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Private Clinics/Prescriptions


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Sounds like too much hassle for me. Ok I understand some people are in need so it's worth it but I do ok with my own supply. Damn sight cheaper than 150 oz too :ouch:


I did mention it to my mate, his mrs uses loads of weed medicinally, she'd definitely qualify with all her medical problems, assuming she's tried a few prescriptions so far. He says she has fits if she doesn't use it, poor lass :(

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On 1/4/2021 at 5:38 PM, soto said:

To be fair to NHS doctors, they're looking at the whole society and making a judgement call in that way. Sadly that means you can end up stereotyped, especially if you have some history of mental illness in your medical records. Cannabis use becomes a huge red flag. 

I've always been very careful with weed mysef, well apart from an event in my teens 22 years ago. But I just think NHS doctors would immediately assume I'd abuse it, and overlook the potential benefits to my health using it regularly and responsibly will achieve. 

I mean it's early days, lots of doctors still have the Daily Mail mentality and it's unlikely to change very soon despite it being legal medicinally. 



In regards yo your point of view and opinion, Let me go more into details on " Don't bother with NHS, my friend tried two different NHS trusts and just got fobbed off even after putting in complaints. " he had direct recommendations from (Mr Sativex) Himself Dr Ethan Russo and all the Doctors ignored it - (A leading expert in cannabis and EX GW Pharm lead neurologist Phase 1-3 for Sativex) (YouTube Dr Ethan Russo ECS if you don't know who he is)


If they have a Daily Mail Mentality - and then Dr Ethan Russo Expert in the field says "This is the Way!" what do you think that means?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just to add to this convo, if I may - the price is very high, but one clinic (Sapphire) now has charity status and for those who can't afford to join the trial, there's now a grant application process. The fees are waived and you can get flower as a donation. Funds are being raised so more people can access cannabis that way. It's not a perfect system, but it gives more options for people who may worry about whether or not they could qualify.


For me, I went for the scrip precisely because it gives validity to my treatment for my conditions and, if they happen to find cannabis in my system, it's all above board and doesn't cause problems. Of course, I still need my own supply to top up - I can't afford flower at the price they're offering it, but I can't make the CBD oil at all at the strength I can get prescribed, and it does wonders for me. The THC oil, not so much. 


It's sort of a passport to better treatment across the board - my consultants are supportive (as I have spoken to several in the past who were frustrated they couldn't prescribe - they actually wanted to!). And it keeps any trouble I may get from looking 'a certain way' to a minimum to have the prescription card. 


I wish it was easier, and the prices are dropping...but right now supply is a mess as nothing from the EU can get in atm. So, back to growing it for me, with the hope I can get the oil when the pharmacy has it in. Still, at least I have the scrip to protect me a bit.

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I can only say I found the process simple. Despite an initial hiccup in delivery, it has been smooth sailing ever since. I get 60 grams per month, more if I want. £5 per gram and a £30 fee, delivered to my door. I can also select different strains, although I am very pleased with the MVA20/4 I'm on now. This price structure is way better than anything I've found on the illicit market. And the quality is far better than most (all, barring one private grower); but more importantly, its consistent ~ exactly the same batch after batch, so far. This is VERY important to me, as this particular strain is so effective in handling both my spinal issues and my Parkinson's symptoms.


Yes, I'd much rather grow my own as I used to. But I can't, not any more. So for me it's either the street, or a prescription. That's quite a tough call, as I can get absolutely superb product from the grower mentioned above. But that involves travel (yet more cost) and the issue of legality (anxiety is a Parkinson's symptom, so legality has raised importance). In the end it's a no-brainer, consistent quality weed at best prices, with a legal permit ~ or continue on the wild side with no control over strain or quality or price or delivery or security?


In terms of Normalisation, prescription weed is good too. It opens the door to so many conversations otherwise difficult to have. And no more hiding things away either. I used to have to be careful round the house ... kids, school, nosey neighbours etc etc. Now the postie hands it to my grandkids who come bearing it to me, saying "Your special medicine is here Grampa!" Any neighbours or teachers get nosey, I just wave my prescription.


So far, prescription weed has been a totally good thing for me.

