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6 Sweet Ladies In Lockdown.


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@57north thanks bud, I'm definitely going to do a run with this a some point. I fear the horse has already bolted for this run though. I've not heard a bad word about it. Your flowerss are looking top by the matey I bet your super excited. 

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2 hours ago, growinggold said:

Hello @Fragg I've been giving a little thought on what you said about keeping the pots at the correct moisture for microbs to thrive (fingers crossed the blumats have my back here), however I think you mentioned you use a ecothrive biosys tea?  If so how is it? Easy to use? Would it be effective in such a small final pot such as 6.5l I was always under the impression it was more meant for the larger 30l plus living soil pots/setups. 

Super easy to use and the pot size doesn’t matter either. You may be confusing the tea with a living soil/no till system which does require a large pot to encourage the correct soil ecosystem like worms etc. Get some Molasses and Seaweed extract to feed the micro herd once you introduce them is my advice. :oldtoker:

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Thanks mate, it’s my first time using it so I can’t say too much as of yet.


Yeah the Tropicanna Colours are incredible, I’ll be ordering more soon.


I can say my only regret was not introducing biosys earlier as all the goodness in my soil was depleted at a very early stage. 


I will be using larger pots on my next grow, I will also introduce the biosys to the soil sooner so that the soil never reaches that depleted stage again. 


Considering the plants have been on water their whole life apart from 4 or 5 tea’s, the flowers look great, plenty of resin, vibrance and aroma about them. The yield is not great but that’s down to my own personal errors rather than the nutrients or soil that I had used.


I look forward to tasting the end product to see if it tastes cleaner than what I’m used to “biobizz”. 


I will continue to grow with living soil and the tropicanna poison strain for the duration of 2021, hopefully my yields get heavier throughout the year.


Your grow is looking great btw!

Happy growing my friend.:skin_up:

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Hello all, 


Just wanted to drop this week's photo update from yesterday. The day started well I opened up the Christmas smoke jars, I couldn't wait any longer. What I opened with a was a toot on the Sweet Seeds Green Poison which was a test run in shed grow space before hand this comp run(no insulation) basic shed space.


Sweet Seeds Green Poison

Beautiful  smoke this, had me bumbling around all morning forgetting what jobs I had to get done. Took me twice aslong, but I soared like an eagle. It really does wonders for the tolerance smoking on a new strain. So happy I chose to go down the strain variety route. Granted it may cause canopy and height issues but I will fight them fires as they arise.





Day 20.  19.12.20


I've raised both LEDs a little, they're at 64" above pot. Tallest plant (Jack 47) around 8" tall.


After topping and ruler accident.



Before topping and ruler accident.




Jack 47

This lady is so ahead of the others, I've had to take a her head off after the photo shoot. To be clear she was topped. I also took one big fan leaf as this was starting to encroach on the Black Jack cell (it was the one tucked under as you can see on the photo below). She will be around 7/8" now with no head.




Black Jack 

Hopefully she will enjoy a little more space now and stop getting pushed out by her next door neighbor.  




Ice Cool

All on her own in the corner. This Ice Cool has really chucked out a few more leaves over past week and starting to pick up a little pace. Still has her strange leaves though. Bless. Always one to be different.




Do Sweet Do's

Another lady starting to be out grown by the Jack47, if things get any worse I will take a few more leaves out the Jack47 slow it down and let the biscuit maker Do Sweet Do's catch up. An even canopy would be ideal, but I'm not holding my breath.




Mohan Ram

Always squatting. 




Sweet Zkittlez

This poor lass took a beating from the wooden ruler. When I was raising the light while trying to get a photo it fell and nearly decapated the girl. She was all bet over and leaves cut up. I stood her back up and rammed some more soil next to her. She will be fine. 




So just to recap on this visit, LED lights was raised. Jack 47 topped and one leaf pruned. Sweet Zkittlez nearly decapitated with the wood ruler, and photos taken.


