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Curing Jars


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the one I was thinking of is the 'food saver' brand, they are about £150 but I think you can do it just as well for less 




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I'll be honest ....I didn't read it all so I apologise if this has already been said.


Kilner Jars for the win....you go to all that trouble....all that time....and then put it in fucking plastic ? not a chance....I ain't a council estate dealer from the 90's anymore.

Replacing the seals costs about a £1.


Masterdam stash seal uv jars for your everyday weed.





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You can be as snobby about plastic as you like but it cures just as well in tupperware or plastic bags and even better when vac packed. 


Each to their own though. 

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17 minutes ago, KC said:

You can be as snobby about plastic as you like but it cures just as well in tupperware or plastic bags and even better when vac packed. 


Each to their own though. 


Tupperware is porous.....glass isn't.

Vac packed weed sucks arse (same reason as above)


It aint about snobbery lol its about how long you intend to try and keep it in primo condition 

I wouldn't put a Ferrari in the pissing rain to store it or wrap it in a black bag....my bud is not getting tainted by plastic residue or losing its smell to the porous nature of plastics.


(You know I love your opinion so please take this as friendly banter and not me being argumentative for the sake of it)

Edited by zen-ken
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Also it leaches carcinogens into the weed whilst taking the smell out....I don't fancy cancer again....but each to their own @KC



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 Hi mate, I can't @ on my phone so apologies.

I'd never begrudge anyone their opinion, I can tell you how I formed mine though. 

A friend of mine used to bring around weed, it was from the dark Web. I thought it was mostly shit, we can't talk prices but I'll leave it to your imagination.


One day I gave him some bud to take home and I vac packed it so it wouldn't smell in his taxi, thought nothing of it. A few weeks later he basically did the Pepsi challenge with me and snuck my bud in with his shitty stuff. I complimented the one weed which made him call me a c word. It was mine. Now when I compared it to the one from my glass jars it was much nicer I thought. 

As for the cancer thing, well we're fucked off its true because all of food comes like it :(



Edited by KC
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I have boldened the important bits so you dont have to trawl through the whole lot   @KC        :yep:


How long you can use your vintage Tupperware and other plastic food storage products

By Kristen Rogers, CNN
Updated 10:12 AM EDT, Sat April 15, 2023
Tupperware, a decades-old kitchen brand, might be going out of business.
Tupperware, a decades-old kitchen brand, might be going out of business.

Scott Olson/Getty Images

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Since Tupperware, the iconic kitchen brand that’s been a household name for decades, signaled recently that it might be going out of business, you might be wondering how long your stash of its food storage containers is safe to use — especially if it’s vintage.

Figuring out the answer to that question for any type of reusable plastic food storage products — not just Tupperware — often comes down to understanding what they’re made of. Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, is a chemical that, according to the United States Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, has been used for years in the production of certain plastics to make them more durable and shatter-resistant. Unfortunately, it can also make them potential health hazards.

In human studies, BPA exposure has been associated with a higher risk of a wide range of health conditions or issues, such as infertility, altered fetal growth of the fetus, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and aggression among children, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and heart disease, said Laura Vandenberg, a professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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01:34 - Source: CNN

In addition to food containers, BPA has been used in various other products, such as shatterproof windows, water bottles and eyewear, and in resins coating metal food cans, bottle tops and water supply pipes. The composition of your plastic product can depend on the year you bought it, Vandenberg said.

Since March 2010, items Tupperware sells in the US and Canada are BPA-free, according to its website.

CNN has contacted Tupperware for comment but has not received a response.


“We worry about those hard, shatter-resistant plastics that were made a decade ago, that were made with BPA,” Vandenberg said. “Every single time that they’re used, they’re leaching small amounts of BPA out of them. … Even the low levels of BPA that leach from consumer plastics, canned food linings or other consumer goods … have been shown to be associated with harm, and people certainly should care about it.”

“If it’s not safe the day you buy it, it’s not safe 10 years later,” Vandenberg said. In fact, the longer you own them, the riskier they are for your health, she added.

Risks of container wear and tear

Putting stress on plastic food containers by washing them in the dishwasher or with rough scrub brushes “increase the ability of that plastic to leach whatever it was made out of,” Vandenberg said. Scratches can create deep grooves for bacteria to reside in as well, said James Rogers, director of food safety research and testing at Consumer Reports, a nonprofit research, testing and consumer advocacy organization.