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On 11/02/2021 at 11:08 AM, Arnold Layne said:

I can only say I found the process simple. Despite an initial hiccup in delivery, it has been smooth sailing ever since. I get 60 grams per month, more if I want. £5 per gram and a £30 fee, delivered to my door. I can also select different strains, although I am very pleased with the MVA20/4 I'm on now. This price structure is way better than anything I've found on the illicit market. And the quality is far better than most (all, barring one private grower); but more importantly, its consistent ~ exactly the same batch after batch, so far. This is VERY important to me, as this particular strain is so effective in handling both my spinal issues and my Parkinson's symptoms.


Yes, I'd much rather grow my own as I used to. But I can't, not any more. So for me it's either the street, or a prescription. That's quite a tough call, as I can get absolutely superb product from the grower mentioned above. But that involves travel (yet more cost) and the issue of legality (anxiety is a Parkinson's symptom, so legality has raised importance). In the end it's a no-brainer, consistent quality weed at best prices, with a legal permit ~ or continue on the wild side with no control over strain or quality or price or delivery or security?


In terms of Normalisation, prescription weed is good too. It opens the door to so many conversations otherwise difficult to have. And no more hiding things away either. I used to have to be careful round the house ... kids, school, nosey neighbours etc etc. Now the postie hands it to my grandkids who come bearing it to me, saying "Your special medicine is here Grampa!" Any neighbours or teachers get nosey, I just wave my prescription.


So far, prescription weed has been a totally good thing for me.



Cant add to that any more my self perfect description mate am a p21 patient my self with tmcc and its been life changing for wont bore ppl with the details but i was in court last week were i used my perscription openly in discussion in the hearing the look on the judges faces was amazing they wanted to see the card ect i was dying to smile so much when my solicitor blasted through the specifics of it with tue judges and to my surprise by end of hearing i honestly belived that the judges had changed something in the minds as far as there view on CANNABIS was and now is of any one has any questions about the process ,stains ,prices ect i have all the info you can want i wont post links on here as not sure mods would like that but am happy to message any one the FULL stain list and oil list also have total max/min costing for a month and year with all the different clinics along with pictures and strain reports for all the strains 

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Guest Rex Mundi
On 11/02/2021 at 11:08 AM, Arnold Layne said:

Yes, I'd much rather grow my own as I used to. But I can't, not any more. So for me it's either the street, or a prescription.

:yep: to the whole post.

I am still capable of growing my own at the moment, but the future that is my worry, whether I will be capable :unsure:....

Not physically, the paraplegia is not the problem, no, mine is mental....

I am having periods of total confusion, my doctor is aware, as are the system, lost my driving licence... but I find this lockdown life to be quite alright. 

During this lockdown I find I am enjoying watching very old Coronation Street on youtube, stuff from my 60's/70's childhood... (childhood... childhood... childhood...) ... mental problems lol 


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Guest Rex Mundi
On 11/02/2021 at 11:08 AM, Arnold Layne said:

Now the postie hands it to my grandkids who come bearing it to me, saying "Your special medicine is here Grampa!" Any neighbours or teachers get nosey, I just wave my prescription.

Spot on with this part ... nice one, normalisation.:yep:



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On 12/09/2020 at 6:56 PM, iShouldCoCo said:

I have seen a few (sometimes heated) discussions about legal med prescriptions and note that quite a few people already have a prescription or could qualify for one. Up until fairly recently, I have only had a passing interest in medical use but now I am a med user looking into getting a private consultation and possible prescription for a couple of conditions I am suffering from.


I am still getting my head around the process (and costs!) but I would be very interested to hear from people who have already gone through this stage and are out of the other side with a monthly prescription. Which clinic, what's on offer, what costs etc. I am lucky I am fully mobile, so I can always grow my own and this will no doubt always be cheaper and more fun than the prescription route, but still...




See my thread on here mate not sure how yo tag ive been a patients for a year nearly tried all but 3 strains and been with 2 different clinics if i can help answer Answer any questions juat ask 

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Got an online consultation booked for mid March for private prescription.


