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Sweet Cheese & Green Poison, plus some more later & Timelapse videos


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On 4/15/2020 at 2:23 PM, jadenugs said:

I've not seen it done with dry ice before. Thanks for sharing :yep: 


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment :D  :yep:

Edited by Inspiration101
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Well some would say 420 day tomorrow would have been the biggest ever, as it's 2020 n all but for Covid-19 getting in the way.  I WILL NOT LET THAT BE, *cough* in my household.  I have festiviously been smoking away like a trooper for all of mankind, doing my bit, sparing no thought for future reserves running outt - All month long.  You only live once right !?!  


I work in IT support, not the standard kind you would think of, and so I am viewed as a key worker.  I also have to kickass and resolve all sorts of sh*t on the fly remotely from home.  It's a manic time indeed.  I was about to move home as mentioned earlier in this diary but elected to cancel that a few days before the lockdown kicked in (I'm super paranoid about risk so well happy on this decision of jumping the gun).  Now I spend my days between the shed smoking and the newly built office in the spare bedroom - Alongside the tumble dryer and washing rack....yay haha.


At this point you would have though I had lots of time to invest in souping up my diary, putting in loads of photos, pulling out another timelapse or two, basically making it better.......Nope, no time, it is mad, 4 weeks at home and posted less than ever, sorry for that but there we go.


Yesterday I had the day to do stuff........And I did :)


I purchased a couple of things:


Windking 16" air circulation fan with 5 blades, wall mounted only, and it moves not just left to right but up n down too in a big circle for better air movement.  Got it braced to a plank of wood in the project area, it sticks out a good 14" from the wall so had to adjust the height of one 400w light and have the plants raised on pots to get things at a suitable distance. £45, wicked piece of gear.


2A SMScom Hybrid Controller.  £150.  Amazing, my cheap and old metal acoustic box fan was on all the time and noisy as f*ck, 65db, now I'm at 45db and the fan is on 20rpm most the time and ramps up when the 4m long cable with heat sensor at the end is triggered (set for 28 degrees) it ramps up to full whack, then ramps down again - Zero hum, totally amazed, saved me spending on a new fan.  Best buy ever !


Here is a couple of shots of the setup:




The other side with carbon filter and 2nd light:




Well happy now, air circulation very much upgraded and also the extraction is totally silent 75% of the time.


Bearing in mind we are moving in towards the warmer season I have elected to switch the lights off between 12pm - 4pm, what I view as the hottest hours of the day.  A 4/20 light cycle will do great (see what I did there) :D


So, the ladies themselves, under the lights....


2 x Sweet Amnesia Haze - Topped 5 times, yes that's right, five f*cking times, insane.  These ladies are seriously leggy for me, need to wrap them around my face later ;)

2 x Gorilla Girl - Topped 4 times, one of them is really stocky and currently my favourite for cloning later.

2 x CBD - One is sickly looking, reminds me of Stu from The Big Bang Theory. The other has been topped twice but isn't very happy either.  These two are the runts of the grow it seems...


The ones below are new seeds I popped recently and am removing all branch growth just allowing top growing tip to forge on to catch these all up to the older topped ones above:


1 x Gorilla Girls - Popped alongside the ones listed below, did pop 2 but only one made it, doing great.  

4 x Psichodelicia - All looking fantastic, loving their repot I gave yesterday, looking like good times ahead.

2 x Do Sweet Dos - Coming up great also, these were popped a week after the two listed above so a but behind but doing sweet :yep:


And then, one naughty plant, a non Sweet Seeds plant, in my defence I was given it as a freebie at a 420 convention up north where I briefly met Sweet Seeds Tommy to pick up a gift bag.  This non Sweet Seeds freebis is ACAPULCO GOLD.  I always loved the name, I'm pretty sure its mentioned in a Cheech n Chong film from my misspent youth and so I have put the badboy on:




Here is the sickly CBD Pure, its been spazzy since popping: 




Conversely, my favourite looking Gorilla Girl:




Here are the group shots of them:




And a quick shot of some kief from my last bit of crazyness, still got over an ounce to smoke, very very very happy :D




And a shot of the lot as of today:




I'm gonna stop there, could chat forever............ have fun and keep safe all, grow, grow more, and smoke ! :hippy:

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great update, loving the looks of the keif shots. 

