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Billys watery wonderland- The Sweetest edition.....so far!


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Having just discussed this with my wise wife she came out with something perfect:


If you drank bleach it would kill you, so what do you think would happen if you fed it to a plant ?

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Fair point, but its not the same is it, i dare say drinking ph up or down would also kill us, but doesn't affect plants?


Saying this though, I think you're right, I suppose it will kill them if you over do it, but I hardly put much in there. Bleach is basically h2o2 anyway.... gawd knows.....

And ive used it before without any issues, but yes, I guess I must have put a little bit much in there this time. I just put a little bit, maybe 1/3rd of 1/2 a teacup full to about 600 litres, not much at all, but it was foaming at the start in the buckets, ach that must be it eh? who am I kidding.....


On the plus side, all the algae growth has gone :thumsup:


The plants are looking a lot better tonight, 

I am thinking it is the bleach too, the only reason im not 100% convinced is due to the drooping leaves which were there before I emptied the res or even got the bleach out. I suppose it will kill any nasties in the root zone too. 


I will see how they are tomorrow and take it from there. I "might" drop half the res and top it up, if they are looking any worse tomorrow.


Stay tuned.

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Well tomorrow is now today, so I went out for a look, see how they are doing...….


oh dear oh dear.....its now becoming a damage limitation exercise and Vince has some serious competition for the wooden spoon award lol.

Those of a nervous disposition.....look away now...……...large_101.JPG


and they are looking pretty grim, the crispiness has reached the top leaves, time for action so res change is happening now. 

Im doing a full change, and lowering the ec from 1.2 to 1.0. 

I got a bit carried away the other day when filling it with nutes, which probably didn't help ha ha , I was aiming for 1.0, and it was at 0.9, threw some more in and wallah, 1.2, …..buggering ……..bollox.....

res and pots have a good old clean out with the bleach tho, but I wouldn't recommend it



So, if you ever find yourself bleaching systems, remember and just use the teensiest of tiny doses......

Another lesson learnt...………..


edit to add, fuxsakes ive done it again, they are at 1.3ec , im certai I put n less than last time too - doh!- im gonna check it in half an hour, the water is still at 10 degrees.  I will give them a few days to recover and repost back.

Edited by badbillybob
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Mate, you have my sympathy, I am about to clean a few bits that have sat around for a good few years, from MANY a different project, to utilise in new Hydro project, (I was going to go coco) but easier (for me) to go diy rdwc, so it's nice to see such an honest diary. 

Hope you manage to pull things around. 

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1 hour ago, stu914 said:



I'm probably way off the mark but have you considered light burn?

i did stu914, I thought it might be, but the lights are no Closer than normal. However you might be on to something here, because my cheapo oscillating fans have seen better days and this morning I was thinking "im sure they used to move the plants around more than this before".  they seem to have lost a bit of puff, and the higher than normal temps would also back this up. Lat time im vegged was about October and temps were higher outside, but room temps were lower than now.


.hmmmmm Wheres Mrs Marple when you need her?


I also used to have 2 of the big 16 inch fans, but one went tits up so I got the smaller one in there. 

The veg growth on these has been slower than normal for the amount of veg time (3 weeks) I have also been running lights 24 hours, which isn't the best idea imho, because my timer broke. I think they need a rest period. I know that in theory  they dont and are capable of running 24 hrs, but last time I did a 24 hr veg they didn't look the best then either. I wont be doing 24 hr veg again. 


Anyway they still look a bit grim, so ive raised the lights a few inches, will see how they go mate.

Thanks for popping in. 

I think I need to invest in another stand up 16 inch fan, just to rule it out, if nothing else. 

edit to add- 2 new 16 inch stand fans ordered.

Edited by badbillybob
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On 29/01/2020 at 9:58 AM, badbillybob said:


oh dear oh dear.....its now becoming a damage limitation exercise and Vince has some serious competition for the wooden spoon award lol.

gertcha ..you cowson ..the spoons out of your reach fella .

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Oh I dunno, that's fightin talk from round these parts...….game on......


ha ha, remarkable as it might seem, I think your spoon is safe Vince.....for now anyway.

They seem to be kinda recovering from my destruction testing regime of bleach and more bleach, till they almost die. 

Wahay, its a miracle that should have even Exhale running for cover. 

check em out. they have definitely stalled in growth, but they should pick up next week, I hope. the electric bill is crippling me ffs.

Here we are, sweet afghan is growing upwards, the cream caramel and blackjacks are happy enough growing outwards. 

From left to right in the room is 2 bjs', 2cc's and a SADlarge_100.JPGlarge_101.JPG


 I might top the tops midweek , if they decide to get back with the programme, then will leave them till weekend and then, well if all goes well (unlikely) it may be time to flip. Woohoo, then it gets exciting. Heres the plants from left to right, see the damage?  it never ceases to amaze me how resilient these plants are. large_106.JPGlarge_105.JPGlarge_104.JPGlarge_103.JPGlarge_102.JPG


temps are sweet too, 26, that's more like it. 

the water level has been left over the weekend and this has helped their recovery, lots more O2 available. they have been drinking a little, but not as much as I thought, resulting in the ec going from 1.2 to 1.3. 

im gonna leave them a couple of days and add just plain water to top up the res, which should pull the ec down a little bit.

I was always pushing it at 1.2 at this stage, with this system, but if you don't push the limits, how do you find them?

ph is at 5.7 which is fine, I havnt touched it since Thursday...lovin the deep water antics...

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Recovered nicely them have mate and it's nice to see the recovery process and as you rightly said..


1 hour ago, badbillybob said:

it never ceases to amaze me how resilient these plants are. 


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On 1/21/2020 at 10:39 AM, McHazy said:

Black jack I have tried I think but don't remember much about it



i felt the same the first time lol

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Morning sweetie pies?

good news, the plants have been released from rehab. the Priory let them go after they had discussed their abusive childhoods at the hands of a monster, and they have taken anti bleach meds and look straight again.

thank fook, I say. here is todays pictorial update, they have started growing again, yeeessssss!!

Heres the line up, pic taken 5 mins ago,

from left blackjack x2, cream caramel x2 and SAD x1.



my new fan decided to photobomb the next pic, look at it, all lovely and shiney with no caked on resin anywhere, it wont lastlarge_102.JPG


I topped all the tops on these a couple of nights ago, and they have bounced back. 

I reckon it should be good to flip this weekend or early next week. 

Then my electric meter can get a rest for 12 hours...I tell ya the cost is killing me, but I think this is gonna be it for the year, apart from my breeding shenanigans.

Heres the girls

Blackjacks first



then the cream crackers.

the structure of these is amazing, tight, tight internodes, stacked on top of each other, and forming a perfectly circular bush



and last but by no means least , the sweet afghan delicious. this one is growing upwards at a fair rate, I kinda push it down a bit when im out there, just to keep it in check. large_110.JPG


im going to put the grid framework in place after flip- its no scrog, its just to stop them from falling over when they get a bit of bud on them. 

Havnt decided which level the screen is going on, im gonna just wait and see how much they stretch.

Anyone who has grown these, hows the stretch on them?


Feeds are 1.2/1.3 ec and ph is at 5.9 today, was 5.6 2 days ago. They are drinking it up now, they took a 100 litres a couple of days ago, and will need the same either tonight or tomorrow. 


Happy daze......

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