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20 minutes ago, Revive said:

Not so great for


Yeah that's my biggest gripe, just feels like a kick in the teeth for all the people who can't join in or are having a shit time. 


Working as a delivery driver during the Christmas rush was the death knell for me. The sheer volume of completey unnecessary consumption is actually quite disgusting, well over 1000 parcels a week for about 5 small rural villages from a single courier service! 


Enjoy the hash making sesh dude, I made a bit of stuff the other night. 




Bit on the tacky side, needs more scuff and a bit of time but I've wrestled a few bits into a spliff and it's glorious! I love the smell of a good Haze or Skunk etc, but my favourite smell has to be hash. 

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46 minutes ago, stu914 said:

and we've sent a grand total of zero...

Snap stu :yep:

More chance me sticking a note through folks doors saying fuk you lol

I'm such a miserable fuk this time of year so I will hide with my hash and every fucker can go and do 1 :)

Be lucky brother and no getting pissed and singing Christmas Carol's to the neighbours ;)



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24 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

just feels like a kick in the teeth for all the people who can't join in or are having a shit time. 

Exactly brother...all folk do this time of year is say "so what are you doing for Christmas"

Well I'm doing fuk all the same as last year and the fuking year before that lol

Hmm that hash looks like some proper sticky goodness :yes: your right the smell of a good bit of hash is delightful..yes pls!!

Yeah dude delivering parcels this time of year would not be for me either..I'd have to talk to people then lol


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37 minutes ago, MindSoup said:


Yeah that's my biggest gripe, just feels like a kick in the teeth for all the people who can't join in or are having a shit time. 


Working as a delivery driver during the Christmas rush was the death knell for me. The sheer volume of completey unnecessary consumption is actually quite disgusting, well over 1000 parcels a week for about 5 small rural villages from a single courier service! 


Enjoy the hash making sesh dude, I made a bit of stuff the other night. 




Bit on the tacky side, needs more scuff and a bit of time but I've wrestled a few bits into a spliff and it's glorious! I love the smell of a good Haze or Skunk etc, but my favourite smell has to be hash. 


Not had scuff in years. Hoe do you make it?


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1 hour ago, Shumroom said:

is closer to a vapour than smoke and with lots of control,

but it still causes my lightweight lungs to spasm :pugwash: but I like it.


Yeah I guess it's 1 of them with a bit of practice you will find the sweet spot..

Does the hash not stick to the wand?

Did you grate the hash too?

1 hour ago, Shumroom said:

used to make my own but with puff pastry instead of that shortcrust shite

Yeah much prefer the puff pastry as in plenty of puff in the pastry lol

Mince pies fuk my guts up tbh well after about 10 of the fukers they do :rofl:




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On 18/12/2023 at 7:11 PM, bfehillbilly said:

im in the same boat bored as fuck stay busy as a bee through out the growing season and now there aint much to do been doing some seed shopping I know what you mean about the vape its ok now and then but not the same as smoking I have a hard time smoking to I get to coughing so bad its not enjoyable forty years of smoking cigs and joints has taken its toll I bought a nice glass bowl recently still chokes the shit out of me so looks like edibles is the best option for me also it sucks getting old my friend 

COME LADS YOUR NOT BORED just getting your shit together for 5-6 best to be prepared nice one from me anyway all the best.peace Goohfy 

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On 18/12/2023 at 7:11 PM, bfehillbilly said:

im in the same boat bored as fuck stay busy as a bee through out the growing season and now there aint much to do been doing some seed shopping I know what you mean about the vape its ok now and then but not the same as smoking I have a hard time smoking to I get to coughing so bad its not enjoyable forty years of smoking cigs and joints has taken its toll I bought a nice glass bowl recently still chokes the shit out of me so looks like edibles is the best option for me also it sucks getting old my friend 

COME LADS YOUR NOT BORED just getting your shit together for 5-6 best to be prepared nice one from me anyway all the best.peace Goohfy 

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48 minutes ago, MistYGr33n said:


Not had scuff in years. Hoe do you make it?



It's a short wash ISO oil with scuff/kief from my crystal catcher "jelly hash" iirc. 


There's a good thread about all this kind of stuff. 




1 hour ago, Revive said:

I'd have to talk to people then


Yeah and you know the only time they'll ever talk to you is when they have a complaint lol

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My lungs always hurt coming to this thread. Hats off to those who can still enjoy puffin on these extracts without feeling like their lungs have fused while their heart beat is 180bpm. I can barely tolerate edible hash.. lol 





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1 minute ago, Slippy One said:

Hats off to those who can still enjoy puffin on these extracts without feeling like their lungs have fused while their heart beat is 180bpm.



I don't really smoke oil any more, not on its own anyway as it leaves me fighting for my breath after a few hits too, this isn't too bad though as it was made with rectified Polish vodka , but anything made with IS0 kills me, its pretty nasty stuff :spliff:

some of that that lump I posted might get rat tailed into a few joints but the bulk of it will be mixed with dry sift (when I've accumulated enough) to make a nice jelly hash :yep:

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I've tried passing vapour through a glass bubbler, but I hated the fact that I had to suck so hard, so when I use the Mighty it's as it is. I have gone back to it over the last few days, using 193C, mainly because I like prime numbers and I don't want to turn it up over 200C.  :hippy:

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On 22/12/2023 at 3:15 PM, B-real said:

Nah it was for a freeeeind,  I dnt vape juice just weed and hash ect.



I vape juice but I only vape shatter mixed with natural terpins so it pretty much 99% weed extract. I use a cheap ebay water pipe with a quartz banger i get for smoking DMT & most extracts. I was surprised actually how smooth the cheap pipe is to smoke. Cost about £15.

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