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Convection vapes...


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Wonder if these makers have considered using acetylised/vinegar-injected timber, much more stable, less expansion and contraction range.


Poor show with those vapes cracking, not enough testing before they hit the market. 

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18 minutes ago, grooving said:

Wonder if these makers have considered using acetylised/vinegar-injected timber, much more stable, less expansion and contraction range.


Poor show with those vapes cracking, not enough testing before they hit the market. 

They have been out for years though mate...

I'm hoping its just a iffy batch that's come through as it really is a kick ass vape.

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Vapcap4life lol

..Flite inbound, joining its big bro Flix :P


Eta ..Tbf the brick is a good vape :yep:


Edited by stickyblack
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3 minutes ago, stickyblack said:

Vapcap4life lol

..Got a Flite inbound, joining its big bro Flix :P


Eta ..Tbf the brick is a good vape :yep:


I have got a dynavap but it doesn't compare to the SB imo.

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Yea apple and oranges.. to the majority. 


But tbf, the Vapcap is no slouch.. although that comes down to tech. I can get some narly hits with the VC that sometimes makes me wonder what vape is in me hand lol 


Eta: once you find the tech, you'll end up having more than one Vapcap lol


Eta: if ya want desktop convection, FlowerPot is where its at. 


Edited by stickyblack
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3 minutes ago, stickyblack said:

Yea apple and oranges.. to the majority. 


But tbf, the Vapcap is no slouch.. although that comes down to tech. I can get some narly hits with the VC that sometimes makes me wonder what vape is in me hand lol 


Eta: once you find the tech, you'll end up having more than one Vapcap lol


I have had a few mate they are good:smokin:

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Yeah, VapCap is truly superb, and I find myself returning to it very frequently  :) - once you get the induction heater, its a huge upgrade - doesnt matter if its the £60 ebay cheapo (I have that) or a dynatech rechargeable @ £180, they all the same - awesome! It really makes it a proper session vape...That, and the TinyMight muhawawawahahaha ^^ Rude boi in the house ^^ lollol


And I discovered my biggest VC hack to date...so if you...no, wait. I'll post it in the DynaVap owners thread... :)


Dissapinted about the SBL to be frank, like I said, that Runt...wow, I wouldn't have believed it until I hit it, same with the VC, you think..'oh yeah, fuck off mate'... lol ....Then you hit it. I dont have to say much more after that. About either of them.


I guess im looking again then :( , i really want a flowerpot, and I can have one if i like (crimbo pressie in waiting, should I wish)...But I just dont do water pipes, I like the hit, experience, whatever you wanna call it, of dry herb vapes. Dry herb, and dry vape - but stripping up to 70% of the entire weed compound make up in the drink, kinda leaves me a bit cold and a bit sober. And I dont get nearly as high using water. I used bongs for years not knowing any better. Not that is bad or anything, its just not my groove, and until I knew better i fucking loved it lol


Suggestions on the flowerpot...sans water?

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@zeroG .. alot of peeps use rigs without water.. just more of a pain to clean. 


Check out Fluxer IH, their org IH comes in various coil CSA's, plus you can adjust the coil height; takes a lil while to have it tailored to ones needs, but once set :notworthy:


Jeff's new board has PWM (pulse width modulated) feature, this will avoid having to choosing coil csa and adjusting coil height. And it's tiny with 18350's. Can't wait to check it out.


I still love me Tinymight and Splinter/Z.. but they're hardly in use nowadays.


Edited by stickyblack
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23 minutes ago, zeroG said:

Suggestions on the flowerpot...sans water?


Just don't add water as @stickyblack says.


I actually find the Honey Tower I've got the best for no water vaping, it's a bigger piece but the holes in the diaphragms are smaller than the matrix bubblers, I get a really wicked pull on it but harder to clean.

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35 minutes ago, stickyblack said:

@zeroG .. alot of peeps use rigs without water.. just more of a pain to clean. 


Check out Fluxer IH, their org IH comes in various coil CSA's, plus you can adjust the coil height; takes a lil while to have it tailored to ones needs, but once set :notworthy:


Jeff's new board has PWM (pulse width modulated) feature, this will avoid having to choosing coil csa and adjusting coil height. And it's tiny with 18350's. Can't wait to check it out.


