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Athena Nutrients


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Time really got away with me on this one...I still think feeding is a topic with a lot of legs for discussion, especially with research and testing emerging regularly :yep:


I did see a guy say he had done an entire run on Athena pro at 1.4EC RDWC but the post was quickly removed :banned:

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With my very very tongue in cheek stoned maths....Ill check it tomorrow 


If fed at 1.5EC everything would drop into range quite nicely and as the 'nitrogen' flower size gain is inversely related to cannabinoid content I guess they went for what they thought to be a happy trade off and why they like to supply the clones ? (Plants that do well under heavy K)


N = 135ppm






This is starting to look like something a lot more like it :yep: 4:2:1 K:Ca:Mg....so again a little epsom maybe ?

The stack is for correcting Mg isn't it....not potassium the misleading personages or am I talking bollox at this late hour ? 

Please anyone else reading and skipping bits this is just a discussion.


(Why does constant feed DWC and soil come under the same banner on Rare dankness :unsure: @Oldbear )

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3 hours ago, zen-ken said:

Why does constant feed DWC and soil come under the same banner on Rare dankness 

That is rather a mystery, I'll look into this 


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Maybe....one gram to 4 litres of water (Epsom salts) @Oldbear  maybe a little less.

Bring it up a touch to bring Ca to mag ratio into line ? 20ppm ish ?

(Assuming my background Ca around 10 - 20 ppm)


Better check the above maths first...kinda did it in my stoned head lol 




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57 minutes ago, zen-ken said:

Bring it up a touch to bring Ca to mag ratio into line ?

It's only slightly over the 3:1 so I wouldn't amend unless you see issues. The baseline mg is in a sweet spot. 

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I found it.....ignore previous :yep:


(forgot about this little gem - Id imagine his figures are a little closer than mine lol ) 


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Probably @4kali lol Ive tried everything else lol 


I can get the Calcium nitrate easy, but the rest (so far)is being a twat to source and I ain't got space for huge stock tanks or multiple 25kg bags of stuff I need a gram of per feed.


Ill find replacements eventually but this still means buying in bulk....the Athena (apart from paying for a 'name'), Im really paying for the convenience of being able to get it off the shelf right now.....and get it in more reasonable quantities for my needs....and get more real quick if needed.

The nearest Wallmart is fair chalk away.


My system takes a lot of water as buff against the plants (RDWC) so it should be more cost effective for me to use it as a base and adjust it with a P booster at week one and then smash it with K booster at the end. 


Jacks won't ship...I already asked.....I found a few US garden places that will ship Jacks but by the time it gets here it cost the same as Athena :unsure: 


I need to watch the video again but its manic here atm lol 

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The table above (obviously) is a lot more accurate than my weak attempt and is in grams per US gallon :yep:

Its pricey but the table speaks for itself......Take away the IG shite/Jungle boys tax and its coming across as a very useful nutrient line that could be tweaked as you see necessary.

Shipping 12 different bottles (A,B.... Z etc) of 98% water doesn't seem very planet friendly and powders could be a better option for heavy water users. 






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Hi lads, been following your chat on this for past week or so,


Couple of points for @zen-kenyour sourcing problem are you in the UK, I do know of a shop that has both blended and professional lines in stock (I'm guessing I will get in to trouble for posting the name of the shop on here)


there is also a official athena chart with the conversions to metric on the athena website I did screen shot it but haven't figured out how to attach photos 


The pro line looks like it is abit on the complex side for the average hobbyist and being unable to completely dial in the environmental factors fear it may be pissing in the wind.


However the blended line looks easy enough to use as any other nutrient line, don't get me wrong there feed chart with the ridiculously high ECs looks like it could take abit getting used to but from looking at the American insta growers they all look like there hitting high 3s in bloom so i suppose proof is in the pudding 


I may look at doing a grow diary for the blended line on the next run if I eventually figure out how to upload pictures :wallbash:



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52 minutes ago, JBICE420 said:

Hi lads, been following your chat on this for past week or so,


Couple of points for @zen-kenyour sourcing problem are you in the UK, I do know of a shop that has both blended and professional lines in stock (I'm guessing I will get in to trouble for posting the name of the shop on here)



I haven't explained myself correctly I fear.....I get carried away late at night lol 


I have no problem sourcing the Athena....I can walk down the road and pick it up right now....they have tubs of the stuff.

Its sourcing UK replacements in a cloning effort I was referring to and the impracticality of getting some of the raw salts required in reasonable quantities. ie not 25kg of chelated zinc when I need a gram...... I exaggerate but you get the idea.

Im finding the blends on offer in the UK (except Cal-Nit) make getting the ratios/ppms 'correct' or at least repeatable......gets to the point where its crazy difficult to measure out precisely.

(I am just starting with this so I may not have found the UK 'Athena' yet) 


Ive found the above master blend mix, for example, that comes in a third of the price delivered to my door....the profile just requiring a little Phosphorus from the look of it :yep:


I respectfully disagree about pro and blended.....Pro is for Noobs and commercial grows using RO, a one size fits all plant cycle stages..... Blended requires an understanding of PK introduction, stage development and can be tailored with PK and Cal mag to shape yield or concentration (they are inversely linked).



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@zen-kenAh my bad I think that was me I may have misread to much puff puff pass :bong:


No offence taken here sir, I bow to your superior knowledge haha, I don't know many noobs who have the advantages of RO water tho tbf do you think you could still use the pro line with a relatively high background EC 0.5 0.6 


Being still a relative noob my self, the fear of the unknown of mixing my own Salts/nutes and so on feels like the blended line maybe easier to use and just adjust pk to suit wouldn't of imagined I'd even need the calmag with the high background Ec from my experience using canna products I've found Id only needed calmag when the coco needed to be bufferd


Not to hijack the thread but any thoughts on power si aswell ?



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1 hour ago, JBICE420 said:


Not to hijack the thread but any thoughts on power si aswell ?




Silicon science Im finding extremely difficult to get my head around.....The people that sell the stuff struggle to tell me how their products even work.


A recent manufacture just brought out a product that when I asked the for the money shot......PAS...I was disappointed to find that at their dilution rate....it would increase my solution by 0.66PPM lol 

(For context a litre of your local river water has probably 4 PPM mono...Power Si 0.88%) 


The one thing I will say is silicon works and is just as important (not crucial) as the the other trace elements to produce real sticky icky imo....Its just getting it in the feed is the problem ime.

Foliar.....no problems.....they love it.


Potassium silicate sucks balls....its a twat to use....the silicon takes forever to be absorbed.


PEG400 products worry the f$ck out of me if I'm honest....I swear you can taste it in the weed........Im giving Aptus,house and garden and fertimaster a wide berth...I did give Grow-genius a go cause they are a UK based company and its a shit ton cheaper and stronger.

Unfortunately it has a wetting agent in it and it turned my tanks into a bubble bath lol (they did offer a solution or a full refund tbf) GG was fine as a foliar  


I am tempted to give GG another chance, running sterile this time, as they didn't seem to mind the bubbles.....I was just worried about the extra bio film it was depositing on my exposed roots at the time.

I will never put a PEG400 product in the tank again as the roots in my system just dont like it. 



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