Do you dry sieve it or whats the method you use to collect it? what screen size do you use, out of interest?


The plants look healthy too, and fan controllers are the bollox, I love mine and still think its the best bit of kit I own. 

All that topping should bode well for a load of budsites. im looking forward to following this one....


Now back to work with ya:rockon:

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3 hours ago, badbillybob said:

great update, loving the looks of the keif shots. 

Do you dry sieve it or whats the method you use to collect it? what screen size do you use, out of interest?


The plants look healthy too, and fan controllers are the bollox, I love mine and still think its the best bit of kit I own. 

All that topping should bode well for a load of budsites. im looking forward to following this one....


Now back to work with ya:rockon:


Check back a page, I did with dry ice and a xxx micron bag.  A couple of sketchy vids there :smokin:

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Wicked update @Inspiration101 thanks for sharing, love the sift.... the dry ice does it preserve the terpenes well?


I think I must have been lucky with my Sweet Amnesia Haze, the seeds I had have produced plants that only doubled in stretch, very manageable. 


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On 4/21/2020 at 1:25 PM, Exhale said:

Wicked update @Inspiration101 thanks for sharing, love the sift.... the dry ice does it preserve the terpenes well?


I think I must have been lucky with my Sweet Amnesia Haze, the seeds I had have produced plants that only doubled in stretch, very manageable. 



Cheers mate, I hope mine only try to double during flowering, I have a way to go yet and have been bending and breaking all the branches to keep her as low as possible, will be full on tie down shortly I guess :D


As for the dry ice sift, I would say yes it does, you get a real taste from it which is definitely different each time, I'm no taste expert that's for sure but if I can tell then those with a better nose and taste will appreciate the method :hippy:


On 4/22/2020 at 5:26 PM, Ccs141 said:

Looking great in here mate :smokin:


Cheers chap, all going well so far :)

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Greetings and Salutations, what a glorious week of sunny weather we have had this past week.  A total blessing :)


We are doing fine in our little home, I'm quite enjoying the "pretend to work from home", slow pace, lots of sitting in the sun, eating nice food and listening to the birds.


This morning I have been busy on the project.  Made a few decisions, and have gotten the job done.


The two Amnesia Silver Haze's are tall as hell, one more than the other, they are taking some punishment with me squashing and breaking all the lead growth tips to get the branches to fatten up and keep the plants overall height low - Its a challenge, they appear to want to be catwalk models.... I think they will be getting tied down shortly, we will see.  Another week of veg to go for them so this will be some work....


The two Gorilla Girls are looking fantastic, they will maximise the benefits of one more week of veg I am certain.  Lots of growing tips coming through the bushes that these ladies are.


The CBD Pure has been a little bit of a dissapointment.  Straight from the start they were runts compared to the others, never really "taking off" with growth.  One was so gimpy I have removed her from the project shed, she is now outside in the garden.... Maybe the sun will sort her out.  The better of the two is slowly getting there with her multiple tops.  She is just about keepable, I need to keep one as my wife is on about Fibromyalgia, plus my good mate is wheelchair bound with MS, so need to keep the one to explore the options.  Will buy some more CBD seeds and try again.


Now, the reason I am going for one more week of veg growth - The Dos-Sweet-Do & Psichodelicia - I just repotted them into larger pots, their final pots, the same size as all the other ladies.


The repotting went smooth, had to grab a bag of mud from the Garden centre over the road, at £4.50 for a 60 litre bag it'll be interesting to see how the ladies do.  I mixed it with my remaining 60 litres of BioBizz All Mix and Plagron Batmix.  The stuff is called Evergreen horticulture Irish Multi Purpose Compost, Irish Moss Peat.


