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Lumatek Attis LED - Owners thread


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Change that , I bit the bullet and ordered a 90x90x200 tent (Prodigy) for a 100 notes to replace 80x80x160 , last tent il be buying..... I think that would be much suited for a 400w equivalence , regarding the height il work round it if it’s a later issue.. 

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Hi @BudJ @budjam @mikeydoughnut and everyone. I know I kind of spoiled the old Attis thread by squabbling with @greenvigilante but I’ve not seen him active for a while, I hope he’s ok.


Anyway, how are the Attis so far? Has anyone flipped yet?

I have lights coming from diyled next week, highlight boards. I’m still in the market for a whole new set up, a 75x75cm that I’ll do a one pl@nt SCROG (have to keep it to a size I can manage in me wheelchair. I was thinking Attis 300w but I reckon 200w will do in that space. What d’ya reckon @diyleduk? I’m going to wait to get them from him so I can enter the comp :)


(PS my neighbour just gave me a ‘key’, hence me being so chatty) :band: I’ll STFU now, have a chilled weekend.
Peace out

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@Professor_X go with the 300 and turn it down if you need to :skin_up:but you wont :rofl:


I'm running a 300 in a 1.2x1.2 that is closer to a 1x1 once it builds up Negative pressure although its perfomance is excellent its pushing it to the limit.The 75x75 with the 300 would definitely not be overkill. :hippy:


On my second run autos first now some quick dinafem kush and critical 2 of each going to 12/12 today , will post a picture when I flip them later :smokin:





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Looking good there Fonz 


how hight is your light away ? 

checked mine this morning, a lot of light burn on the plant, sad time. I think I’m around 50cm from the plants will adjust tonight when light come back on. 

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1 minute ago, Jay1601 said:

Looking good there Fonz 


how hight is your light away ? 

checked mine this morning, a lot of light burn on the plant, sad time. I think I’m around 50cm from the plants will adjust tonight when light come back on. 

Hope you get them fixed mate, it's all trial and error at the moment isn't it.  I take it you're at the full 300w?

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Yeah mate, full power. 

will move up a bit and knock down to 80%, is mad how much they throw out compared to the 400w HPS 

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29 minutes ago, Jay1601 said:

Looking good there Fonz 


how hight is your light away ? 


Thanks @Jay1601

Lights been Around 30/40cm give or take the whole  time :skin_up: my wrist to elbow roughly, that's what I use as a measuring stick :rofl:


Full power from start and to finish I'll be adding some extra light as its going to be a bit under powered in my space :hippy:


The 465 would have been better and really the probably lowest you would want in a 1.2x1.2 but my pocket didn't stretch that far :no: 





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@FonzI was the same as you feller, bought the 300 for a 1m grow area, realising after, that its actually 1.2, and closer to 1.5 by the time the plants spread. I think I might ebay the 300 after this grow, but I think 465 is a bit over kill for a 1-1.2m grow - might have a look at DIYLED v2 strips, I think theres a 440 or a 375w set-up that would suit a 1.2 better. My decision to withdraw from hid wasnt necessary, it was an environmental choice and conscious decision to reduce my wall draw, but it does feel a lil underpowered for what I want...then again Im still thinking old school HPS lumens etc, when we're now in par and uMols territory...


I think I like the light so far, but I would like to see more flowering from the Attis crew, wanna see how the buds grow, but I think the light is so new that noone has flowered yet?


Im not using mine like the folks here...Its purely a flowering light, I veg under 150w LED, to about 12-15" then flower them off in 6.5L pots...


I have my light at 400mm but developed some light burn so put it back up to 450mm - but in flower i plan to really push them light distance, and feed them up


what room temps are you running? Since I upped to mid 80s, a whole new world of growth has erupted, and I was only running at 77/78 anyway...

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2 hours ago, Jay1601 said:

Yeah mate, full power. 

will move up a bit and knock down to 80%, is mad how much they throw out compared to the 400w HPS 


Are you ruinning a different light to me? I thought it looked a bit duller lol ...but it is different light, and I was running dual spec to compare, which is similar light colour to the attis, but wasnt necessarily blown away with the intensity. My 150 cob seems more intense, but thats just multiple chips all closer together...

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I was running dual spectrum HPS, I am impressed with the 300W Attis, plants reacted very well too it, with the HPS could keep it about a foot above the plants, needing to keep the LED a lot higher to stop it from burning. 

im in a 1x1 tent so a tad smaller than yours. 

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@Jay1601I have a grow area of 1-1.2m2 but the space around it is closer to a 1.6m x 2.2 footprint, I got a pic a couple pages back. I got my lightburn from the veg light, not from the Attis, and so far my plants love it as well...I think.


Seems ok, and I want it to be, so thats always half the battle. I remember buying a 250 hps and wanting the 400, and being dissapointed until i got the 400..then all was well lol


How far are you in?

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2 will be harvest this week 

the other 3 need couple more weeks. 

next grow will be full Attis grow so will be interesting to try and grow under LED 

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Just to share some insight and short experience With the Attis 300 in a 80x80x180 (changing it for the DR90) so far 

its a seed found in some Lemon Tree , could be Male but this is a fresh learning experience for sure.... 


lights been around 50cm at 180w (it gets dimmed to 120w hour before sun sets)  I got no extraction at mo so can’t go higher than that , it’s 30c @180 , 120w-28c , 60w-25c , night 20c , been under it since 30th June with various height adjustments and I’m still not sure 2bh regarding the pp math - anyhow , first week was window cil - got the light 30th June ; so it’s lost a potential week of leaf growth but so far so good... 


here are a copy n paste of percentages to watts on the 300w if anyone’s math is as bad as mine but

cant wait to get extraction and fire this light up comfortably!!! 
20% is 60W, 40% is 120W, 60% is 180W, 80% is 240W & 100% is 300

As for the pics - any suggestions ??? There is one - I’m perhaps thinking that at that height/close at 180w for the current size plant is too much.....



Edited by Psilocybin
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maxibright now has this exact light for sale in blue as the maxibright daylight, anyone figure the actual manufacturer yet of the "LUMLEDs" used in this yet?

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