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Nugs's Deeliteful DINAdventures 2017


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Nice one mate.

The White cheese and the Jack Herrer interest me so I'll look forward to seeing how they do outdoors.

All the best with them all :)

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3 hours ago, jadenugs said:

lol Sounds good mate :)

So I'm looking at sometime in Sept for the ACMxEPK. What about the Essex Kush, end of Sept? I know the S6 and EPK are quick flowering but my knowledge is limited on both strains.

The s6 can finish anywhere from end of Sept to beginning of Oct, so I'd guess at end of Sept for the Essex Kush. Although 2 s6 girls where used to make Essex Kush.

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Evening all,

I decided to update plot 2 today as there's 2 autos and a fast flowerer there that needed some bloom feed. Only 1 auto and a fast version at the other plot so this one got priority :)

Quite a nice surprise as they've grown well in a week, I just love this outdoor buzz :D

So I took some ready filled bags with about 75g of bonemeal in each for the photos and an added 40g of Dr Earth Kelpmeal for the 2 autos and the EK.

I also took some bondage kit......some pre cut lengths of cane, pre cut lengths of twine and some bike tyre inner tube that was cut into little loops.

A bit of weeding, top dressing, raking it in, pruning of the lower branches and then some tieing down. Took me about 3 hours round trip.


Onto the pics :)

First is a group shot of the plot

Back row left to right are DC and CJ

Middle are BK auto and PO CBD

Front are BC auto and EK




Critical Jack




Purple orange CBD




Essex Kush (S6xEPK)








Bubba Kush auto




Blue Critical auto




Here's some pics after I'd pruned and tied the 3 photos and just tied the EK.


Critical Jack








Essex Kush, I ended up snapping the stem on this one but it seems ok for repairing itself.




And the Dinachem.




I have got an old motorbike inner tube kicking about but I couldn't find it so I cut some cross sections from a pushbike inner tube to act as cushioning on the stems. The idea with the motorbike one was that the loops would be big enough to wrap round the stem and back through themselves, then tie the twine to them. The pushbike one, being smaller, I had to just fold it over the stems and tie the twine through both ends. I started using the pre cut canes to tie them down as I normally do when the plants are taller, but with these being at the right size I could pull them over and tie back to the cages, save a bit of hassle and have less twines sticking out to trip over lol


Here's a pic, nice and loose around the stem so there's plenty of give :) I was a little concerned about the stems rubbing on the top of the cages so I tried to leave as much of a gap as I could while still getting the stems over far enough to get some lateral growing going on.




And I couldn't resist anther pic on the way out




So that wraps up this update. Next one will be plot 1 hopefully next weekend, all being well and going to plan :)


Thanks for looking

Happy growing and keep it green :yep:

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Looking like they are all going well for you dude no wonder you are loving the outdoor buzz, I'm very jealous :) The Critical Jack is looking very promising I thought ;)


Love the tyres cut up idea for cushioned manipulation very cool :yep:


ATB with them mate and apologies for not being around of late :oldtoker:





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@jadenugs looks like your gonna have some decent size plants there mate! They're all nice and healthy too, even the broken one lol plenty of time for that to heal up tho :yep:

Edited by beezee
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The outdoor buzz is always exciting, no matter how good the results are. Thanks for the kind words mate :) These plots will all depend on how much sun they get late summer and autumn when it's lower. I've had good results from plot 1 before but as mentioned earlier the surrounding vegetation has changed a bit over the years, so here's hoping they get enough sunlight to produce decent buds.


Haha, I had the loop and the twine ready to tie off to the cage and I only went and stood on it while it was taught :wassnnme: Yeah, plenty time for repair as long as it's sheltered enough from the wind, which I think it Is. It's not totally broken, it's just like it's been supercropped :)



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Ha ha that's a familiar story, the plot I used for dinafem last was an extreme obstacle coarse! 

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Hello all

Time for plot 1 update. I went up there Friday night but haven't had the time to get this done until now.

I took some pre cut canes and twine but forgot my inner tube loops this time. Hopefully they're protected from the wind enough by the surrounding vegetation.

These plants were a bit taller than plot 2's so I had to use some of the canes to tie them down but was able to tie back down to the cages with some of the shorter branches.

I took 5 bags of feed, 75g of bonemeal for all the plants and an added 40g of Dr Earth kelpmeal for the ACMxEPK and the BK auto.

I got on with clearing the surrounding weeds and nettles etc before pruning the lower growth of the plants.

Then I top dressed the feeds and raked it into the surface before tieing down the plants.


When I set off there the sun was out so I went against taking some organic 2 in 1 pest control, but just my luck it was dull when I got there lol I should have mixed some up just in case, but I like to travel lightly to the plots so I never bothered. A mistake really because the plants are still getting hammered by insects. Not to worry though, as they are all big enough and healthy enough to deal with it apart from the Bubba Kush auto. Me and autos haven't got a great relationship anyway so I'll just have to hope for the best with that one  lol

I'm thinking I might have to visit both plots on my next visit with some spray and go late or early when there's no sun on them. But I'm not sure when that will be yet as I can't go this weekend.