I still love me Tinymight and Splinter/Z.. but they're hardly in use nowadays.


Can you explain all of that in layman's terms please.... Ive said it before im proper noobie doobie - lol , im not a smoker, so dont know about coils really, and up until I bought a dynavap I'd been using a davinci IQ1 for about 4 years, inbetween gpen pros and other shite, until I had my eyes opened with the VapCap - then in about 2 months that became TM and then SBL... I do know what a splinter is! What are you using is youve retired the VC and the TM - I;d better get one of those lol

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39 minutes ago, Exhale said:


Just don't add water as @stickyblack says.


I actually find the Honey Tower I've got the best for no water vaping, it's a bigger piece but the holes in the diaphragms are smaller than the matrix bubblers, I get a really wicked pull on it but harder to clean.


I dont even have a decent rig. I got a black leaf 'layback' £25 back in 2007, and i bought an ehle straight bong (limited edition lol ), in the sale for 30 quid last year, nothing clever, either of them. just a bowl, really baisic downtube not even showerhead? if thats right for a bong? and thats it... dont even know why i bought the ehle to be fair, I just keep breaking bits, without using it. I find combustion quite abhorrent now days after smoking for 35yrs...


I used to be an epic joint roller, quite happy rolling big fatties, twin heads, faery pipes whatever big. small, indifferent, then when bored with that, steamroller, one hitter, standard glass pipe...nothing clever, never needed it up until now it seems...

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24 minutes ago, zeroG said:


I dont even have a decent rig. I got a black leaf 'layback' £25 back in 2007, and i bought an ehle straight bong (limited edition lol ), in the sale for 30 quid last year, nothing clever, either of them. just a bowl, really baisic downtube not even showerhead? if thats right for a bong? and thats it... dont even know why i bought the ehle to be fair, I just keep breaking bits, without using it. I find combustion quite abhorrent now days after smoking for 35yrs...


I used to be an epic joint roller, quite happy rolling big fatties, twin heads, faery pipes whatever big. small, indifferent, then when bored with that, steamroller, one hitter, standard glass pipe...nothing clever, never needed it up until now it seems...

I used to be into.the joints too, I could never go back.now when I have a puff on mates joints now and then it tastes disgusting :thumbdown:

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1 hour ago, zeroG said:

Can you explain all of that in layman's terms please.... Ive said it before im proper noobie doobie - lol , im not a smoker, so dont know about coils really, and up until I bought a dynavap I'd been using a davinci IQ1 for about 4 years, inbetween gpen pros and other shite, until I had my eyes opened with the VapCap - then in about 2 months that became TM and then SBL... I do know what a splinter is! What are you using is youve retired the VC and the TM - I;d better get one of those lol


I use the VapCap majority of the time, and the FlowerPot when I wanna go that lil further. My tolerance is low these days, just can't handle it like I use too lol ..but thats a good thing, little goes a long way. The VC + torch are still my portable setup of choice.. for now:smug:


The Splinter+Z is a mod based vape, by RBT/RastaBuddhaTao, discontinued afaik. Great, as the TM, they're too fragile/good looking to take outside imo. So they're generally benched, and used when away/holiday.. when ever that was, jeez I need a break.


The coil size will determine how quick the cap heats, smaller = faster heated and vice versa. You also have coil/cap height. Just like when heating a cap with a torch the lower you heat the cap the hotter the oven gets.. generally on a SS oven you heat lower as heat transfer is lower than Ti.


Pulse width modulated, is just as it says, the IH pulses instead of constant power. Fast/longer pulses will heat the cap faster and vice versa; hence no need for coil size and height adjustment.


Edited by stickyblack
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@stickyblackyeah i like the vap cap, but I do take the TM out and about in a very secure zip pocket...And I keep teasing myself with a different VC version, but again, they all seem the same - so the 'M' with the stainless setup is clean and flavorsome, and I can get it cold and long with my ornamantal grass stem I made...Might also get a glass stem, but cant find one with a carb hole. IMO thats the secret of the VC, feathering that heat to draw al the flavor form the chamber. love the skill set needed for this type of vape lol


Might have to consider the flowerpot as a dry rig setup a bit more then...trudges off to utube to view....again lol



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