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27 minutes ago, Alys said:

All good and positive! I am fancying having a go at those Fast Zkittles myself but alas not until next year. A nice selection you have coming along now. You are going to be off your face all next Winter lol

Hey Alys.. yeah I'm looking forward to those as it goes.. off my face every winter, and summer, and spring.. fuk it autumn as well lollol its the only way to roll :skin_up:

Hopefully I can put on a nice show for you good folk from now on in.. :yinyang:


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How do folks..been hard at work so have had limited time to get to any of my plots to check on the girls.. parra of slugs due to all the rain we have had i needed to get them checked out and a few more pellets around the smaller ones.. all was pretty well if honest, no more slug attacks so pretty happy about that.. well just some pics to finish off for today.. have a great day y'all :yinyang:

Firstly the latest from the bastard plot.. these 2 affiedaze were late plant outs to replace those killed by the slugs..large.1627783512497_compress31.jpglarge.1627783625837_compress89.jpglarge.1627783679448_compress63.jpgnext up the knotweed plot.. same again the smaller girls are the late plant out plus a few a crammed in as extra just for good measure ;)


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Evening dudes and dudettes.. had some time on my hands today so thought best I check up on some of the girls.. they was due a lil feed too as quite a few a now starting to flower. I knocked up a big bag of FBB, SEAWEED POWDER, AND SOP all mixed together to give them all a bit of a top dressing.. its been dreadful weather, constantly pissing down so might aswell use it to my advantage to get some of this watered in nicely.. my first visit was the bastard plot.. I always get fukung saturated when I visit this 1 just trying to get through the tunnels i made..well they are not so much tunnels anymore cause everything is growing back rapid..I don't mind as I no where im going, anyone else would be slightly baffed as to where to go.. Well not a massive change on here since the last visit but pleased to see there was still no more slug damage. Each got a handful of ferts and a cap of sug pellets.. the purple freeze bx1 i looking ok, starting to show some pre flowers now and has bushed out a bit.. not looking so bad after what it went through, she was attacked pretty bad and was more or less written off at 1 point.. the other 2 RGSC affiedaze on here are slow but growing and looking healthy enough..large.1628288904448_compress89.jpglarge.1628290420198_compress24.jpglarge.1628288778665_compress66.jpgit was off to the knotweed plot next... now there is a lil bad news to be had here.. fuking slugs have been back and have taken the top off the only affiedaze I had on here.. fuking joke!! Just shows once again If i had no pellets I've have no fuking plants.. quite upset about this as it goes as that is the only affiedaze in the knotweed plot.. the topwas at the bottom of the pot chewed to bit... no good shitcunts!!!!

large.1627784086169_compress63.jpglarge.1628291092012_compress23.jpglarge.1628291137063_compress81.jpgwell you can see a tiny shoot where the top is missing, she may recover but I doubt will come to much now.. its all this rain we are having.. the pellets only last a lil while..I mean it was less than a week since the pellets got refreshed so thats just shit fuking luck...on the plus side all the other slug victims on this plot are doing ok, they responded well to the training and have filled out nicely.. nothing is going to be very tall here but thats kinda how I wanted it after last seasons monsters.. I bit of weeding went down while here, just trying to stay on top of it really..

Well here is some pics for you good folk ... enjoy :yep:large.1628290707092_compress29.jpglarge.1628290978017_compress17.jpglarge.1628291393927_compress2.jpglarge.1628291458892_compress37.jpglarge.1628291502980_compress49.jpglarge.1628291563408_compress36.jpglarge.1628291613005_compress77.jpglarge.1628291661583_compress62.jpglarge.1628291713284_compress76.jpglarge.1628291761842_compress62.jpg

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Hey dudes and dudettes.. time for another lil update here... done the rounds over the last few days to check up on my girls at all plots.. still under attack from these bastard slugs as you all know so was a bit parra I was gonna find more damage.. as its been raining so much the pellets haven't been as effective as they have been so I have no choice but to keep topping them up.. well first up was the bastard plot.. haven't been here for a while this 1 got missed out I think the last time i topped up the pellets.. well I was pretty pleased when I arrived, not so much from a growth aspect but that all the girls was ok.. some small insect damage but nothing from those slimey fukers.. so the 2 affiedaze that were late plant outs was pretty healthy looking very still really slow in growth, weather has been propper shit so I wasn't expecting to much but maybe I lil more than I was seeing..

