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Seems surreal getting baked of crumble! Tastier than smoking! :) 


I have not tried any extraction methods yet! Currently working towards making a cannabis infused massage oil with grapeseed oil as the carrier and some additional essential oils.


I am planning on making some qwiso October time or maybe a natural decarb method with little heat and grain alcohol, just for medical emergencies. I'd prefer organic alcohol but like you said, it's pricey!


Been to Amsterdam recently?

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Hi Fred @Flintstone interesting mate. I was told that rice husk oil also will hold a large amount of thc suitable for oral concentrates .  Apparently the rice oil has a low burning temp. I didnt heat my Everclear mix and  maybe I should  have . Im not evaporating the Everclear, just using it from the dropper onto a small teaspoon. Experimenting is such a laugh


The affect to me feels like these concentrates are  effective remedies for pain, sleep and other conditions.  Coco oil is effective but its kinda slimy on its own, fatty taste but great in biscuits and stuff. We're getting fat on cookies though !  I used some coco oil  ointment to heal a dog's sore that wasnt healing for ages. Mrs d admitted that the cure worked but said I shouldnt use it in future on dogs cos their tolerance to thc is much lower. I dont know


The outdoor crop will provide plenty of material to experiment with, lol 


Is your Fris flowering yet ? 

My Frissie is still the only one flowering, not even the Green Poison fv is close. Ha ! now Im gonna have t get a pic   :)

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She's not flowering as much as yours!! Just little pre flowers. Hope she pulls her finger out! Hopefully, plenty of bud to work with, scaring me a little actually lol


Thats the good thing with everclear and organic alcohols, you don't need to fully evaporate them for consumption and in turn, makes them more workable and easy to store rather than just canna oil alone. I think the best way to maximise cannabinoid and terpene extraction is to wash with alcohol first then blend with oil. But terpenes diminish with heat so there's a bit of a standoff if you want to keep them.


Ive been researching lots of oils lately. Never knew there was so much to them! My Mrs has oily skin and is prone to breakouts of acne and a little research suggests I need an oil high in Linolenic Acid as its viscosity is lower than that of the natural oil on your skin. So in theory, the grape seed oil should penetrate deeper into the skin, delivering all the goodness and unclogging pores! 


Have you ever over-baked your bud/trim? I'm interested in a sleep med with low thc. I've read if you over do the thc, it converts into cbn.

Edited by Flintstone
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Cool Fred, good info re the grape seed oil.

I 've made canna coco oil a few times and haven't over baked the trim so far. I do an oven decarb @  110 deg  for 90 mins and then simmer at lowest bubbles for 2 hours. One jar of coco to 1 or 2 jars of well tumbled trim or bud packed into the empty oil jar. A teaspoon or 2 of canna coco oil per tray of cookies mix. Flapjacks mostly.

Dont know about thc levels. The canna coco gives me a good nights sleep.  Im guessing the high cbd strains are useful here but havn't tried any yet. I wonder if cbd is separated from thc

Having given it a couple of trials now I really like the Everclear tincture, simple , clean product easy administered and fast working.


Just noticed your question about Amsterdam earlier, no not been for years and so a visit is overdue, its a favourite place. Last time we bought fresh magic mushrooms from a smart shop and got well tripped !! Also paid a visit to the Cannabis and Hemp museum by Sensi. The first time I saw big plants growing under lights, swaying in breeze, bril. The Sex Museum next door was a laugh too. Love the bars and coffee shops



....:) Have a great weekend




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  • 2 weeks later...

great looking plot as always, and its good to see Frisian Dew performing well and on time.  The next month will be fun to watch unfold, good luck!

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Hi Tony thanks mate. Just a handful of outdoor fems this year. The Dew is the stand out plant for me so far and started to flower way before anything else. Just crept through the

brambles to have a look at what else is flowering this morning, first, the Frissie dew










Im standing tall to shoot this holding camera arms stretched. My biggest plant to date. If she had more space.... next time God willing she will have a bigger plot.




These ones have started :


Blueberry DP

Frisian Duck DP

Green Poison fv, Sweet Seeds

Sex Bud, Female Seeds

Maybe been showing a weeks flower, not sure cos its hard to visit 

Dinafem OG, Killerskunk subs , Hollands Hope no real sign of flower.large.1503479093627.jpg

The Ducks are low and bushy this year. I f***ed some plants and plots by over doing soil prep, especially the Sex Bud. Shes flowering and looks rough because of my bad 

to the plots. I think it was the stoned out double helping of fbb  ferts large.1503479090746.jpgwhat did it.


large.1503479092147.jpgBlueberry doing very well but not the Hope


large.1503479092584.jpgGreen Poison fv flowering up a bit


large.1503479093243.jpgMother Duck needs a good trim. Has overcome the overdose of fbb.





