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Nugs's Deeliteful DINAdventures 2017


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You could root willow branches in buckets of water. If you do it now then by autumn they would have roots and be ready for planting. You can just stick it in the ground and it will root if wet enough so actually that shouldn´t be a probem this "summer"

Your plants are looking nice btw.

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Yeah man, I have read up on it and someone said best time to stick it in the ground is in autumn because it needs to be kept wet for a full season. Also that it could be done in water first. I thought about that and couldn't  be arsed bringing the willow home, rooting it, then taking it back out to plant. Since you've mentioned it though mate and jogged my thoughts, there is some not far from my plot and i have a bucket at my plot so I'll probably do it on site, fill the bucket with water and cover it with polythene, then stick a few cuts through the poly and then plant it later if it roots.

Cheers dude :yep:

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@jadenugs It roots in water a piece of piss. Best use pieces same diameter as your thumb or thicker.

One long branch can be cut into sections so 6 inch sticks out of the bucket. You won´t fail to root willow.

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Nice one, cheers dude. Wow, that's some thickness for a cutting.

Obviously I'll strip the leaves off the stem that's going in the water, would you still go for 6" above the water if there weren't many buds/leaves on it, or a bit longer?

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Nice work jadenugs! Didn't properly realise how big that PO was from previous pics...she is a beast...:yep: Is your CJ flowering? 

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Cheers Mac, yeah she's doing alright mate, I just hope she's started flowering. Not been up there since last update and they were in stretch I think then so there might be some flowers to show on Saturday. CJ was at about the same stage I think, leaders getting tighter nodes and side shoots a plenty, ready for flowers. Gonna try and get up there at the weekend with some bonemeal and a bit more kelpmeal. I know plot 1 is gonna be in need of some N as the fans had started yellowing when I popped in to see how the Bubba was doing.

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Good stuff... Gonna try and do the same to my other plot...mine are in that annoying stage aswell...  Hopefully get there sometime this week. Bubba looks good! 

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Yeah it is annoying waiting for them to start flowering, espesh a 10 weeker lol

Cheers dude, hopefully the Bubbas will be ok after 2 weeks. Been drier weather since I found the bud rot. Fingers crossed

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Yeah hopefully the weather is going to change... I honestly believe it will.. I also think (hope) that we are going to get some really decent late September / October weather... Like some crazy unexpected... American "there is no proof of global warming" shit! However this is purely for my plants.. Not for the planet... Anyways that is my prediction....:yep:

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Fingers crossed for a solid finish to the season weather wise as you have put so much hard work into this outdoor grow we want you to have a good finish :)


Plants are looking super healthy and are growing at a very nice rate :) zero deficiency in sight and now more feed as been added this will definitely help :yep:


Keep up the Stella work brother :bong:


Until the next one :) stay safe out there mate! 


All the best 



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Haha, made me laugh.

I believe it will too mate with the way the seasons have been going for the past few years. They were even talking about ditching winter and having only 3 seasons because of the mild winters. They could stop chopping the fucking forrests down for starters. Roll on an Indian summer ;)



I'm expecting some N def at plot 1 as the big fans were starting to yellow on the CJ and PO last visit nearly 2 weeks ago. I'll be armed with bonemeal and kelpmeal at the weekend and hopefully that will see them through til mid flower and some more SOP.

Thanks for the kind words dude :)

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Afternoon folk.

Time for an update on both plots.
I went up to both plots on Saturday with some feed which consisted of 75g bonemeal and 40g Dr Earth Kelpmeal for each plant minus the autos because I was expecting to harvest them.
Plot 2 first then.
First thing I did was check on the autos. The BK auto had a little bit of rot on just about every branch so down she came. I left a few lower buds to see how they fare over the next week or so.  
The BC auto had no rot but a few of the preflower calyx had turned brown and that was a sign to me of bud rot to come so down she came. I was tempted to leave her another week but didn't want to risk it because she was pretty shaded from the sun even at midday. If I use this plot again I'll either just have 3 plants along the back where the CJ, PO and EK are, or cut further into brambles on the South face.
The EK is flowering along nicely and the other photos have stretched some more but no flowers yet.
So I fed the rest of the girls and raked it in.
Group shot



Critical Jack

Purple Orange CBD over 6' now I reckon. If she hadn't been topped to start with and trained she'd be quite a tall monster now.

Essex Kush
I couldn't smell chocolate like I thought I could last visit lol Strong smell of a aniseed  coming through now, just like Durban poison  :)  


Bubba Kush auto
Smells really fruity this one, really nice. Trichs were mostly cloudy but still plenty of white pistils.I decided to trim her on site and chop the buds from the stalks for a quick dry to minimise the chance of more mold whilst drying.  

Blue Critical
Smelling of lemon and pine. Couldn't smell pine on the last visit. Trichs mostly cloudy.
Trimmed on site but left on the stalks.

Thanks for looking, plot 1 to follow :)  


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Plot 1
All doing well at plot 1. Over the moon with the BK auto so I've decided to leave her another week, possibly more if the weather holds out. Not one sign of rot, there's a nice breeze comes through this plot. ACMxEPK flowering nicely, not much smell to it though. Much the same as plot 2 for the Dinafem photos. I had to do some more super cropping to try and keep the CJ and PO down. The ACM would have benefitted from some defoliation but I never had time. 5 and 1/2 hours round trip with the work involved at both plots and I was tired.
I had been expecting to chop the BK so I only had feed ready for the ACM, CJ and 2 POs. After deciding to leave her longer I had to steal some of this to give her some extra P for the flowers. Probably won't become available in time before I chop her but I gave it just in case.
The plan for now is to give the remaining plants at both plots another feed of SOP in two weeks time and then see how they go after that.
Group shot

Critical Jack



Slightly more from above


Purple Orange CBD  


Bubba Kush auto
Smelling really fruity like the other but better flower structure.

And finally Purple Orange #2 that was a late plant out.

Hope you've enjoyed the update and pics.
Happy growing and keep it green :yep:


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