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Nugs's 6 for the 6th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition


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@Exhale Cheers bud, I'm on the mend. Got in there and stripped all the lowers out. That's most of the work out the way for me now thank feck. Just waiting on those buds now :D


@ANTHONY13 Thanks mate, your scrogs are an inspiration :yep: No bother cleaning the lowers dude, they're easy to get out of the tent and work on.


@Punta Roja Thanks matey, they're 5 days in now so won't be long. Bring on the blooms :yahoo:

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Feb 29th Day 4 bloom.

Alright peeps.
As mentioned I wanted to get the plants pruned nice and early. I did half of them on day 3 and half on day 4. Hoping to give them a nice stress free transition into flower if I can. I've taken off most of the shorter shoots that weren't receiving much light but left a few on that were a bit short but still getting light. Removed a few more shading fan leaves from the canopy too but not many.

The environment is still nice and steady, no extremes. Average root temp lows are a bit lower at lights off due to the lights being off for longer now, but still fine at 19 so I haven't made any adjustments.

Temps: 20-26C
Roots: 19-23C
RH:    40-58%

Day 1:
2.5L each, containing 2ml/L IN foundation root stim and 0.5ml/L IN grow
Day 4: 2L each, containing 0.5ml/L IN grow and 0.5ml/L PM bio silicon.

I suspected the bio silicon might burn the tips some more and it did a bit. I wanted to give the stems a bit of extra strength though before the buds start developing. They might get a bit more over the next 2 weeks, might not. If they do it will be a feed of solely Bio S I think. This H&G Bat Special seems quite hot compared to the Clover MP I'm used to.


Before and after shots, pruning 3 of the plants on day 3. Loosening or tightening ties here and there to level the canopies out a bit.




The Indigo Berry Kush is a bit wonky here, I had it sat on a cardboard box and the pot was leaning.


Sorted out and some ties adjusted for a more level canopy.


Losing a branch early on in the training never really bothered the Do-Sweet-Dos as there's still plenty of leaders. She soon filled her allocated space :)






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The following 3 plants were pruned on day 4.
The Psicodelicia is stronger on one side of the plant and had pulled the frame up uneven so I removed it. I have the shape I want now so it's less needed but when I removed it the stronger branches to the right shot up some more. So I put in some braces to spread the branches back to where I wanted them. I forgot to mention that I squashed every single leader to slow them down a bit on the Psico. I did this the night before when I pruned the other 3 plants.








The dodgy branch grew back ok on the San Fernando Lemon Kush. You can see a major difference though from the opposite branch.


Back under the lamps. I super cropped the 3 higher branches on the Psicodelicia to level the canopy more. The IBK back middle is sat on a tub, she isn't stretching much.


When super cropping the Psico I gave them more of a twist than usual to really break them and try and keep them down but they were all upright again by the next night lol


Be lucky :v:  

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The super cropping on the Psicodelicia. I hit the submit reply button on the last post before I added the pic and it won't let me edit.



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Everything is looking absolutely top notch here @jadenugs - what a great even canopy you have made with those well trained and trimmed plants. :yep: Sorry to hear you have been ill.



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5th March Day 9 Bloom.

Pistils are appearing and crowns are starting to form so here's an update. Since the pruning on days 3 and 4 I've not done much apart from remove 2 leaves and a short secondary branch on the Red mandarine. There's a few more could be removed but this grow I'm concentrating on giving them as least stress as I can through the stretch phase :) Also I'm keeping the lamps lower than usual so it will be interesting leaving some of the shorter branches on and seeing how they do. Oh yeah, the 3 tops on the Psicodelicia that stood straight back up after super cropping had some plant bends fitted the next day to keep them down and they've worked quite well. One top broke with a crisp snap while fitting the plant bend but the plant bend held it in place and it survived. The lamps have been raised once by 3" to keep them at a minimum of 18" above the highest top on the Psicodelicia, which is now a different top since the super cropping. 

I'm pleased with the environment, still running nice and steady with no extremes. Root temps are bang on. I've not bothered checking VPD as the plants are happy. 
(Averages since the last update).
Temps: 20-26
Roots: 20-22
RH:    37-48

Day 6:
2L each, containing 2ml/L IN Foundation root stim.
Day 8: 2.5L each, containing 2ml/L root stim and 0.5ml/L IN Runzyme.

The 2 reduced volume feeds of 2L served them well after the major pruning so it has been raised back to 2.5L. Run off is sucked up almost instantly so they could take more but I want to keep them fed at 2 day intervals to get fresh oxygen to the roots as often as possible without the pots remaining too heavy come feed time :yep:
I fill 5L containers and leave them opened in the attic room for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate. The lids are then screwed on and they are laid on their sides on the tent floor for a couple of hours to warm up. They then get a good shake and 2 of them are poured from a height into a 10L container. I then add my feeds to the 10L and remaining 5L and give them another good shake. I use the 5L up first, pouring into a long spout watering can and giving all plants 500ml each to pre wet the root balls and prevent the feed running straight through when giving the main volume of feed. The remaining 2 litres is given to the KKFV. The remaining 10L is given to the other 5 plants. So the feed has plenty of transfers and shakes, re-oxygenating the water after the 24 hours being sat. Some say it's wrong to leave water sat for a long time but this works for me and I'm stuck in my ways, even if it does make extra work and forward planning. If the pots feel like they aren't ready for watering at that time I pour the water away and refill for the next day as I won't leave it sat for 48 hours.

