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Athena Nutrients


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43 minutes ago, zen-ken said:

The one thing I will say is silicon works and is just as important (not crucial) as the the other trace elements to produce real sticky icky imo....Its just getting it in the feed is the problem ime.


If you're feeding it from dot, then I suspect despite its slow manner of uptake, that potassium silicate is just as effective as these other brands (am I right in thinking, that when the K and Si split, the Si is the same as in "silicic acid" products?) but I don't/won't add it ontop of base nutrients, it would have to be in the base nutrient in very small but accessible amounts. I'm not too clued up on reactions and stuff, still a noob, but I think if using nitric acid for acidification in the base nutrient it could be used as a push/pull so the pH doesnt get too low??


Anyway, that wasn't even the point of my reply lol Have you looked at Diahydro? Could that be an option of getting in (albeit unregulated then innit?) without adding it to the feed???

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Just now, GSZZ said:

If you're feeding it from dot, then I suspect despite its slow manner of uptake, that potassium silicate is just as effective as these other brands (am I right in thinking, that when the K and Si split, the Si is the same as in "silicic acid" products?)


As Im trying to understand, it makes no difference once it gets into the hydroponics solution as theoretically the PH dictates how much silicon is bio available.

Silicon and Mono/orthosilicic  have different molecular weights 28 vs 96 so the actual Plant Available Silicon as an elemental PPM requires this adjustment for mono. 


I dont like words like theoretically tho....The GG rep must hate my constant questioning on the subject lol he did tell me exactly whats in it tho :yep:

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Diahydro stones look good :yep: like adding vermiculite....I wonder if I could get away with sliding a few in with the hydroton....size dependant.....replace it altogether  :idea:


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@zen-ken replacing the hydroton altogether was what i had in mind :yep:


I do remember about 12 years ago, one of the dudes I worked with went to town upselling bags of diahydro for thos dudes IWS flood and drain system. 


Man gets home, breaks his back potting something like a 24 pot up, sits back flicks the switch and watches the whole contents of the pot float ontop of the water and fall out of the top lol almost died laughing when he came back in shop next day cracking up. I still don't see how its possible lol

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Just now, GSZZ said:

@zen-ken replacing the hydroton altogether was what i had in mind :yep:


I do remember about 12 years ago, one of the dudes I worked with went to town upselling bags of diahydro for thos dudes IWS flood and drain system. 


Man gets home, breaks his back potting something like a 24 pot up, sits back flicks the switch and watches the whole contents of the pot float ontop of the water and fall out of the top lol almost died laughing when he came back in shop next day cracking up. I still don't see how its possible lol


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The old esoteric flood and drain system buckets (think they still sell them) used to get the 'floaty' hydroton stuck in the pipes with rubber washers in occasionally before the roots get hold of them, and flood the entire bloody room taking the stones with it lol 


Id come back from work and just roots would be floating in mid air.....plants hanging off the net.





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Im starting to feel really stupid...which isn't difficult....I now see just how easy it is to get my own formula knocked up, labelled....Using everyone else's work and trials and claim it as my own along with a few trails of my own thrown in....give it to someone popular for free......no one will suspect a thing.....Just need a celebrity to face it :naughty:


Sorry ignore that, pure ramblings.....its really difficult :ninja::ninja: takes millions to work out.


Anyway..... we were talking about Zen Kens Unicorn Piss, 5 part fertiliser for soil/hydro with added H2O

(control studies show the H2O in ZKUS is the most soluble form of H2O. This actually raises your plants H2O levels !...plants grown with H2O out performed the control group in the dark in my wardrobe) 


This much anticipated nutrient line will be coming out my garage when I can move the cat.



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Just now, zen-ken said:

Zen Kens Unicorn Piss, 5 part fertiliser

This real unicorn piss or just a U. P. like substance? 



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Just now, Oldbear said:

This real unicorn piss or just a U. P. like substance? 




yep....I will ....I mean the unicorn will personally piss on each bottle b4 it leaves the back of Barrys van



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On 13/11/2021 at 6:46 PM, zen-ken said:


Calcium nitrate instead of Calcium oxides is that what your asking ?

'Calcium oxide' on the label is just an equivalent standard... it's nitrate they use. Same with N and P and K listings, they are only equivalents. They aren't going to tell you their chemical recipe.

Edited by catweazle1
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Just now, Arthur Mix said:

@zen-ken you need to use the dehydrated h20 it’s better to transport that way. Just rehydrate it when needed.:oldtoker:

 Thats better.....its getting on for 8 parts now with kelpack.....I mean super duper humic and fulvic rat juice.



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