I had to rip a  plot which contained some good autos. Converted it to grow some veg. The plot may yet

be used to grow autos again next year. F***in tomato and pumpkins, still, they ve given us some food, not

ungrateful, but an auto crop would've  been more handy right now.


Summer feels like its stalling and Im not getting my hopes up . Any bud will be good 

 Just the prime buds will go

into jars and the rest is for  medical research , sifted hash and extracts.

God bless the cannabis growers

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Hey autodog, looking good!


How much light is your Frisian getting?  Mine started a couple of weeks ago but is a bit slow with it. It gets all day sun minus the last hour before sunset, so maybe that has something to do with it. Are you giving a bloom feed? 

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Hey Fred @Flintstone the Duck goes into shade during the avo. Same spot last year was a goodun though. No, not doing any bloom feed cos they have plenty of ferts in the ground

and probs too many ! Its been a messy grow despite loads of work and good intent. Cheers for the encouragement comrade :bong: good luck !

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  • 3 weeks later...

    large.1505215005872.jpg  large.1505215006259.jpg


Killerskunk x uk psychosis no.2 is a double stemmer which split during the weekend storms. I shoulda secured it really. Turns out it was a male plant which I didnt notice before

and wondered why 'she' wasn't flowering. Duh. The pollen sacks look burst so the huge Frissie has probs been pollenated, also Sex Bud ( suffering bud rot ) , the OG Kush too.

The Durban Poison in the same plot struggling to flower. 


large.1505215006937.jpg  large.1505215006645.jpg


The big Frissie is growing happily though and if she is seeded I don't mind. Lots of decent colas and smell is swell and swelling.

Next best flowers this year but far from spectacular are the DP Blueberry and Frisian Duck clone plants. The Ducks are low and densely bushy this time

The Green Poison fv is doing well now and may finish ok

Hollands Hope barely flowering. Killerskunk x Pscho subbies no1 plant is flowering . 

Praying for a month of dry weather


now time for a joint. My supply of Orange Hill Special has been the favourite day time work smoke. Strong and energising, reasonbly low odour, bom, yeah





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@autodoglooking good mate. The wind and rain has been battering my girls of late. No casualties as yet (fingers crossed ). Here's hoping for some decent calm weather to finish off. Indian summer my arse :thumbdown:

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Hey Pablo cheers hombre :) weather has been wet and more. Every bud will be a treasure this autumn. Im lookin forward to sifting out the goodies and jarring up the sunshine .


Still a way to go.  I've learnt plenty again this season. Lookin back to last year, i had some great luck then. This time feels more a battle. Good luck @PabloEscobar

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large.1505814097359.jpg   large.1505814098126.jpg


The Blueberry growing very well outdoors, really pleased with this. 




Some nice colas forming on the Green Poison. The Durban Poison is way behind also the Hope and Killer skunk

( but not the male, which came down in an impressive cloud of pollen )





The Frisian Dew is doin great. Some rot here and there so I pruned a couple of colas. This plant has grown a load more.

lookin forward to sample these early buds



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Mornin Pablo .  My Ducks have put a spurt on the last few days, have had some decent sunshine since last week and formed lots of small budded colas. 

My eyes aint so sharp so I dont notice the trichs too much so I look more at the colour and texture of the whiskers as a guide to maturity.

Im estimating annother 2 weeks on my Ducks. large.1505896243985.jpg


Just took these pics on macro focus to see the trichs for myself. All my pics are taken on a 5 year old samsung tablet  but i can make out the trich formation, actually

doin better than i had hoped.

large.1505896243593.jpg The Ducks have a strong sharp low citrussy smell now. Its very distinctive .


Up close the smell is very noticable but i dont think it carries far. The Frissie Dew honks in comparison.

The distinct smell stays evident in the taste of the cured bud and I recall enjoying the sativa tendency,

rushy, energising when the bud is fresh, supreme day time smoke in autumn, just suits me fine :oldtoker:

This is such a hardy, stealthy funny plant it would be hard not to love it. Will grow again next time. I like 

the idea of keeping a clone again to reveg over winter for a third generation. 

@PabloEscobar Im guessing your plants will be lookin good , Im just gonna pop round and have a nose , skin up :)

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