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Nugs's Deeliteful DINAdventures 2017


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If you take the leaf damage out of the equation which to me looks only apparent st one plot? The other plots are looking fantastic. 


From all the outdoor plots I've seen this year's yours look the most consistent. Very little deficiency in sight and some really nice work being put in to maintain the plants and keep the canopy even :yep: one of the best threads with the most healthy plants for sure :)


Keep up the great work mate and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated! 


Until the next update :bong:


All the best



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@beezee great link mate, looks like you've hit the bug on the head there lol Identical leaf damage!

I did an image search on Capsid bugs and they don't look a lot different to leafhoppers at a glance so I may have seen some on my plants, thinking they were leafhoppers.

I'll be inspecting them closer in future and killing the twats lol Looks like the Provado has worked into the system now anyway, plus they've had the organic spray so no more worries on this grow (I hope) :) One more spray of organic 2 in 1 for the photos before flowering in 3 or 4 weeks should suffice, me thinks ;) 

Thanks for taking the time out to send the link, much appreciated dude. The missus said "It's great how you help each other out on there." I said "That's what it's all about." :D


@Dinafem-Mark thanks for the encouraging words mate, adds to the buzz :D I've tried to keep them well fed this time and do your strains justice. Normally they'd only get the initial prep and then one feed before flowering and left to do their own thing, maybe the odd liquid feed if I can be arsed to take it there lol I really want the PO and the CJ to do well, as they are both excellent strains and very high on my all time favorites ;) 

Not seen you around on here for a while. Hope everything is good at your end and you are well. All the best mate :)

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No problem nugzy lol


You'll find with them bugs that they tend to go for 1 plant and leave the others alone. There's loads of others having similar problems in the GG section. 

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Fits in with what @Fragg said about them preferring one strain more than another. All the plants have been tasted but it's the smaller weaker plants that have been devoured.

I've always had the little holes on the leafs on my outdoor grows but nothing to this extent. That's why I was thinking the Provado might be past it's shelf life and not working as quickly. I used to use Bio Bizz leaf coat once on plant out and then Provado once or twice after, with no probs. Not sure if Bio Bizz still do the leafcoat but it was good stuff, giving them instant protection from the off ;)

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That sounds like good stuff mate, I've never put anything on the leaves, but I'll have a look at the leaf coat :yep:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Plot 1 update.
Went up to plot 1 last night and I'm quite happy with what greeted me. The training has paid off and they are low enough for now  and filling out nicely. No deficiencies, just one old fan leaf turned yellow on the biggest Purple Orange CBD :) 
The surrounding vegetation had crept in around the plants and I found 3 small snails that had managed to get across to some of the plants, happily munching away, little fuckers lol  
So all I had to do was clear some weeds back and take some pics. No feed or insect control on this occasion.
Not sure how effective the organic 2 in 1 has been or if the Provado has done it's job but I only spotted one Capsid fly and one of what I believe to be an Opomyza florum. I read up on these and they are seen in grassland and woodland up til late August when they move to cereal crops and then their larvae do the damage. So they shouldn't really bother my plants.  
Anyway, the plants have dealt with whatever infestation they've had previously so all is good for now.
Onto the pics then.
First is a plot shot after some weeding, followed by the individual plants.




Critical Jack




Purple Orange CBD








Bubba Kush auto starting to bud up.




The late planted Purple Orange CBD catching up.




The Capsid bug and Opomyza florum just for the record and for help in identifying the Capsid fly, as they seem to be the ones that do a lot of leaf damage. Thanks for helping me out with that one @beezee;)




That's it for now, next update is plot 2 very soon. I can't wait to see the big PO :)

Happy growing and keep it green :yep:

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That bubba kush auto has done well since last update, are you going to carry on training her or leave her to do her thing now she's starting to bud up?



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Cheers lads, I'm gonna try and leave her to do her own thing now but it depends on how much she stretches. I don't really want loads of twine tripping me up when I'm maintaining the plot so supercropping might be an option. I found with the PO#2 though, when I supercropped it the branches were bolt upright when I returned. I had proper cracked the stems too! I bought some of the little white plant bends so I might use them to bend the main branches. See how it goes. Thanks for looking in :)

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Looking fantastic @jadenugs... Those Critical jacks are stonking... Hopefully they will produce you a seriously good harvest... It definitely looks that way! I was so tempted by the purple orange cbd...but Choose OG CBD over that (thinking it will cope better in the UK) although I might regret it come harvest if your plants turn out anything like the pics on Dfems site...hopefully they will! Awesome update! 

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 Thanks a lot mate. I hope the CJ's do well. I didn't get much from it indoors as I messed the grow up a bit with light stress so hopefully I'll do better this time.

The PO is a good smoke and I really want to get these through to harvest for my everyday smoke but I've got a mother anyway if they fail. Might be a bit pushed, i think it went 10 weeks indoors, can't remember but I always overcook them anyway so might be ok. Orange fuelly taste but smells a bit like latex rubber lol


I agree with your choice of OG cbd for more chance of finishing on time. Good luck with it dude :yep:


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Plot 2 update.


Evenin' 420

Went up to plot 2 last night with some Bonemeal and Kelpmeal. The surrounding vegetation had really gone for it this time but so had my plants :)

It must have taken me an hour cutting back brambles, ripping weeds up and untangling bindweed from my cages and plants. The brambles are about 10' high now on the Southside so if I use this plot again I'm going to have to cut back further into the brambles when prepping. Not so bad now with the sun being high but I think the plants are gonna struggle for sunlight later on in flower.

After clearing all the weeds from the bottom of the plants they were top dressed with 75g of Bonemeal and 40g of Kelpmeal, then it was raked in.

That's about it for work done. The PO CBD could really have done with a good pruning but that would have taken me at least another hour so I left it alone for now.


Onto the pics, first up is the usual plot shot, or as much as I can fit in. CJ back right, PO middle right, EK front right, DC back left, BK auto middle left and the top of BC auto front left.




The individual plant shots. I haven't taken as many pics this time as I'm struggling to get above shots of the CJ and PO.

CJ first.




PO CBD is growing like mad. It would be nice if this baby finishes before the weather gets too bad.




The Essex Kush has shaped up nicely after her brutal treatment and is showing plenty of pinkish pistils.




Dinachem. The structure and leaf shape on this one reminds me of Durban Poison I've done outdoors before.




Bubba Kush auto. I'm quite pleased with her progress, as you might know me and autos don't usually mix lol It's a shame there's so much insect damage but nevertheless she's budding up nicely. And the next shame is she had one bit of rot so now I'm facing the dilemma of having to visit the plot more often or risk losing her. Hopefully all this wet weather will end after this week. On hindsight I should have bent her over, it looks like she's gonna produce a fat main cola.




And lastly, the little Blue Critical auto. No signs of rot on her yet.




That's it for this update, thanks for looking.

Happy growing and keep it green :)

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The size on them! Your having an excellent season so far, the Cj and Possibly are massive. Nice to see you got a pink Essex Kush too :)

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They are all looking superb mate mate you must be very pleased even the Bubba looks happy despite being eaten alive! 


The weather up here is almost permanent rain recently and I hope it's not as bad where you are to keep the rot away while they finish off :oldtoker:


Gonna be an epic harvest with any luck this year :yep:

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