Putting highly acidic foods — such as tomatoes or citrus fruits — in these products does the same thing, Vandenberg said.

The “microwave safe” label on some plastic containers doesn’t mean the product is totally safe from a health standpoint, she added.

“Some of the plasticizers and chemicals can transfer from the plastic containers into the food during heating,” Rogers said. “So we totally advocate that you transfer your food from a plastic container into a glass bowl and microwave it that way.”

Discoloration of a container can signal that a chemical change has occurred in the plastic, Vandenberg said. “Usually that is happening because there’s lots of little micro-holes or micro-tears,” she explained. “And now there’s an interaction with the food and the plastic (because the plastic is degrading). So if the plastic is discolored, it’s telling you that that plastic is breaking down.”

Any damaged plastic food storage containers should be discarded, said Sam Cole, global director of product certification, food equipment and chemicals at the National Safety Foundation, an organization facilitating development of public health standards and certification programs for the protection of food, water, consumer products and the environment.

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01:30 - Source: CNN Business

BPA in the body

The majority of daily exposure to BPA happens through diet, according to the US Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. “The reason why we worry about BPA is that, going all the way back to the 1930s when it was tested for use as a pharmaceutical, it was clear that it acts like an estrogen,” Vandenberg said. “Estrogen is a pretty powerful hormone that is important for reproduction and fertility, but also really important for the development of sex organs, development of the brain and controlling metabolism.

“It has a role in muscle development and fat development,” she added. “So even small amounts of tinkering with the estrogen or estrogen pathways in our body can have really serious outcomes for our health.”

The shape of the molecules in BPA make it more likely to bind to estrogen receptors, Vandenberg added. “I avoid using those reusable plastics as much as possible, because I have yet to see good evidence that there are consumer plastics that are free from estrogenic properties.”

Generally, plastics with the label “PC” (for polycarbonate) or recycling codes three or seven likely contain BPA, according to Vandenberg and the US Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Plastic food storage alternatives

Some manufacturers have been phasing BPA and other bisphenols, sometimes called analogues, out of their products due to public attention — rather than regulatory action — but not all, Vandenberg said.

“Think about replacing them with something that’s chemically inert, like glass,” Vandenberg said. “If you can’t afford to replace everything all at once, replace them one at a time.”

Glass food storage containers are a safer option.
Glass food storage containers are a safer option.

VioletaStoimenova/E+/Getty Images

“I know it’s heavy, it can break and all the rest of that, but we think that the advantages to using glass containers for storing food and reheating food outweigh the risks,” Rogers said. 

You can also opt for porcelain, ceramic or stainless-steel containers, especially for hot foods and liquids, according to Vandenberg and the US Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Edited by zen-ken
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I best tell my mother, she's got 40 Yr old tupperware :blub:. I don't know if she still uses it tbh, just can't throw things away.


The rolls for the vac packer are bpa free, they're meant to be used for sous vide so I'm happy using them. 

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I'm considering vac packing some of my older weed that's currently in jars, so I can use those jars for curing the fresh stuff. That way it can be stored, take up less space, and not oxidise due to lack of oxygen in the sealed pouches. Still have a few jars from two years ago, the buds are pretty much fully decarbed by now. They would be prime candidates for vac packing. 

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Just now, KC said:

@Crow River Would have been better 2 years ago but better late than never


lol Yeah well, TBH I didn't think I'd still have jars of weed kicking around from then. Also I do prefer well-cured bud, but two years is maybe overdoing it. :D Think I will probably give the vac sealing a go, seeing as I have the equipment already. :yep:

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@Crow River 2 years isn't too bad, I opened up some old iced grapefruit from the sodium days last week, cracking in the vape. I made a load of capsules with it too :thumsup:

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Well considering the absolute travesty of my original reason for posting, This has been lovely and informative, and really dragged out a few people with a lot of good opinions on things, and advice.

What a lovely turn up for the books!!!! Made me happy at least.

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The Lidl vac sealer has a "soft" vacuum function, "for pressure sensitive foods such as fruit, berries or cakes". Hm, maybe for weed too? Must give it a try... :) 

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