Some pics then.

First is the usual pic of the plot on entry, looking quite overgrown. Then individual pics of the plants before pruning and tieing, followed by how I left them after training.




Critical Jack




Purple Orange CBD turning into quite a monster if I was to leave it to do it's own thing. Better safe than sorry though and she was tied down.




Auto Cream Mandarin x Early Pink Kush. She is a strong main stemmed plant and just had the main stem bent over and staked to the North.




Bubba Kush auto looking a bit worse for wear.




Purple Orange CBD#2 that was planted out later to replace the Blue Critical auto that was a runt. With this one being small I just supercropped her and never bothered with tieing.




Critical Jack tied and a couple of the shorter branches supercropped.




Purple Orange CBD tied.




ACMxEPK tied.




Bubba Kush auto tied.




Purple Orange CBD#2 supercropped.




And finally for this update, a pic of the plot as I left it, weeded, fed, mulched, pruned and trained.




Thanks for looking.

Happy growing and keep it green :)

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Nice update mate!

Them girls will get massive now you've bent them over, and how big are them leaves on all of them! 

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They all look really good, shame about the one with munched leaves.    The CJ and orange CBD must have put a smile on your face, nice job with the lst :yep:

Have you supercropped stuff outside before? i've only done it by accident ;)

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@beezee Thanks dude :) Yeah the fans are quite some size, can't beat seeing them in their full glory under the sun ;)

Hopefully they'll bush out nicely now in prep for flowering. Might have to do some more training later in stretch.


@Blunt_Wit Cheers dude. Haha the poor auto has really taken things bad, but that's me all over with autos.

The CJ and PO really did put a smile on my face :D

Yes I've supercropped outdoors before mate but IMO it's a bit of a gamble. Just got to hope for light winds until they have a chance to repair. Also, as you're aware, the dreaded rot will attack any damaged stalks and dead plant matter so that's another one to watch out for. It might be a good idea to give the repair knuckles a spray of H2o2 (never done it before like) later on when they start flowering. I had good results supercropping a Dutch Passion Purple#1 at this very plot the first time I used it back in 08. The plant was about 5' wide and produced enough to cram into one of the old plastic sweet jars you used to by a quarter of sweets from in the sweet shop lol  I think there was about 8oz in there when I'd crammed it all in.

If you're a collector of Weed World magazine and have old issues from 08 I had an article in there of that grow. If you have issues from back then, inbox me and I'll tell you the issue number. If not I could always take some pics of the magazine page and post it here if Mark doesn't mind :)


All the best lads and thanks for your comments :)

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Afternoon all :)

Plot 2 update.

I was up nice and early yesterday morning to go out to both plots and spray 2 in 1 organic pest and disease control before the sun was on them. Plot 2 first as it is due an update, plus it gets the sun 3/4 hour earlier, and then on to plot 1.

On arriving at plot 2 I had a pleasant surprise, the systemic Provado ultimate bug killer has finally lived up to it's name and worked into the system but I still used the spray I had mixed as a further preventative measure and also because I had added 2ml/L maxicrop to the mixture :)

The surrounding veg hadn't crept in much closer in the past 2 weeks so I didn't have much work to do apart from the pics and the foliar spray. As for the plants, they have responded well to the training.


First up the group shot as usual. The CJ back right is a little dwarfed by the PO from this angle.




Critical Jack




Purple Orange CBD




Essex Kush responding well to her bending over and has repaired from the breakage of the main stem. Nice pink pistils.








Bubba Kush auto standing at 4' with plenty of cover for more stretch.




Blue Critical auto starting to bud up nicely and fresh growth unaffected by insect damage. Now, on closer inspection of this insect damage it looks as though it might not be insect damage but could possibly be burn from when I've sprayed them in the past and then the sun came out. I haven't used any wetting agent. I did think about this the other week and bought a small pressure sprayer for a finer spray so hopefully no more problems either way :)




So that wraps up this week's update. A little bit rushed but I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Thanks for looking.

Happy growing and keep it green :)

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They are looking great to me mate and my money is on the insects/bugs causing the damage on the strains that seem to attract them more than others??

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Alright @Fragg mate, thanks for your input dude :)

You're probably right, the stronger healthier plants with good rooot systems have suffered less.

What confused me a bit was the yellow rims around the holes in the leaves. The only insects I've found are leafhoppers (evident in a few of the pics), which I've always had on outdoor grows and they don't put holes in the leaves. They suck the sap from them and usually leave white spots, but not holes as such. Although they could transfer disease, which I suppose could contribute to the yellow rims on the holes. I've not seen any catterpillars, slugs, snails or anything else on the plants.

Anyway, the plants are now well established, just a shame the autos took a hammering before they got a good foothold.

I'm just a little worried after spraying the organic 2 in 1 at both plots but I tried it on some toms a couple of weeks ago and there's no probs there so fingers crossed I haven't gone OTT with insect control on my girls lol

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