Current Environment 

Temperature- 27.9c

Humidity- 47.6%


Equipment Settings

Lights On 24/7

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 50w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 50w

6" RVK - Mode 3

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Medium 

Oil Rad- Set @1000w 

Green Fan - On Low just below LED lights.

Black Fan- Off



Thanks for the checking in all, until next time.

Good luck, and may the growing gods be with you!




Edited by growinggold
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Hello buddy @57north,  have your always loved Tropicana poison so much? I take it you never get bored of it. How did you find it it? Does your tolerance not sky rocket to that strain. God I wanna try it now. 


Im quite different I just wanna try them all. Aha. 


Take care!

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@growinggold glad you enjoyed your Green Poison mate:skin_up:Gotta agree variety is the spice of life with strains and I do love cocktails too:yep:

All looking good, the J47 is a beast and looks like you could fill the whole tent with her alone to me! Where will the others go? lol The Mohan Ram looks squat atm but has those lovely phat indica type leaves, promising a nice heavy stone when she is cooked:headbang:

Intrigued how they will look in a week or so, you are going to be a busy man!



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@Fragg cheers buddy she was lovely stone. 

Yeah I know what you mean regards Jack47 she's monster I think I will have to snip couple more leaves off her stop her getting in the Do Sweet Do's way too. Really need to others to catch up a little. I've got a couple nets ready to pine them down.


I will drop a small update midweek, when I next do rolecall. Hopefully a few more leaves for all.


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2 hours ago, growinggold said:

Hello buddy @57north,  have your always loved Tropicana poison so much? I take it you never get bored of it. How did you find it it? Does your tolerance not sky rocket to that strain. God I wanna try it now. 


Im quite different I just wanna try them all. Aha. 


Take care!


@growinggold It’s only my first time running this strain, love at first sight sort of thing!

The moment I had laid my eyes and nostrils upon this strain I just knew I was going to be seeing a lot more of her.


There is something very special going for it indeed. I think it’s that unique mix of gas a fruit that does it.


I know what you mean when you mention tolerance build up to smoking the same strain too long. I will be growing this for at least the next year but I will likely be playing with other strains along the duration of this. I have just popped a pack of Tangieland regs to see if anything fancy stands out. If I find a nice male I may do a pollen run and hit a Tropicanna with it later, just for fun.


Its hard to find time to try them all but you defo need to give this one a go at some stage.


Your diary is looking superb, plants looking great and grow room is looking spotless. Keep up the good work mate.


Happy Growing! 




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Hello All,


Got off work early today, Yipeee.  That's 2020s work done! 

Quick trip to shed before an evening in front of the fire.


Day 24.  23.12.20

Things really are moving now which is joy to see and a really fun part of the grow in my eyes.

Been topping and tucking again. The Sweet Zkittlez got her head taken off today.


Group Shot

Positions as below.

Jack 47 - Black Jack - Ice Cool

Do Sweet Do's - Mohan Ram - Sweet Zkittlez




Low level shot showing different heights and structures. Hopefully a net will bring the tall ones down a peg or two.large.lowgroup.JPG



Close Up of Jack 47 Toplarge.5fe3698576c57_jack47top.JPG



ScrOG (Screen Of Green) Net 1.

Ideally I wanted to source some smaller squared plastic fencing to make a tight squared net, however due to other commitments its been overlooked.  Luckily I keepy the old spaces net which was a little tight but I think will work. Net went straight on top and slide down to just above lowest plants (Black Jack, Ice Cool, Mohan Ram)


Little tucking  and bending on the Jack 47.



Shot taken after tucking the Do Sweet Do's and Sweet Zkittlez. I've really tried to push them out to the edges to give ladies in the middle a little more space.



Jack 47 Net Tucking

Trying to find each branch a square/ space.




Sweet Zkittlez  Net Tucking

Really bent her over here, fingers crossed its not to soon after being topped.




