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On 12/7/2020 at 1:37 PM, zeroG said:

Disaster...MY Runt stuck to the table...with resin from my weed dripping outa the crack that opened up over night in the SB body


@zeroG looks like a knot to me, sounds about right with that statement, probably sap from the wood.

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@Hippie on hillas it happens this happened withn 2 weeks from new, and I have already sent it back to the supplier for verification. No questions asked after the photos unsuprisingly. I did ask the supplier that if the wood was being decommed or binned, i would like to buy some of it to make a vapcap stand etc, but they just blanked that comment...which is a shame. They really should let me have that to recycle for the inconvenience of the manufacturer not stabilizing his materials properly...Its fairly schoolboy in reality for a professional woodworker. Im an amateur, failly competent with the right tools, and I either buy guaranteed stabilized or have it resin pressure treated. The latter being a technique for longer run projests as its fairly expensive to do.


To be honest looking the the stickybricks basicness, and the fact that using a fine grain hardwood with just drill holes isnt all thjat hard to replicate, and yopu can buy glass bit all over the place, I may just have a go at making one out of bog oak, or some ancient oak i have from the 1750's...stabilized and weathered to be perfect...


Can you also post a few pics of your DIY vape? Im intersted to see how you did it, for inspiration really. Sounds quite good :D ...and all butane vapes have a technique, I have just dialled my air/vapour technique on the Runt as well, and was getting nailed tokes all the time after a week of hit and miss...

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So...There are no Runts left in the UK, next delivery End of January, or when the brexit idiots get their collective heads in gear to clear the 10 million empty shipping containers clogging up our ports...Sooooo, once again we upgraded...the Attis 300 became the 465 pro when there were issues with my light, now the Runt becomes....the OG brick!


I bloody nearly just bought the OG from the start, but the idea of a semi-portable swept me away with the Runt...that fucker was never going anywhere out the house. Its like a fucking crack pipe lol


Now I decided that The SBL really is just a home/desktop tool - and a very fine tool it is too! Im much happier, and very much looking forward to the slightly bigger chamber, the bigger/fatter mouthpiece, and that straight heating tube. Thats gotta make it hotter faster for proper terpy blasts...hasn't it?


Dont think for one minute I was unhappy with the Runt, no way man. Thats a lovely bit of kit and I was more than happy to keep it, but for the failure, but since Im lucky enough, or unlucky enough, depending on your take, to get a 2nd choice, and knowing fully what its job is this time, then I fell the OG will keep me in a state of vaporizer contentedness...for the time being anyway...I do like that splinter V2 though....^^

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I feels like groundhog day, but it's here...'The OG Brick' In walnut...


It hits hard. Harder than the Runt, and that hit hard! I'm dragging myself off the floor for the second time this afternoon, massively underestimating how strong it is. Its so cool that you have to look down the mouthpiece tube for the vapour lol


Its proper easy to carb, which I don't like. I'm thinking that might be the straight heater tube. so I'm going to ask if the bent heating tube from the runt fits the brick, or if there is one available...


Once again, here she be...thing of beauty that it is. My exchange was also wonderfully orchestrated my the guys @vapefiend, chin chin chaps, Merry Christmas.




proper fucked once again. :smokin:

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The Junior heat intake fits the OG brick...I thionk all the heat intakes are standard sized and fit all SBL vapes...don't quote me on it though. lol


Ordered and on hopefully on the way tomorrow :pitchfork:

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On 12/7/2020 at 1:37 PM, zeroG said:


@mr rhino  - I upped the anti, and got my dynavap triple flame jetter on it...Makes for hotter, and if its possible, harder hits after the single flame, which makes for better hits on the Vapcap...everyones a winner chicken dinner...!! Jus' a lil swapsie :D


Disaster...MY Runt stuck to the table...with resin from my weed dripping outa the crack that opened up over night in the SB body :(


Yesterday..was a bit of a sesh, we probably hit about a qtr between us in the SB, and another qtr in the TM and Vapcap, which is a lot when its of the quality I bear, and theres only 4 of us...and when you consider the size of the chambers in these vapes lol , regardless of that she opened up like an envelope :(...Its no prob, the chaps at youknowwho have already sent me the youknowwhat (postage free RTBee...)and ill be bobbing her off either tonight or tomorrow...