Reassured by what I've read here about the process etc. but stressed and worried about what happens if they say "no". I've had these symptoms and issues for many years, other medicines haven't touched the side, weed works 100% perfectly. But if they say "no" I guess I'm worried about feeling in some sense like a fraud -if a doc doesn't agree that I am ill enough or that I haven't ticked every box.

It is a big unknown I guess. I'm grateful that the consult fee will be refunded if it is a no and logically I don't think they will say no (unless it is on some sort of unknown technicality) on the grounds of condition/illness -but it is still a stress I guess waiting to find out. Like applying to a job where you get to feel better at the end! 

Thoughts to all chasing something similar.

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Guest Rex Mundi
2 hours ago, ribenademon said:

Got an online consultation booked for mid March for private prescription.... etc

Just to let you know of my experience, briefly as possible...

I have spinal injury, and long ago I was prescribed baclofen to control my severe spasticity, initially via pill, milligram... which was very bad, it seriously affected my mind too, so got them to fit a pump that provided microgram dosage to injury site, less effect on my mind....

But eventually after 5 years the battery in this pump died, it can't be charged so needed replaced... and I was in hospital for this surgery and decided to go without the drug baclofen during this surgery.... and I woke one morning to a wonderful erection, my cock was proud.... and I was baffled, my spinal injury I assumed would prevent an erection because I'd not had one since my accident... ... I called the doctors and nurses over to observe my pleasure lol Honestly lol

No, penile erection is nothing to do with nerve function (my spinal damage), it is a blood pressure function, unaffected by my spinal injury...

I have had the replacement pump removed long ago, that was major surgery.... I did not want their baclofen... and now I get sativex prescribed ;)


My pointish... I accepted their medical knowledge as the best but it wasn't, I showed them that their medication adversely affected my body, no erection, but cannabis gives me major control of my problem with no adverse side effects... I can still get an erection lol though at my age, I need female stimulation, my own hand is not worth it lol

'Scuse my babbling, a few beers... sorry.


sorry, coat lol

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My story: I met online with CannabisAccess Clinics in the summer. They asked me questions I answered honestly about chronic pain and how I was prescribed pain killers and physio following car accident 10 years ago including whiplash and burns; the physio was great but I need something else and the opioids/codeine don’t agree with me ( constipation)

On these grounds (condition and failed medicine) I have prescription for wonderful thc/cbd oil £150/40ml and 50£ 5g of indica flower

advantages: safe 24hr delivery; pure and consistent product; it’s not illegal and so I can’t be jailed/fined and my purchase helps pay into taxes which fund the nhs. 

Only home growing might be better, but I don’t have those skills or patience; I’m sorry but even the best dealer is still black market and subject to product tampering etc; I have a canncard and hope that as things move in direction of North America. This is how it started there and it helps the more people show the need.


one of reasons that it will be slower here is that meds are heavily subsidised and govt won’t want to be seen to subsidise a potentially recreational drug; in us there are few prescriptions that are free and Canada has a proper medical system but not free or super cheap prescriptions- this is all to say that private clinics might be the only way forward for some time

Edited by Rmurphy
Extra info
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I've been on my script for 6 months now and it is all going very well!


I have 4 strains in currently and am still taking high THC cannabis oil. Im doing much better pain wise and really appreciating being able to use indica strains for pain and sativa for combatting fatigue. 


The quality is great - they only thing that could improve things would be if I could reduce costs by legally growing my own. 

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11 minutes ago, edd.excessive said:

I've been on my script for 6 months now and it is all going very well!


I have 4 strains in currently and am still taking high THC cannabis oil. Im doing much better pain wise and really appreciating being able to use indica strains for pain and sativa for combatting fatigue. 


The quality is great - they only thing that could improve things would be if I could reduce costs by legally growing my own. 

Which oil are you using? I was given oil at first, but it was so feeble as to be useless. I'd love to use oil, but it would have to be straight FECO, no dilution.

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It’s great the system is starting to catch up, it has a long way to go yet though. 

I used to make oil for several people in need, one thing that was clear at the time was that people need this stuff more than anything else that can be prescribed, so whilst I’m more of a fan of decriminalisation, this route is definitely a step forward, even if there is still a very long way to go :yes: 

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