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The Night Garden welcomes Cream Mandarin FV, Green Poison FV & Ice


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Lookin good those baby's hope mine are similar to yours at day 24 just been reading through diary's and few ppl have had to drop out for one reasons or another, best of look mate

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There Looking very healthy mate :yep:

Thanks mate :v: Tthey are hardy these to be able to cope with my not so clever hands with starting plants and general haphazardness early on but all signs are pointing that they will take off now after the pot up, tough plants = good breeding imo, all positive stuff

Looking great Botanics. Keep up the good work mate.

Thanks IG, hope the build is coming on sweet mate :yep:


Thnaks bud for the compliments, I'll be honest these are pretty quick to get going all 3 strains, I've always said that under CFL they jsut take that little bit longer to get rooted through pots but the canopy is in good shape for being at this age.

Shame some peeps having to pull out of the compo though, more the merrier like I say

Thanks all for the comments :yinyang:

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@@botanics going great in here mate they all look good now, nice tidy pics too, didnt make it here last night after the rugby. Stella + Trainwreck == comatosed Fragg lol. Did you catch the match? Talk about a game of two halves :)

ATB man :oldtoker:

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Ah I should have know it would be on Sky Sports mate being England, was looking on terrestrial tv like :doh: but taped the highlights, didn't get to watch it yet though, will catch it later, but from the news clips looked a good open game so lloking forward to catching up on it :yep:

Alcohol + weed :nea: shame on you lad lol (I can't mix them, the booze ruins the buzz for me)

Thanks man for the compliments on these too, couple of days and they'll be rocketing I reckon, got a feeling in the bones about these Sweet Seeds in here ;)

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@@botanics yeah my bad saying it as on BBC as you say that was highlights, Sky is bloody awful for it as they have fucking Stuart Barnes and he is a hopeless commentator imo.

Not a drinker really I make exceptions for England rugby matches though ;)

Yep they look like they are ready to go whoooosh :)

ATB :oldtoker:

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Update Day 30 20/4

Good evening peeps :)

Up to day thirty now in here according to my calender and onto phase two now with this diary as they are ramping up and getting into the real vegging period.

Now of course as they are starting to grow some more I've upped the pics to individuals of all, they've also been numbered now too.

Cream Mandarine FV

First up then and the Cream Mandarine, these have been growing well, very healthy looking and we are up to the seventh node at the growing tip and measuring 7 inches off the pot tops. They've had one hydration since the pot up into these 2L pots and looking at them earlier today I could see the roots are at the drain holes, judging by the weight of the pots these will require another hydration in a day or so and at that time I'll also introduce my DIY root juice which will be given at a dose of 5ml/L.

After the pot up I also upped the power of the lamps and these are now running under 100 W CFL's (3 x 4500K & 1 x 2700K) and I also reduced the lights regime to 20/4 at the same juncture so they can rest up for a dark period. Temps have been peaking at 26 C and dipping to 20.7 C during the dark cycle.

So the photos for these and I've taken two of each (top and front view) with #1 first and #2 second.



And CM FV #2



Green Poison FV

These are also doing well, a little shorter than the other two strains but both are of equal height to eachother (I'm inclined to reason that this could well be because the GP are in the centre of the box and getting more concentrated light) They are also showing their roots at the drain holes and as with the Cream Mandarines, these have only had the one hydration since the pot up and again they will be due around the same time as the CMs and as per the same as those I'll introduce the DIY root juice at 5ml/L. Temps of course are the same as above and so is the light regime.

Photos are once again in the same format as above with #1 first (top and front view) with #2 after.



And GP #2



Ice Cool

The third and final strain being run for this competition then are the Ice Cool, these are of the same height as the Cream Mandarines. Followers may recall that the Ice Cool are in Westland Multi Purpose whereas the other two strains are in the Jack's Magic, I found the Westland MP excellent for the current Bubba Kush CBD I've got in bloom and yet again I'm very happy with it for these too, however I'm not seeing roots at the drain holes on the Ice Cool (all top growth is at the same amount of internodes so no issues) but it seems that once again the not watering in on the pot up really did get the roots searching the water out and has once again proved to me that it's the best way to go forward on potting up (providing there's some moisture content in the new potting mix of course). Temps again are the same and as per the others above the photos below are of top and front views and in numerical order.



IC #2



This last photo to wrap up today's update is of course of all six plants together.


And that concludes todays update folks and as always, thanks for watching :v:

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Very nice inn the Night Garden! Lovely update @@botanics and even better looking plants. Seems at the minute each pair has slightl different leaf structure? Might get nice mix of smokes there, double bubble ..? :)

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Thanks Bob, yeah mate, they've all got their subtle differences so It'll keep me on my toes no doubt come the stretch, good plants these Sweet Seeds Bob, not been any trouble so far, just happy and cracking on like, Bubba's are coming in a week and these I'll put in the main box then and give them some Halide :v:

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@@botanics well you clearly have these ladies dialled in mate they are all looking very happy indeed and as Bob noted some subtle differences in leaf structure already. Nice tidy presentation too dude, bloody Sweet Seeds making us all tidy up our grooms eh :)

Keep up the great work :)

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Aye, typical bud innit eh, the quality of these compo diaries man, making us all work a bit like lol:cheers: buddy :v:


I like to keep it relatively tidy IG, otherwise it messes with my head a bit and I get stressed, ordered mess is ok though, you know like, little piles of mess here and there, but in my head, that a mess wiith a place for it lol


It could be tider Key but tidy enough for me, always the same, after every grow the pots are washed in bleach etc, just always been my way with growing and thanks mate for the compliments :yep:

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I know what you mean Botanics by mess in your head lol I hate mess & clutter, it wrecks me head lol.

Just been browsing around your gallery. I love your random thread with your build & diagrams. Do you find Growmore a good fertilizer, is it organic as I believe you go down this path? It's a wonder you didn't put pictures up of your pest control spray etc in random thread. I saw the chillies tho but no coffee etc lol.

Keep the good work up mate.

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Cheers botanics ;)

All looking great as usual, nice growing skill and top quality plants :yep:

Keep it up and all the best for the competition.

Sweet smokes,


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Hello you..again lol

Having trouble keeping up with you mate.

These look picture perfect at this stage,nice and squat and healthy.

Best of luck to you and all others taking part.


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