I checked the stretch on day 7 and noted the results.

KKFV: 25" from the floor -20" (measured at flip) = 5"
IBK: 19.5" -16" = 3.5"
DSD: 24" -19" = 5"
PSI: 25" -21" = 4" (not the original measured top after super cropping so there would have been slightly more stretch).
RMFV: 23.5" -18" = 5.5"
SFLK: 24.5" -19" = 5.5"

The following images were taken on day 9 for this update. Canopy shot first and then a top from each plant.
Clockwise from back left to front left are:
The only plant where the middle branches (barring one or two) haven't caught up with the main outside tops is the KKFV. I thought she'd be a wild one from the start lol
The IBK, DSD and RMFV have been turned around 180 degrees. The IBK and RMFV were higher in the middle directly under the lamps so the higher parts are on the outside now. The DSD's 2 lower branches were right at the back and receiving less light so now they are more to the middle and closer to the lamps.

It looks like the Red mandarine is going to be red so I've included a close up of one of her pre flowers for a better view :yahoo: 

There won't be any more Bio silicon added to the feed and I think with the grow being compact the tops might stay upright. For me to be able to get the plants out for individual pics though, I will need to add some more support, otherwise they might lean over when taking the plants in and out. This will be dealt with over the next week or so and if I can help it I won't be pushing stakes into the roots. 

Thanks for looking in, happy growing and be lucky :v: 




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Looking very nice indeed in here @jadenugs... I can tell you've been grafting mate.


Your diaries are the yardsticks for me... one day I hope I'm able to get somewhere near your results...


ATB mate



Edited by Punta Roja
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@Punta Roja Cheers mucker. It aint over though, til the fat lady sings and tings lol It can all change in a fck up.

I'm liking the bat special, plenty of readily available grow nutes but having to be careful with any additions (feckin bio silicon was too much for the sat doms).

Gotta try and judge the slow release bat shit now and hopefully get a good result :)

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@Punta Roja for me I find Jades diaries far to light on non growing information, theres nothing about the weather or how nuts he is. His images are always about bloody growing and who here likes that I ask you?!


Also what type of anal grower knows hes used to much bio silicon? or how fast slow release bat shit releases its shit? Just throw it in and cross your fingers is best in my opinion.


He'll get with the program eventually so dont worry punta, he only wins things because they feel sorry for him. 


@jadenugs it's the truth ain't it?! lollol



Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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March 10th Day 14 Bloom.

Hi dudes, my girls are settling well into the flowering phase now and buds are forming nicely. Stretch has been nice and steady :) 

Nice and stable. Night time lows and daytime highs are quite close, so good for keeping the stretch in check. I allowed (unintentionally) the gap from the lamps to the Psicodelicia to get down to 15" and then raised the lamps again to 18" when I noticed the tops and newer leaves getting a bit pale. I've also started giving a bit of bloom feed.  

The circulation fan has been raised in line with stretch and is blowing just under the hoods but above the tops. It's only just catching the taller Lemon Kush tops to the right of the tent but I can't raise the fan any more without raising the lamps. 

Temps: 21-26
Roots: 21-23
RH:    40-52

Day 10:
2.5L each, containing 2ml/L IN root stim and 1ml/L IN Runzyme.
Day 12: Same feed again.
Day 14: Same again with 0.5ml/L IN Organix Bloom added to the mix.

That will be the last feed of Foundation root stim but I will give them a weekly feed of Shropshire seaweed if I remember, to keep chlorophyll levels up and aid photosynthesis. 

I checked the stretch again on day 14, using the highest top of each plant from the floor.

KKFV: Flip = 20".  Day 7 = 25".  Day 14 = 29".  Total so far = 9".
IBK: Flip = 16".  Day 7 = 19.5". Day 14 = 24".  Total so far = 8".
DSD: Flip = 19".  Day 7 = 24".   Day 14 = 29".  Total so far = 10".
PSI: Flip = 21".  Day 7 = 25".   Day 14 = 28".  Total so far = 7".
RMFV: Flip = 18". Day 7 = 23.5". Day 14 = 29".  Total so far = 11".
SFLK: Flip = 19". Day 7 = 24.5". Day 14 = 30.5". Total so far = 11.5".

If you're following, you'll know I super cropped and used plant bends on the Psicodelicia after the flip. I reckon she would be in line with the Lemon Kush otherwise, as far as the amount of stretch goes. The Indigo Berry Kush has stretched the least and is still sat on a plastic tub.  

I've been raising my tent braces to suit stretch and protect the tops from the tent walls sucking in under negative pressure. The brace at the rear of the tent was a bit low, you can't see it in the following canopy shot but I've had the plants out and raised it since this update. 

First up, the canopy from above.
Clockwise from back left to front left are: KKFV-IBK-DSD-SFLK-RMFV-PSI. 


One from the front.


I've released a couple of ties on the Killer Kush to allow the less developed mains to spring up a bit and get more light, as they were getting left behind. 






The front left main of the Psicodelicia was the one that snapped when fitting the plant bend. She's repaired well though, just a little bit lower than the others now.





I removed 2 fan leaves that were shading lower tops on the San Fernando Lemon Kush. 


That's all for now.
Happy growing and be lucky  :v:  

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