in around 5040 grams so we devide that by 7 fer the week and get us a round about figure of 720 gram a DAY, so seeing as there is 24hrs in aday thats an average toking ration of 30 grams an hr, feck me u got any lungs left? :headpain:

or could it be yer a dealer and this sites for folks like moi to boot your arse to the kerb as i pat my back pocket ASDA style ching ching :headpain:

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5k a week? wow talk about a-dick-teed

that would be hmm lemme see 36 x 5 is about 180 so 180 oz a week

now thats 28 gram ounces so brings it in around 5040 grams so we devide that by 7 fer the week and get us a round about figure of 720 gram a DAY, so seeing as there is 24hrs in aday thats an average toking ration of 30 grams an hr, feck me u got any lungs left? lol

or could it be yer a dealer and this sites for folks like moi to boot your arse to the kerb as i pat my back pocket ASDA style ching ching lol


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your smoking 714g of green a day, now thats impressive dude, you should meet up with Dopedog and see who can smoke more, bt you may need to grow an acre's worth of weed for that night :santa:

Welcome along


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I have a truck-driver brother and his wife , another brother who is a plumber and his best man.

I also have my wife and her 2 brothers ..... thats 8 people including myself. I need at least 1kg

every 3 months to keep us all buzzed.....


Edited by GanjaGreg
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