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Wardrobe of doom rides again

Idicanna jones

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@Alys @Personunknown thanks for the support.... It means a huge amount. Here's to a better year next year, hopefully..... 2022 has been an absolute mess for me. 

reading the shenanigans of folk on here is one of the few things that has kept me going tbh..... 

onwards and upwards and all that old shite....


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Keep you chin up dude, one step at a time 


Here have a shit song to chear you up :hippy: 




Edited by MindSoup
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@MindSoup fucking hell I was doing ok until I clicked on the link!!!! Thanks man, means a lot. 

I've woken up today with a touch more focus and clarity. Been drinking too much, and it turns me into a fat wanker. So I've not "stopped" drinking, but I'm "not" drinking if that makes sense.... 

Almost cut the fags out, which has reduced my weed intake as well... 

I'll do an update (for what it's worth) tomorrow on the aptly named wardrobe of doom.

Until then happy new year to my fellow noodleroos and uk420 folks.... 


Much love to you all and bless up X X X

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Alright bud,  hope this year brings better times,  we all think we're strong till the shit hits the fan, remember your not alone and a problem shared is a probl halved. 

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Righto... Here we go.... So what happened was..... 


It all started with a calamitous decision on my part. During the particularly cold weather we had, I was really struggling with temps in the outbuilding. I decided to pop a little heater near the intake of the drobe to get some heat in. All was fine and dandy until half time of the England Vs France game. I nipped out for a blast on the crafty just before the half time whistle. Whilst mucking about I must have knocked the inlet pipe and it dropped literally just in front of the heater. Just as the second half kicked off I nipped out for the final couple of puffs.... The sight that greeted me was fucking horrific. Temps in the drobe were about 58 degrees, and my festive jungle had been transformed into fucking matchwood..... Approximately 12 mins and I'd annihilated the lot. Given my mental health at the time, I turned the lights off and gave it up as a bad job.... 

It took me a few days to even go and have a look. Decided to try and rescue what I could and reveg them. So here we are.... 


Tina somehow survived, albeit with one tiny bit hanging on. One of the tbl fillers was equally butchered, whereas the shorter one fared slightly better. The late arrivals were absolutely mullered alas. For what it's worth, here's what survived.... 


Tina.... Bless her wonky socks 



Here she is, tucked in with what's left of the fillers. 



I'm astonished that they're still alive. But they are somehow. They've been flipped again and I've made improvements to the insulation around the drobe..... 


Huge thanks for all the support during what's been a fairly horrific time for me. I know the drobe looks a shitshow, but it's keeping my spirits up to see incremental recovery.... I shall get Tina over the line if it kills me ffs..... 

Bless up 

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Mate that sounds traumatic as fuck, totally get why you'd feel like giving up. Glad to see your soldiering on though, it's amazing how resilient plants can be, they can teach us a thing or two. 

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Kind of mirrors my life at the minute dude. How on earth she has survived is beyond me. It's taken me 3 weeks to get them to this point. Also had to restart some ghetto blaster f2's to check viability (down to my last 200 plus). :wallbash:

After 2 attempts at fems I think any future winter wardrobe efforts will be strictly auto's so I can keep a better control of the temps. That said, these genetics have put up with the senseless shit I've thrown at them (as have all the fantastic seedstockers strains I've grown) so bravo @Seedstockers-Mark and all the team over there. 

Me and Tina will limp over the line, styling it out with a gangster lean... Hopefully just in time to start the garden stuff :skin_up:

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you just know they will all turn out to be the best plants youve ever had  dont you ? ..they always repay the ones that save them ...well done on the recovery chap..superb .

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Too right @vince noir rock n roll star given what we will all have been through, it will be green gold in the truest sense. Getting some lovely smells out of there now ironically. I love Tina with all my blackened little heart.... Even with her one arm, one tooth and one eye....

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Ah now this is a story to warm even the coldest heart. Go on, wee Tina! I'm rooting for ya! (Excuse the dreadful pun). :) 

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She will give you something lovely to partake at the end, always the way with fuck ups...might be why I always have mine come off decent lol



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@blerie420 I've fucked up every grow I've done in one way or another. But somehow they pull through..... 

Bring back the spring I say, so I can get back to the jardin..... 

The good lady Jones is away for a couple of nights, so I'll bring the mutants TBL's in for a final trim (not necessary for Tina) and take some half decent pics. So you can see the sheer magnitude of my fuck up...

On the plus side, they seem to be reflowering ok. 

Keep noodling and bless up yourselves 

E2A.... Quick team pic/game of "where's Tina?"... In with the fillers and another shot at some f2 nonsense large.DSC_0991_copy_1800x2400.jpg

At least they're alive, albeit in the scruffiest way possible 

Edited by Idicanna jones
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