The only other RGCS var I have on this plot is my original purple freeze bx1.. she got battered by the slugs and was a write off once upon a time but the girl has pulled through it bless her..she had a bit of training not to much but is now a nice lil bush that should deliver the goods.. she still hasn't quite gone into flower as of yet but is showing some preflowers.. I decided to start a lil training in my affiedaze and done a bit more to her too while I was at it.. pellets when down and that was pretty much it for this plot..large.1628720364138_compress49.jpglarge.1628720558158_compress70.jpglarge.1628720636845_compress52.jpgAfter a lil training..

large.20210811_191937_compress6.jpglarge.20210811_192008_compress50.jpglarge.20210811_191959_compress7.jpgright next up the knotweed plot..

Once again good news on the slugs again here.. bit more insect damage, some suffering more than others but other than that all good.. my lil affiedaze that lost her top to those shitcunts last week is fighting back bless her.. very suprised but remember that lil shoot from the pic of her half eaten..it off and growing..she will suvive but growth will be seriously compromised on this has happened but let's see.. these lot got a lil treat as I had a bottle of home made comfrey so collected a few buckets of water from the brook and knocked some up.. this was shared amongst all so should give them a bit of an instant pick me up I hope.. pellets renewed once again on all the girls here too.. lol bit of weeding went down but I was losing the light so it was time to go.. these are looking pretty good now so let's hope they make it till the end.. still lots to overcome to get to the finish but we are back in the game a funking for a nice lil harvest.. Time will tell and mother nature will decide im sure.. thats me for now folks.. ill update the auto (slug plot) later as I got shit to do.. some pics for you all.. 

Keep it green y'all :yinyang:


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Right folks...sorry never had time to add this earlier as i was in a bit of a rush.. last night early eve i crept onto the auto plot.. I never get much time on here as I need some light to get shit done but if I go to early I will no doubt get spotted.. I go about 45 mins before darkness then once on there its a bit of army crawling from location to location to check on the girls.. cant afford to be spotted once on here or it will on top and time to walk away.. well I think from now on in this is gonna be known as the slug city plot cause my word its crawling with them.. again a spent far to long peeling slugs off my girls.. must have removed at least 30/40 of the fukers from all these girls.. the 1 that I pictured a while back was covered in them at least 10 was all over it.. it ain't never gonna recover at this rate so I think ill write that off now although she is still in the ground.. the other girls were ok as the slugs seem to be feeding on the smaller side shoots and not quite making it to the top main.. I did find 1big fuker feasting on the top of 1 of my clones but seems I was in time as it hadn't been munched thank god.. well all I have here from RGSC is 1 fast zkittles..she is a very late plant out and still small but free from any damage.. no slugs no insects.. bizarre really..

With the light fading fast I just did my best to remove as many slugs as I could..some I could not even get off so I just picked the leaf they was chowing down on and fuked it in the bushes.. hopefully I get something from this field but this 1 is a real battle.. its just full of these fukers so what chance do I stand..this is the closest plot to home but the most awkward to maintain.. be great for a plant and leave but with the slug count you would deffo be pissing in the wind.. lesson learnt for me here.. was always a bonus plot this 1 for some early bud but hasn't really worked out this way due to these dirtbags.. when the slugs are consuming more of your weed than you are then you have fuking issues imo..so this may be a first and last time here.. pellets got topped up then like a duck when I was leaving a trod on 1 of my clones :wallbash: it was so dark I could see shit.. it was flat to the floor but I don't think it snapped.. I scouped some earth around her after lifting her up and compacted it down so she was standing tall again.. should be ok but ill no next time i visit.. shit happens man but thats the first of the season so if its the last then I guess I can cope with that.. not a fan of this only being able to work in the dark cause I don't half make things fuking awkward.. got a pic of the fast zkittles on here that ill chuck up in a bit.. until next time folks.. keep it green and be lucky :yinyang:

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Sorry folks forgot the pic.. yep stoned again lol

Here you go my only fast zkittles left on the auto plot.. I can only hope she makes it :v:


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How do my fellow grow buddys.. well its a good day to be a gorrilla for me and prob my happiest of the season so far.. gonna drop the pics first so you can enjoy the sight that greeted me when I visited the knotweed plot earlier this eve..


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We are looking pretty good now folks, this had been a big learning curve for me this season with these dirty gastropods and there multiple attacks.. these girls have come along way and have made what is quite honestly a spectacular comeback.. I was made up walking on this plot earlier today..what an awesome sight after all the shit I've had.. by the looks of it the dry ferts i  knocked up for these girls has been just the tonic and the lil comfrey treat has been the icing on the cake.. they are flying now and looking so god dam healthy.. my lil affiedaze that got munched is fighting back and making great progress.. even the lil gorrilla glue auto that was dug out the ground and only had a tiny lil tap root left is growing again.. that really has suprised me I tell ya... well id originally gone there to start staking up some of the girls and get them opened up a lil to maximise light and air flow as much as I can.. had a bit of a rethink while there and decided to dig the main part of the plot over as it was very weedy, grass has even started growing around some parts.. my idea was to turn it all over get some of the bigger roots and weeds out..  also the plan is to incourage the birds to come down and start searching around for food.. slugs hopefully.. we I can say it is working as they was all flying 8n and out of the bushes with the more tame robins showing themselves and waiting..also as it has been raining and im in very clay based soil it has all compacted so this will aid in some aeration for the soil no doubt.. good move i reckon and will deffo make the slugs work to get to my ladys.. it took me fuking ages.. I was soaked right through so took a break halfway and had a cold beer and a fat banger that I had taken with me.. im a sucker for a bit of hard collar mind lol.. looks lovely and tidy again now im pleased to say.. done around the outside of the fence to as it was getting pretty overgrown.. didnt have the time to do the rest of the extended part but did do some surface weeding in that part just to get a head start.. I must get that done tommorow eve as I got a mad week on at work so ill have no time otherwise.. then next weekend I will start to stake and open them up.. the plot is getting pretty full now as some of these bushes are quite wide but my plan is to pull them around and get all the space used so there nice and spread out.. I still can't quite believe the change from the last visit as they now look so green lush and healthy.. im pretty happy that ill get to put on a nice show for you all now.. its the least I can do for the support and likes you good folk have shown me.. well I think im done here for now so have a great eve y'all and be lucky:yinyang:

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Managed to drag myself over to the knotweed plot again this eve to finish up what got started yesterday.. same again dug the extanded part of this plot over.. got out a load more roots and had a good weed around the fence aswell.. looks much better now and should keep it under control.. the 3 fast zkittles that were late plant out got bent over for a lil training.. these are starting to flower now so hopefully they bush out a bit during there stretch.. just a few pics this eve..large.20210815_204838_compress2.jpglarge.20210815_204754_compress27.jpglarge.20210815_204758_compress22.jpglarge.20210815_204832_compress17.jpglarge.20210815_204845_compress52.jpglarge.20210815_204842_compress2.jpgwent straight to the auto plot after here to get more pellets down.. had thrushes it was getting very dark so no time for slug searching this time around.. did find 1 big fuker on 1 of my subbies so that got fuked in the bush and they all got a top up of pellets..some girls on here are starting to look good so fingers crossed I may get something from here after all.. gotta hit the sack now so untill next time.. keep it green y'all :yinyang:

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How do my fellow grow buddy's.. its been a while as I been hard at it with work. Finished up a lil early yesterday so done a couple of plot visits.. will have to update this properly a lil later as I got to label all the pics up so you can see how great these girls are doing now.. for now just a couple as a lil taster if whats to come.. we are looking good now folks.. have a great day y'all large.1629625218244_compress53.jpglarge.1629625120663_compress96.jpglarge.1629579431861_compress46.jpg

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Sorry guys I never got back to fully update this diary after the last post..so much shit to do right now with so little time to do it in..you know how it goes folks.. well as you know after work Saturday I shot over to a couple of the plots.. been propper parra that there was gonna be some slug carnage as its been raining hard and no blue bullets had been put down all week.. so first up is the knotweed plot.. my what a pretty sight this place is looking now.. chuffed to bits tbh.. zero slug damage but I think the fact I got it all dug over last week deffo helped with this..ran around and had a fairly good check up but it was getting on and needing to get to another plot straight after I did not want to fuk around to much.. me lil affiedaze that got her head bit off has grown through it..fuking amazing if you ask me..just shows how tough these girls can be.. she is a trooper for sure and a credit to @panik,s quality genetics and breeding skillsI.. think as long as there getting everything they need and the conditions are right they'll pull through.. obviously lots of time is lost in recovery so no good for late plant outs.. she is healthy as fuk but gonna be a sexy petite lil bitch.. 

This said I released her from her shackles (cage) as I doubt she will outgrow it now.. but saying that who knows right..

The fast zkittles that got bent over last week have responded great, and even the latest plant out of those is also doing great now.. everything else is looking healthy.. some suffering from insect attacks but nothing that major just whats expected out in the wild.. some have no damage on them what so ever, some real nice looking girls on the plot now..I really want to give them another feed.. got some comfrey onsite just once again no time to get it sorted..work is through the roof so its quite tough trying to juggle this and a business.. just doing the best I can atm.. pretty much everything on the plot is now in flower or just about starting.. will need to spend a few hours over there to start concentrating on some updates for individuals plants and what I think about them but I just cant find that much free time atm... there are some nice lil smells woffting around in the air on the plot now but im gonna need a lil more sun if these girls are to reward me right.. well look here you go this is what greeted me on the last visit to the knotweed plot...  



So after the knotweed plot visit a went straight to the auto plot (aka slug city really fearing the worse here as its teaming with those slimey lil shitcunts.. well it was another nice suprise as all the girls on here was also looking pretty good.. tbh i did peal a few slugs of some of them but there was no carnage really...i have a fast zkittles on this plot that was a very late plant out.. this girl has survived the slugs as is doing ok.. steady growth so no complaints being as she was  late to the party...no pics on here but ill try and do a crack if Dawn visit soon to let you good people see how she is getting on... the following day I went to the bastard plot to check on the 3 girls I have on there that are relevant to this diary.. same again no real damage as shch but these are all pretty slow..  I have 2x affiedaze and a purple freeze bx1 from first plant, the latter has now developed some issues.. she is in flower but no exploding with her display so to speak.. the stems are dark red and really woody now so really not sure what's gone with her all of a sudden.. something is stressing the life out of her I no that.. this is the tower the suffered with the ants nests and had the surrounding mound removed so maybe they relocated inside the tower and are fuking with her root system somehow..just a thought really.. well not much I can do with her just gotta see how she fairs up . Aside from the slow growth (no fuking sunshine) the late plant out are well healthy so can complain too much really.. well here is some pics of those girls taken a few days ago..


