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6 Sweet Ladies In Lockdown.


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Good morning bods,


Thanks @Shumroom that's the aim buddy, temps over night seem to have be okay on quick inspection and we had a ground frost outside. 


Thanks @Alys I'm hopeful your green fingers can rub off on me. Your first grow is really impressive! Your space here is reserved with a smile. 


Thanks @57north The led tech these days is amazing, literally no space is too small. The micro 65w led grow in drawer cabinet really opened up my mind in terms of what can be done.


Thanks @AustrianToker fingers cross the ladies behave. No doubt there will be some more turns down the garden path. I will be keeping the isolation card in my back pocket. 


Good growing all.


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Wow that's a nice shed build you have got there bud! great work. Gonna pull up a pew and follow you as you get this going. Good luck with the new ladies and the competition.




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Thanks @green_machine your standard of detail inspired me tbh. I wouldn't of taped the seems or done the edging if I hadnt seen the lengths you went to, love it. Fingers crossed it goes well and your pew is comfy. 

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@growinggold good effort on the groom mate looks a very tidy job no wonder you are chuffed, it’s always good when a plan comes together :) Seedlings doing well too, good to see my fav the Mohan Ram doing well too:headbang: Pulled up a chair as this is starting to look good, think you will do well in the comp:oldtoker:



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Thanks @Fragg good to have former champ looking over. You've helped me an so many others out. I'm really excited to try all these different flavour, I still need to perfect the drying in shed. My Christmas smokes (sweet zkittlez and green poison) / test run in the shed seems be a little hay like. 

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@growinggold hehe you are making me blush now lol Did you dry the buds a bit too quickly, I attach a large cardboard box(in fact 2) via cheap ducting to my tent for drying. I can’t use my tent as it is perpetually growing and the pull of air is just right to keep a negative pressure to stop smell leaks and dry the buds slowly enough to preserve the terpenes with the cool air from the window, you should do well in a shed I’d think if you have the room?


I agree with @Shumroom too keep burping the jars until the desired humidity is reached:oldtoker:

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@Fragg I did dry them a little quick. Rather than hang the whole plant, I hung branches. Plus I left the tube heater and heat mat on, which wasn't a smart move. I would love to have a separate dry space as this would allow me a split havest option. However at the minute I can't see how I could add it to shed set-up. The spare vent ports I have on the tent are high up in left hand side above the oil rad or down low at the back. I could maybe rig up a little 4" ducting to cardboard box up in right hand corner. Hmm food for thought. 


Whatever I do when I do dry in shed again I'm making sure the heat mat and tubey are off, an only the extraction is on minimum even if the temperature drop significantly it's vital to preserve them terps I'm thinking. I'll take drying at 10c for weeks. 


@Shumroom Gave all the jars a burp for 20 mins this morning.  Cheers fella.


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Hello all, 


I just wanted to drop a small update this morning regards what we have to fight in the UK. I hope this gives our brothers and sisters at home (UK) and on the continent a glimpse of what's outside the ladies lockdown shed right now. All the pics below are taken from my garden (4m from the shed)


These images was all collected on Monday 07.12.20.


Weather for this week:

Collected from the MET office for my local area. Please note the minus temperatures and feels likes temps. It's been really chilly this week here. An I only expect worse to come over the next few months.



I have to de-ice daily, fingers like icebergs.



Garden Shrubs:

Couple of my garden shrubs caked in ice, these shots was taken at sunrise Monday morning, around 4m away from the shed. 



The grow space testing and monitoring is coming along nicely, I am hopeful to do full report tomorrow with breakdown of temps and humiditys with and without insulation to give all an indication of how effective the 50mm sheet Celotex is.


Take care all and stay cosy.

Good growing sisters and brothers. 




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@InMyPocket Thanks buddy that's the aim of the game. I would rather have a little each and that tones of one. Selection and taste is key for me.


Thanks @Resonance your more than welcome mate, I hope you enjoy the ride. I'm expecting s few twists and turns and maybe the odd thrip. We shall see. 


Thanks @Exhale you have been a big help in getting me going and building this space!  Solid advice as ever! Cheers again for the heads up on pre fan box filter, works a treat. 

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