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@cocopips cloning the tops is my standard bro. It has all the whore moans in it making them prime beasts for cloning. Normally I'll clone each top and after harvest select the pheno that's a keeper. Ive always used peat pellets with excellent results but ez cloner is easier.


The Black Dog is gonna be a mum because I'm positive I'm gonna love the smoke. The Chemdawgs I plan to get pollen from and dust everything in site. Dawgy Dog would be a goodun lol 

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Using pure coco for these Humboldt girls instead of mixing in perlite like I did with my last three. Didn't think it would make that much of a difference but it really has. The pure coco holds much more water and it keeps on tricking me. 

Going on a quick visual the top of the coco looks dry so I given them a water. Seems I've been getting lazy! They have all been drooping like right mo fos 


Lifting the pots it's evident there's quite a bit of moisture still inside so I've swapped out a CMH for a HPS to raise the temps and I've increase the airflow taking the intake off the controller and letting it go full tilt.

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When swapping mediums it can take a bit of time to get your feeding dialed in. By the look of things you look to be getting there mate :yep:


The plants truly do have a great structure and going to be super interesting watching these ladies bloom  :)


The asap out of the cmh to hps will definitely help bring those temps up and will give the plants some different lumens  :)


As usual mate great update and thank you for the continued support and added pictures very much appreciated!


Will be back in on the next one :bong:


Kind regards 



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Well Mark its definitely taking me some time to get it sorted lol These Bubbas and Dogs have been looking awful! I totally misread the situation and it's cost me. After transplant I watered them heavy with good run off.


They looked a bit pissed off then went droopy. Going by the weight of the pots I thought they had enough water. I wanted the coco to dry out to encourage root growth. They droop some more and still I thought it was over water, holding off feeding them. 

Eventually the pots are light and I feed them. They start looking a bit better then droop again. I pulled one plant out of the pot and it had already put down a good soloid root mass in the new pot.


I then googled cannabis plants when coco gets dry and BOOM there were my plants. I'd been underwatering the bastards not overwatering! i was letting the coco dry out to soil standards which has been detrimental. 

The curve ball for me was they were drooping not wilting, I instantly thought too much moisture. Lesson learned, again.


To add to the damage, the reason why I stopped using supercropping, a few colas have split from the supercropping and a few branches and leaves have gone Pete tong at the infected sites. I'm leaving as is for now but may top them again if they can't heal themselves. I'm going to add some Turbo to their next feed, see if some steroids can give them a helping hand to recover.


ive defoliate them for that poodle Pom Pom look and removed infected leaves/branches.


Heres the Chemdawg tops cloning and the Black Dog top getting cloned for the second time.


Black Doglarge.IMG_0839.jpg

Black Dog Clone, mother to the toplarge.IMG_0841.jpg

Chemdawg clone and rootslarge.IMG_0840.jpglarge.IMG_0845.jpglarge.IMG_0844.jpglarge.IMG_0843.jpglarge.IMG_0842.jpglarge.IMG_0846.jpglarge.IMG_0847.jpg

Ill pot up the Chemdawg clones and put them into flower so I can find out where I stand regards of fem/males.


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Double dawg lol or the dogs dawg


Yea keep the coco wet mate, i find dropping the ph to 5.5 for a few feeds helps too, makes certain elements more available to them. If your getting runoff at 6.2ish you have a nice swing through the range 

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lol  ChemD.O.G.

Chem's Dog

Or Double Ds :naughty: 


@cocopips yea thanks dawg, I'm on it like Sonic. Fed them twice today to make up for lost time. They are finally starting to look better. Gave them some Turbo last night (plant steroids) to see em on the way.


@ineedofusername thought you'd like the roots mate! Good job they have them because I had a bit of a disaster last nite. Knocked the 12" fan over and the CMOG and Chemdawgs got shredded. 

CMOG went into the bin, what was left of the Chemdawgs I put into flower just to get a positive ID on the fems. 


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lol @ineedofusername yea it's a pity but from what I've seen of the CMOG I'm not too bothered. Every plant grew indentical and my mate has it in his garden so I'll just get a cut off him when I've got some more room. 

I'm just happy Chemdawg survived, I'm really looking forward to this one. Here's the three best rooted Chemdawg clones. The other two sprouted roots last night so not far behind. I'll pick the best looking male and female and work with those two. Going to do similar with my Rocksters Cheese. 



Having spent a week week looking at the Bubbas and Black Dogs wondering why they weren't growing, and infact steadily declining in health, it's nice to actually see them on the mend. I managed to water/fed them four times in all yesterday and only one has a bit of droop left. They all look mag deficienct, I think, from the lightening of the leaves.

Feed I'm giving them per litre

1ml silicon

1ml root stim

2ml fulvic

1ml Magi Cal

A little more than 1ml A&B

EC 1.4 ph 5.9 water temp 20 degrees



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Damn shame about the twilight zone helicopter crash. I don't know about anyone else, but I had the same thing happen when I knocked the fan off a stool (It's now suspended in a diy bondage suit at the top of the tent with a look of mild surprise on its face), but the plant that it attacked was larger and more robust and she only ended losing one arm and went on to live a full, happy and productive life.


Rereading your thread, as I now have some Chemdawg seedlings of my own on the go, I  gave my two a little rub and sniff test and they are definitely funky smelling. Cat piss is more my nemesis and they were definitely not that, but I can tell why you would say dog piss.

Edited by GreengoStarr
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lol @GreengoStarr twilight crash, and mild look of surprise on your fan, PMSL. I've done it before a few years ago and after that always put a safety support on it like you. Couldn't be bothered this time and it cost me. 


Oh im not a fan of cat piss weed either. Grew MR Nice Medicine Man/White Rhino and that was pure piss. I think it's an Afghan trait, not sure. Either way the bud smelt and tasted like it. Unfortunately it had one of the best stones I've ever experienced, incredibly strong, just rank to smoke.


Hopefully Chemdawg will mature into something a little less pissy. Looking forward to see how well it hacks with some of my other strains too.

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3 minutes ago, Green demon said:

lol @GreengoStarr twilight crash, and mild look of surprise on your fan, PMSL. 

I hafta admit that put a wee smile on my face as well. And I'm stoked you got the Twilight zone reference. (RIP Vic Morrow and some little Vietnamese kid)

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hi green demon buddy. 

shame about the fan strimering your plant. it topped it for you. lol 

there doing good anyhow man. the 4 tops on each one look identical to each other. 

i am gonna give that mainlining a go myself next year mate. so il be on your case for tips. :yep:

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