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Happyeccentrics 2019 grow diary


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Hi, @Happyeccentric - I’m also growing outdoors/greenhouse. Most strains grown outdoors will be at least 8-10 weeks in flower before harvest. Once those first proper pistils appear, start the countdown. My greenhouse/outdoor autos have been ready from about 8 weeks onwards. Sometimes you’ll add 1-2 weeks from what the breeders say. Once you get to seven weeks, you can start checking the trichomes to give you an idea of how long to go. In this weather, I move my girls outside as it’s too hot in the greenhouse. Once the weather starts getting cooler and damper, I have the fan on pretty much full time to keep that air flow moving. I’ve also got a dehumidifier to help later on in the autumn if needed.

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On 24/08/2019 at 3:02 PM, Happyeccentric said:

white widow xxl is lovely,  how long does it seem to have left? 


Just going of the pictures I would say another 14 maybe 21 days left mate and it will be harvest time  ;)


The plot and cold frame plants are not looking to bad at all ;)


Well into bloom and looking on track  :yep:


Keep the outdoor update coming my friend  ;)


All the best  :bong:



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On 26/08/2019 at 5:19 PM, PermanentWaves said:

Hi, @Happyeccentric - I’m also growing outdoors/greenhouse. Most strains grown outdoors will be at least 8-10 weeks in flower before harvest. Once those first proper pistils appear, start the countdown. My greenhouse/outdoor autos have been ready from about 8 weeks onwards. Sometimes you’ll add 1-2 weeks from what the breeders say. Once you get to seven weeks, you can start checking the trichomes to give you an idea of how long to go. In this weather, I move my girls outside as it’s too hot in the greenhouse. Once the weather starts getting cooler and damper, I have the fan on pretty much full time to keep that air flow moving. I’ve also got a dehumidifier to help later on in the autumn if needed.


Perfect advice and guidance :yep:


Thanks mate ;)


All the best  :bong:



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Hi guys,  so a wee update.  I know that @Dinafem-Mark had said that it would likely be another 14 to 21 days on the ww xxl in the cold frame. I had planned to follow the advice.


I learned from the destruction almost overnight of the other wwxxl and have been checking daily for bud rot on this one.  Sadly she succumbed but I noticed immediately and cut down the top affected buds, removed the rot and started to dry the rest of the buds.  The bottom of the plant is still in the ground and I am checking daily and spraying daily with bicarbonate, milk and water solution as I read on this forum it could help.


Here is the trimmed up buds with rot removed.  Rest of plant still in ground.large.20190826_220257-756x1008.jpglarge.20190826_215807-756x1008.jpglarge.20190826_220332-756x1008.jpglarge.20190826_220257-756x1008.jpglarge.20190826_220340-756x1008.jpglarge.20190826_215815-756x1008.jpglarge.20190826_215807-756x1008.jpg


I wouldn't say this strain is particularly prone to bud rot as from what i have read on here many people have lost whole crops of weed this year up in scotland due to the weird wet humid summer we has and I do feel that this has held its own as at least I have something I can salvage and given a normal summer I suspect it would have been ok.



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I'm also a wee  bit worried about how to check my greenhouse bubba kush for rot as I'm not tall enough to see so I will try and figure something out to get up to the top cola large.20190824_141149-756x1008.jpglarge.20190824_141134-756x1008.jpglarge.20190824_141127-756x1008.jpg

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I know I already updated but I got some better pics of the bubba kush as I got my step ladders outlarge.20190829_155518-756x1008.jpglarge.20190829_155455-756x1008.jpglarge.20190829_155443-756x1008.jpg


How long do you guys reckon she has. 


Also heres what's left of the white widow xxl that I took the top buds of due to rot.  So far spraying with my special home made mix is keeping that rot away do heres hoping its magical and keeps working.  large.20190829_155706-756x1008.jpglarge.20190829_155701-756x1008.jpg

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@Happyeccentric looking good... Glad you got something from WW... Good job!


As with timings to harvest its always very hard to predict unless you have grown that strain before... I always go with when you think it's time to harvest wait another week.... ( which seems like the longest week of your life... But generally works...) 

The bubba Kush looks like its coming on great guns... Don't be in a rush to harvest.... If gets humid again stick a fan in there if you can...  . Otherwise keep it going as long as possible its just starting to stack up on the top cola... It has alot more potential weight to gain and you still have white pistels on most of the buds... And the leaves look very green...... So at least a couple more weeks before we can take another look and get a better idea... But looks like you could harvest the top cola first (not now) and then let the rest of the plant catch up... Don't be in a hurry to harvest your hardwork... A GH is probably the best outdoors place for it to be... Goodluck! I will pull up a seat on this one.... :yep:

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Hi @MacGanja thanks for pulling up a seat and giving me that advice.  The timing of advice was perfect as I was unsure whether to keep feeding or flush.


I will get a clip fan in if I can and I can see that the moisture trap has already gained some liquid.


