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Fusion noodle 22


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Hi all, things are moving along fast in the world of noodles - so sorry about all the updates.

As promised Roxy was moved into the big girls tent tonight, so I guess we can call this day 1 of flower or is it day 1 tomorrow, eeerrrrrrrrr:smokin:


After a small trim of some excess leaves, she was fed and watered and found a place in the corner of the tent, to get used to the bright lights like the experienced pros.

I had a word and the big girls said they'll protect her until she learns the ropes. Ive stood her on a block to help spread and hold the heat a little (not shown in pic as I only thought of it as I was closing up the tent.) Probably a waste of time but no ventured etc.


anyway enough of mine mindless drivel heres roxys first day of school.


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i like the plan ..i can see it now ,when shes done n dusted you can use the manifold as one of them head massager things that make people gasm..the kingdom aint got one of them ..could be handy ..

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5 hours ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

i like the plan ..i can see it now ,when shes done n dusted you can use the manifold as one of them head massager things that make people gasm..the kingdom aint got one of them ..could be handy ..

The kingdom is more than welcome to her, after Ive finished having my evil way :dev: but she may be dried up and bent like a pretzel by then :ouch::ouch::ouch: (nicked that from legend film last night)

Meanwhile back at the bunny ranch - the driveway block has worked a treat and has been a steady 24'C under roxy's bottom. :yep:


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I noticed last night, the tops were turning a lighter and bleaching out at the tips - too much light too soon ?  :geek: so I moved her off the sandbed and put her right in the corner of the tent.


T be fair It should have been ok, as the 600 PPFD of the veg box was about the same but babies in the corner now with about 400 ppfd.

I'll give her a few more days then move her back - she needs to get that base tan built up first.

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Day 5 flower - baby likes being in the corner as long as Swayze keeps his hands to himself 




The clones seem to have rooted out but I may have been a little premature removing the domes, hope I can get 3 good ones to grow out fully!




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I picked the 2 best clones and binned the other 2. Im undecided which one to pick out of the 2 that are left, as there boyh suffering from the same deficiency.


strange one this, as looking at leaf symptom charts it looks like it could be Iron def - a new one on me, thats if Im correct, which is not often lol 


Im currently soaking some rusty nails in some tap water but Ive had a thought, Ive got some iron tablets in the medicine cabinet :doctor:


have a gander and tell me what you think



heres the line up - front 2 are fine, iron girl at the rear


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I gave the 2 effected ones a drink of rusty water and sprayed them down with epsom water - treat em mean, keep em keen


I actually had a bit of time to spend with the clones so I replaced the 65W board with 2x20W pink jobbies also got the mat on full whack - I'll see how goes, as temps are 23'C now.

Hope they will shake it off as long as their little bottoms stay toastie :skin_up:now time for some microwaved Joshua :crybaby:


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A pic of the clone nursery with the 3 repotted Joshua and the TBL


The 2 x 20W pink LEDs and the heat mat are keeping the temps at about 26'C (box wrapped in in a double duvet ) and the ppfd is down from 600 to about 200 - which is more in line for the youngsters at this time.


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i hope she got enough to get them buds to finish cos she looks quite the posh tart to me ..nice .

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@vince noir rock n roll star she does look good even if I do say so myself, ironically one of my best so far.

Like most posh girls, shes pure filth on the quiet. ;)

I'll post a pic at lights on  tonight of Roxy - she is starting to get her flower on now and is slowly edging her way under the bright lights of the big tent after swapping sides.


Back to my clone question from a few days ago - "do my 2 clones have Iron deficiency"

looking back, I think its more than likely been caused by the soil being too damp and locking out some neuts.

Ive not watered them since giving the rusty water as Ive been trying to dry the soil out, I going to put the domes back on as they're slow putting on growth but they could still be concentrating their efforts on growing roots, fingers crossed.

The effected Iron def leaves are starting to die back, so beyond recovery now but the upper leaves seem ok apart from the very end of the tips. I might as well let the plants pull what they can from them and let them drop off in their own good time.



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the dome is to stop expiration and loss of moisture ..if the plant cannot breath it goes to root growth ..when the leaves get that yellow tinge comming thats the root growth happening ..when you see it remove the dome and they can start to breath again ..

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@vince noir rock n roll star I was always under the impression the dome was to increase humidity, so the plants can take in moisture via their leaves, as clones have no roots to do that when starting out - not heard that the dome suffocates them, forcing root growth (can you put up a link to where I can get more info on this)

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