Right thats you good folk up to speed, so until next time enjoy your evening and keep it green :yinyang: peace

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Hey folks.. quick pic dump for you all of how the knotweed plot is looking after todays visit.. gotta label up all the pics and sort out the ones that are relevant to this diary but that's gonna take some time so for now this is how they are all looking.. exciting times.. enjoy :yinyang: I'll do a propper write up once I get everything labelled up and let you all no whats been going down :yep:


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Right bout time I filled u guys in on what I been up to.. well you have seen the latest pics and i gotta say they don't do the plot justice..its looking banging on there now considering all the agg I have had trying to get going this season.. well after a long hard week at work I had not had a chance to visit any of the plots so was itching to see how things was looking.. i knew I had a bit of graft in front of me as I been planning to try and get these girls opened up a bit to maximise air flow and try and make use of the empty spaces around the plot.. gets on the knotweed plot about 6pm sat eve..happy at first sight but after a quick run around to check on all the girls I noticed my poor little affiedaze that had just started to recover from the slugs had been attacked yet again.. large.1630356907725_compress84.jpg

they seem to target her for some reason fuks knows why but there you go.. everything else was ok so I gets to work.. this place was in real need of a good sort out, knotweed had once again sprung up all over the gaff, the surrounding vegetation around the edges of the fences was out of control and the girls were getting a bit bunched together in places..hard to walk through the plot now so it was on me hands and knees to get this job done. Spent the next few hours removing dead leaves, lower growth in and around the cages and a fair few leaves to maximise light to other bud sites.. takes some time being so restricted and having to be so careful with limited space so just kept plugging away..I was weeding as I went making my way from 1 girl to the other.. i put a load of canes into try and pull them around a bit and give them some support for later in flower.. managed to get them how I wanted them but it was getting dark and I still hadn't even finished the main part of this plot with still the extended part to do.. I also wanted to give them all a good feed of the comfrey that i had made a stashed on the plot so I had no choice but to return the next day to finish off what I had started.. before I left i scatered a fair few pellets around my lil affiedaze figured I'd do the rest after the feed the next day.. starting to realise that I wasn't gonna be getting any rest this bank holiday weekend as there was still 2 other plots to deal with as well as finishing what I'd already started.. have I taken on a bit to much this season, well it would seem so.. to late now but note to self is not to be greedy next year lol

The next day I thought id go walk the dog down the  footpath that runs along side the auto plot aka slug city, that was due a visit after i had finished the knotweed later that eve.. on the way there I see you young folk carrying some cooler boxes and some other shit and they was walking towards the forest that is right next to my plot.. had a feeling something was going down and when I reached the beginning of the footpath just to the left of me there was loads of stuff on the floor, bags few speakers a generator and some tables.. well seems they was setting up a lil party in the forest right next to my plot.. I mean 50 yards maybe.. now I thought this may be an issue once folk start getting off there nuts and wandering around the place  but what could I do it was happening.. plusi wanted to get on this plot later and was that gonna be possible if folk are milling about.. anyway I walks the path and looks in the field as i go checking the spots where my girls are, 2 of the locations can be seen from the path so thought id just see what I could see.. Well I was shocked 1 of my girls is very very clearly visible now.. not sure im gonna even get away with this as she looks so obvious ..it may be that I no where to look but her colour against the surrounding vegetation makes her really stand out.. I was quite shocked tbh.. bit parraas there are another 13/14 others in the other parts of the field.. will she bring it on top for all of them.. thats what worries me.. maybe I need to get her some cover with something.. like a big old dead bush or big branch.. gotta do something.. later I gets back to the knotweed otweedplot for moreover the same on the rest of my girls..bought some new shears to take with me as I thought that would speed up some of the shit I had to do like clearing around the fences and the surrounding vegetation.. gotta say they worked a treat and was well handy for some silent clearing.. this knotweed makes a noise when clearing it as the new is often wrapped in and around the old that is very brittle and makes shit loads of noise when broken.. now when I got there I went straight to my lil affiedaze to see how she was looking..to my shock there wasn't a pellet in sight around her and she had been attacked for the second time in 24 hours and they eat the pellets.. she don't stand a chance the poor love.. think she is a write off now folks.. sad times..