Here is a shot of the Dos-Sweet-Do roots which had only been in the pot it just came out of for one week, as a result I am well impressed by the Biobizz Root Juice:




The Amnesia Silver Haze:




Gorilla Girls on the left, CBD Pure is back right, Dos-Sweet-Do front right:




Dos-Sweet-Do front left, the rest as Psicodelicia:




A shot of the lot, with the WindKing fan now on the right side of the project as I moved it all over there this morning as I definitely get more growing space if its under the carbon filter :D




Well, that's me until next week.  I shall be feeding the ladies lots of Biobizz stuff, and keep to the 20/4 schedule to beat the heat !


Take care, keep safe, and know I shall be smoking serious amounts of dry ice kief, Sweet Cheese buds & Green Poison deadlies :bong:



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@Inspiration101 you may well enjoy the Do Sweet Dos it's a little different than most. I find it gives me a serious head fuck, chatty and no idea what im doing if I try and do something really, strange taste and smell.


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A quick oddball Saturday update.  I have just put the ladies into their first 12 hour dark period.  8am until 8pm sleep time from here onwards.


Here is a shot of the lot just about to go into sleep taken with my mobile phone.  They are all a lovely deep green, don't let the light fool you :)




Keep safe.



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A little side update before my update tomorrow which will have the project at 1 week completed of 12/12.


I am attempting to get a little timelapse of seeds opening.  Killer Kush fv is the seeds of choice for this.....




Lets see what we have on Sunday or so.....




I think I should be able to crop and zoom right in during the video editing as the camera is taking the photos at 6000 x 4000 resolution.


The background is a Sweet Seeds T-shirt from a previous competition stapled to the inside wall of the shed.


Until tomorrow, keep safe and be good.


Insp :)

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Happy Sunday peeps, I hope this past week has been kind to you.  If it has not, lets make it happen this coming week! 


I have been up a couple of hours and been working hard on living up to my promise of a new time lapse.  Right now I am in the shed with the laptop and have uploaded the first chunk of the timelapse to show where we are right now. The end result is looking real good but I will leave you all to be the judge of that.  I also need to dig out a decent sweet seeds logo to watermark onto the video... always something else to do :D


A little info on how I have made this video, you make think its only for you but I will need it to refer back to when I have smoked too much and forgotten settings I used.....which incidentally the Faststone Photo Resizer also remembers what was last put in which is incredibly helpful.  All software I have used is free, downloaded from a safe place online and totally virus free :yep:


Sweet Seeds Killer Kush fv still in their packaged bottle, some water and a teeny tiny drop of Biobizz Root juice added. Taken with a Nikon D3300 at 6000x4000 resolution, zoomed in and cropped to 1920x1080 with a watermark added at the top using Faststone Photo Resizer 4.3.  The movie was made with Veedub 1.10.4 by Avery Lee using a Divx Codec for great compression, a 23mb video. A photo was taken every 3 minutes, the video is playing at 20 frames per second. Each second of video represents 1 hour of real time.


Here you go, I will add the next day or two on once I get to the point of breaking them out the packaging :eat:


Music to be added later...





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Here is the weekly update for the main project, the ladies in flower.  1 week of 12/12 and there has been significant stretching.  I stopped plucking all of the growing tips Friday May 1st, the day before they went into the dark cycle, I am amazed by the growth around the tops of both Psicodelicia and Dos Sweet Do and I think there will be big fat main stem donkey dicks in my future :hippy:


The heavily topped ladies are bushing out lovely, the light has had to be moved upwards to accommodate them and I may move them into the middle of the project where there is most headroom.


The WindKing fan is totally kicking ass, loving the way air flow and temperatures are with two 400w bulbs running, I will swap the bulbs over to the red ones tonight before lights on. 


Here is a load of shots, taken with my mobile phone as the camera is in use for the seed timelapse ;)


Amnesia Sweet Haze at the back all tall n going for it, Gorilla Girls not far behind:




Dos Sweet Do are nearest, with Psicodelicia and a Gorilla Girl in there somewhere I think, and CBD pure photobombing as middle back of project area:




The group shot of the lot:




And finally, where the camera is: 




And there we go until the next update, which hopefully will be in about 2 days with a completed timelapse of the Killer Kush seeds in the packaging.


Keep safe and be good :skin_up:


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