So far the home made magic spray I am using as stopped further bud rot and my greenhouse smells lovely.  


I have ordered a humidity metre a couple months ago that never arrives so maybe time to try again and get one.


Thanks so much for taking the time to read and advise 

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No problems.... 

What are you feeding them? 

Just as a side note I tend to feed them epsom salts (non scented one...obviously... 1 tbsp per gallon, first dissolve it in boiling water in a cup then chuck it in watering can)  just one watering should do it... Its just I noticed purpling of the stems..  This could be many other things genetics / environment /pH etc... But i always find it a good shout... And helps with the uptake of nutes.. 

Also if you are struggling with humidity..  Another suggestion would be to move all unnecessary plants in the GH outside.. 

Leave the door open... And be very Conservative with the frequency of watering... Let the plant tell you when it needs water.... (ie start to droop)... Air pots are harder than normal pots to water... What I used to do was put wrap duct tape round the first top couple of inches of the holes so water didn't out the side... ..as for spray.... I have no experience with it so I couldn't comment......  It just doesn't sit right with me spraying buds with stuff... But hey!.......  just some suggestions..forgive me I sound patronising or teaching you to suck eggs! It just seems like you where asking for help. 

Anyways goodluck! :yep:

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3 hours ago, MacGanja said:

No problems.... 

What are you feeding them? 

Just as a side note I tend to feed them epsom salts (non scented one...obviously... 1 tbsp per gallon, first dissolve it in boiling water in a cup then chuck it in watering can)  just one watering should do it... Its just I noticed purpling of the stems..  This could be many other things genetics / environment /pH etc... But i always find it a good shout... And helps with the uptake of nutes.. 

Also if you are struggling with humidity..  Another suggestion would be to move all unnecessary plants in the GH outside.. 

Leave the door open... And be very Conservative with the frequency of watering... Let the plant tell you when it needs water.... (ie start to droop)... Air pots are harder than normal pots to water... What I used to do was put wrap duct tape round the first top couple of inches of the holes so water didn't out the side... ..as for spray.... I have no experience with it so I couldn't comment......  It just doesn't sit right with me spraying buds with stuff... But hey!.......  just some suggestions..forgive me I sound patronising or teaching you to suck eggs! It just seems like you where asking for help. 

Anyways goodluck! :yep:

Not patronising at all just really valuable advice which I am going to benefit from.   I have a lot of tomato’s and cumumbers and so on in the greenhouse and they have been great for camouflage and smell masking but I see your point on humidity and defo next year I will have less.


there is a couple smashed pains in the greenhouse which I haven’t replaced and I often leave the door open so I’ll keep doing that.   


I totally get your point on spraying buds and I have reservations too but I done a lot of reading and I’ll let you know if it was a mistake when I taste that bud....I suspect it is a mistake I’m just desperate as the white widow that was rotting was in the open air.   


Please don’t think your patronising as your teaching me what I need to know and it’s really appreciated.  I have not had the balls to try Epsom salts yet but I have shedloads so I’ll pop some in tomorrow as I didn’t know it would help with nute uptake and I need to try.


thanks again for the tips.  I’ll put them into practise and let you know how I get on.  So loving all this growing hobby 

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Sorry you asked me what I was feeding them.  I’m starting out so don’t have all the stuff I would like and feel overwhelmed by all the info on nutes.   I have organix bloom that I use for in flower and regular tomato feed for veg.   I have growers arc root tonic for first few weeks and I am constantly wondering what I should be using for these nice fat buds others get.   I read a lot and I get more confused than when I started as a lot of people will swear by something like bio biz and then others will say it’s not good.   I have been reading others diaries for tips but am more lost than when I started 

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Went to my guerilla plot today and fed.  My white widows were stunted.by my panic moving them earlier in the season and not even up to my knees (I'm tiny everything is up to my knees)  but the buds are beautiful.  


Here they are and small but pretty large.20190831_172010-756x1008.jpglarge.20190831_172009-756x1008.jpg

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Hi @Happyeccentric ! 

Hope you're well!? 


I saw your bud rot! What a shitter! 

When I had my issue I got in the habit of fingering the buds to check near the  stem, as thats where it starts, you can nip it out before it gets worse. When you see rot on the outside its goosed.


Obviously hand washing between or you can spread it more.


My bubba kush auto - I think I cut it a little early, but it gave me alot of bud I didnt have before, and it still does the trick when smoked sooo really...


A bud in a jar is worth more than two on a mouldy bush! 








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Thanks guys,  these last few weeks I have really learnt a lot.about bud rot. I cut down another quarter of the white widow and I saw.bud rot starting but about half the plant is still up.  I'm checking daily and the bubba kush is still all good.  


I couldn't agree more than some in the jar is worth two in the bush.  It's just so wet now.  I imagine my non autos that haven't even started to flower will be a right off at this lat but going to keep trying.


The epsom salts I have put in my feed has defo worked at making the plants less light green so that tip worked out great for me and I'll be using that advice in the future 

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