After I finished off the maintenance on al the girls I got a few buckets of water from the brook and knocked up some comfrey to give these girls a feed.. then slung a load of pellets around in the hope of nipping this latest slug invasion in the bud ( pardon the pun)

Well here is how my RGSC vars are looking right now.. got some lovely looking plants here now in various stages of flower  with some only just starting.. hoped being fast versions they would have started a lil sooner but with this fuked up summer no judgment can be made as to why this is.. well first up is my lil auto mazar, she is only small about 2/2.5ft but is putting on a nice lil show.. smells divine and already pretty sticky.. no attacks on her from slugs and very minor insect damage..here she islarge.1630356573455_compress52.jpg

Next is my very late plant out fast zkittles.. she looking pretty good after the lil training she had..has a fair few decent bud sites on her now so should do ok.. just showing preflowers now.. her she is bout 3 foot tall and pretty healthy.. same again minimal damage on her..large.1630356980386_compress90.jpg

Next are the replacment fast zkittles.. these were replaced 3 times from first plant out and are a couple weeks older than the the pic above.. these are also showing preflowers so are on there way.. trained a bit and responded well. Nice and healthy with lil to no damage from pests.. bout 3.5ft these 2.. here you go..large.1630357340124_compress11.jpglarge.1630357396376_compress0.jpgthis is another fast zkittles from the original first plant out..lovely looking girl this1 but slow flowering.. showed preflowers 2 weeks back but still not in full swing she's trying mind.. here she is.. she is about 6 foot tall and 4.5 feet wide.. really nice plantlarge.1630357459365_compress14.jpgnext up are the opg x freezland..im liking these girls but there pretty late and are prob the furthest behind in terms of flowering.. nice big bushes both of them 5.5 x 3.5ft wide.and pretty dam healthy.. insects are liking these a lil more but its not so terrible..cant wait for the flower show on these.. shouldn't be to long now.. her they are..large.1630357545175_compress14.jpglarge.1630357707350_compress15.jpgnext up we have the purple freeze bx1.. both of these are in different stages of flower with 1 way further forward and will prob be the 1st girl to get the chop on this plot looking at her.. thats if she makes it to the finish line..must be at the halfway point id say... her sister is just starting toshow buds so issue weeks behind her.. both really nice plants tbh and both smell fuking lovely..her you go..large.1630357779051_compress14.jpglarge.1630357835383_compress32.jpg

Right by now time was kicking on.. the auto plot is only a 10 min walk from here so I try to time it so its just getting dark when i arrive.. id been hearing the party going on when I was working on the knotweed plot but figured it may die out soon as its dark.. it was a bit stop start the last hour so thought there is a chance it won't go on through the night.. think it was something small anyway but there was deffo some loud music being played.. it had gone a bit quite as i was leaving so I was just praying it was nearly done or they was packing up maybe... either way I was going as I wanted to see what was going down and who was around.. id go back and do my thing early bells if needed but needed to know if everything was ok around by my plot.. well as I was approaching I could see loads of torch light in and amongst the tress.. couldnt hear music or voices to thought they must be packing up... result I thought... well just before you get to the forest part the path gets very small and under some trees where its pretty dark but  once you turn the corner it opens up again and you can see the forest and the start of the field my plot is on.. then I see more and more torches and then some voices getting closer and closer.. I cant see much as its really dark at this point cause I'm under the trees and the path bends away from you.. then as I start to turn the corner I see a bunch of shadows and more talking is heard..Next thing I'm surrounded by about 10 fuking coppers with torches.. the path is narrow with grass either side so not even 2 people can pass at this point so I walked right through the middle of them.. they was talking about raving in fields from years ago and nervously i just started laughing.. then as I pass im sure i heard  1 say did you smell that.. fuk id just been brushing up against all my girls for the last few hours so must have stank of it.. I just kept walking praying they wouldn't shout for me to stop but they never, I hit the forest then jogged into the darkness.. it was all quite by the plot but time to go home.. I wasn't feeling very comfortable so there was always tommorow..

I was sweating as that was a bit to close for comfort.. luckyi never had a banger on the go or id have been fuked.. close 1 :(

Right I gotta finish this tomorrow now as I gotta be up at 5.. been writing this for ages now cause of all my stoned mistakes lollol

I'll get it finished after work tomorrow.. until then keep it green y'all :yinyang:

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