Weather Report

Quick weather for the week below, its been very mild and rainy again. Can certainly feel the chill in the air on the clear evenings mind.

No snow for Christmas I'm thinking :(.  Them days be gone.




19.12.20- Added 5l Rain water to tank, plus 25ml Intense Foundation, 5ml Canna Terra Vega

23.12.20- Added 5l Rain water to tank, plus 25ml Intense Foundation, 5ml Canna Terra Vega


Current Environment 

Temperature- 25.6c

Humidity- 47.3%


Equipment Settings

Lights On 24/7

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 50w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 50w

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Medium/ Full

Oil Rad- Set @1000w of 1500w

Green Fan - In the bin, the piece shit broke! :furious: lol.

Black Fan- On Low


Thanks for the checking in all, and Merry Christmas!

Good luck. May you get all the presents you would like!




Edited by growinggold
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Hello all,

So the fan saga continues..
This mornings visit I noticed the replacement black fan had slide down and was facing directly down at the Do Sweet Do's.
Which has developed a few poorly looking leaves. Ive rigged it back up with a piece of plant wire. 
Other than that things looks good.  Plants look to be responding to the work. Bent a couple more top under the net. 


This Is said culprit and bodge job with the wire. Lol.large_fan.jpg


Group Shots
Want to mix it up a little with cameras, so here's couple same with different lens. 

I prefer the colours with the camera phone but the detail with the Nikon. 

Group shot with camera phone.


Group Shot with Nikon D5200.



From this angle you can see how low the Ice Cool  (back right) is compared to the others. 


Jack 47



Black Jack



Ice Cool




Do Sweet Do's
If you look careful you can see the poorly leaves.




Mohan Ram



Sweet Zkittlez



Grow space environment report from the last month.
Please note these readings are air temperatures from the Sensor Push which is hung above plants.

26.11.20 - 04.12.20- Uninsulated shed space
04.12.20 - 11.12.20- Insulated grow space test.
11.12.20 - 18.12.20- Insulated space
12.18.20 - 26.12.20- Insulated space 


Temps and Humidity for the last week:
Insulated grow space with tight door: 18.12.20 - 26.12.20
Temps ranged from 32.9c to 21.1c- Average 25.2c 
Humidity from 53.6% to 39.5% - Average 44.8%


I wasn't to happy with the third weeks lows down at ???. I was seeing on the Inkbird root temps of around 20c which is minimum. 
I am trying to avoid deficiencies and know chilly roots don't help. Some thing need to be done. 
When I first insulated the space I had left the door as lean to panel which was a little over sized.I have have trimmed this panel down today and its lot more snug.
You can see the difference its made already in how temperature has risen from a more sealed/insulated space.Hopefully this will continue and be able to stabilise with the help of the Inkbird.



Ideally I would have liked the Ice Cool to be at the nett, like the Black Jack and Mohan Ram. 
I will give her until the end of the month and look to keep things simple and flip them into 12/12 at the start of 2021.

25.12.20- Added 5l Rain water to tank, plus 25ml Intense Foundation, 9ml Canna Terra Vega
26.12.20- Added 5l Rain water to tank, plus 25ml Intense Foundation, 12ml Canna Terra Vega

Equipment Settings
Lights On 24/7
LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 60w
LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 60w
6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5
Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.
Tube Heater - Medium/ Full
Oil Rad- Set @1000w of 1500w
Black Fan- On Low


Activity Report So Far.
So I'am only going to post this now and at the end. If there is anything obvious that I have missed do let me know so I can add It on.



Thanks for checking in all, until next time.



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Fine attention to detail which should help you tune everything in nicely :) 


Hope you had a nice one mate.


Keep up the good work.






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Thanks @Shumroom Thats the plan mate. I want to have some different stats at the end of this run.

Thanks bud @Resonance  that's very kind and Christmas was very merry. All the family participated in a Bob Ross Joy of Painting tutorial.

It was so funny, paint all over the shop, An few not so mater pieces to behold. 



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