Its opened up along the grain like its either a dry spot in the wood (pretty unusual), or at some stage the wood has been sodden all the way through, and its either not been air dried long enough to stabilize, or not been kiln dried to do the same as the former. Impossible to spot before disaster, just a bit sad that shes off...and so soon.




Proper pissed off!!

Mines starting to crack in the same place!!

At Christmas too worst time to be without my brick.



Edited by mr rhino
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They must have had a bad batch of these as if you look at the photo below there is a dark round patch where the wood is still damp, moisture is actually coming out of it.



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The wood hasn't been stabilized, which is a bit poor to be fair. Theres quite a few of them this year from what I read too :(


Alarmingly my new OG brick is also developing a 'line' and Ive only had it 3 days.


My dad had this years ago with golf clubs from America, the climate, method of manufacture, and just the materials are just quite vastly different in the making. His Callaway driver head just shattered on a cold morning on a golf course in Surrey, after being created in Ohio...one of the driest states in America... And John Daly smashing the fuck out of one of the pro US tour...you woudnt think, but these products dont seem to be designed for our damp/moist inclement climate :(


This is why other wood products like storage/stash boxes, scales for hunting knives etc, all wooden products that need to keep shape are resin stabilized to stop this exactly - considering this is £150 for a lump of wood you can buy on ebay for £20, it's abit poor. In fact very poor indeed really :(

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1 minute ago, zeroG said:

The wood hasn't been stabilized, which is a bit poor to be fair. Theres quite a few of them this year from what I read too :(


Alarmingly my new OG brick is also developing a 'line' and Ive only had it 3 days.


My dad had this years ago with golf clubs from America, the climate, method of manufacture, and just the materials are just quite vastly different in the making. His Callaway driver head just shattered on a cold morning on a golf course in Surrey, after being created in Ohio...one of the driest states in America... And John Daly smashing the fuck out of one of the pro US tour...you woudnt think, but these products dont seem to be designed for our damp/moist inclement climate :(


This is why other wood products like storage/stash boxes, scales for hunting knives etc, all wooden products that need to keep shape are resin stabilized to stop this exactly - considering this is £150 for a lump of wood you can buy on ebay for £20, it's abit poor. In fact very poor indeed really :(

I think you may be right mate...shame as its such a cracking vape strength and taste wise, I was going to go for a OG and buy it so hopefully will be here in time for xmas and send my cracked unit in for a refund  but after reading yours is starting to crack I dont know now:wallbash:

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Just now, mr rhino said:

I think you may be right mate...shame as its such a cracking vape strength and taste wise, I was going to go for a OG and buy it so hopefully will be here in time for xmas and send my cracked unit in for a refund  but after reading yours is starting to crack I dont know now:wallbash:



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To be honest im thinking of activating my statutory right to a refund - and just returning this one before it goes out of warranty - I was told 30 days for a refund, thats a UK refund, after that get ready for 6-8 week turnarounds with the manufacturer in the US directly! - with the postage liability being with the sender too...fuck that. Cost me $40 to return another vape last year to Cali, you wint see me spending half the value of a product for a return, and its not a guaranteed return, prople like Davinci know youre 7k miles away and play funny over it, ive had that twice or thrice too :( , you just buy soemthing else and cut your loss at that %tage to reinvest


Talk about zero confidence in a month. Ill have been trough two of them, different models as well, in 5 weeks, and that included shipping lol


Whats to break too? Its a block of wood with some drill holes lol





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I bought mine on Nov 30th which is bang on 30 days, so hopefully I will get a refund still, I still.want another brick though!

I was looking at the lotus too that apparently is a similar hit and better taste.

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Its funny you say that cause the diff in flavour against the Runt is massive as well. With the Runt, every mouthful carried flavour, a bit more heat admittedly, but I like that.


The OG Brick is a much bigger hit :) , no doubt -  but only cause you have to draw harder to stop it carbing and really rip it, again, I like a big hits and rips, no doubt! but it is just oxygen transfer...


However there is far, far less flavour imo. And I have been somewhat disspointed by comparrisson :( . I gushed about my Runt until I had to send it back. This one...not so much - and I was expecting 'big tings' - you can tell the reviews that have been paid for, ill leave it at that.


Also, open to suggestions how to rip it better, but at the mo im getting nice dark even dehydration - as per tutorial videos ( lol ), im fairly fucked, to the point of being scraped off the floor, I just cant taste shit while its happening.... :(



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