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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@Dinafem-Mark my plan was to use the jacks magic for these,and then get the pm for my next run. I will just use the jacks in the garden,in fact I was thinking of getting a tree,maybe a blossom?

Swap next run mate as they maybe used to the jacks now :)

A blossom sounds lovely :)

All the best


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@@botanics I like your thinking. I only have 3/4 of a bag left of the jacks, I am tempted to get some pm soil supreme and just start ot grow earlier than the usual 5 weeks in the jacks. I was doubting myself for a while though if I am being honest.

The mind can play tricks on you,when you least expect it.

Stay safe,stay happy and stay baked.......and don't over water.

Yer doin a sterlin job there mucker no need to doubt yourself. I let mine get cold and probably overwatered a bit too so I've got some nursing to do. Yours look fine dude.

I will need to have a squint at yer CBD critical mass diary as I might look down that road for some meds for my back and also a bit of nerve damage in my hands.

All the best mucker

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@ thanks for the kind words mate. Your too kind.

Good evening friends, the girls are due a feed tonight, as it has been 6 days since the last drench of goodness. Just had them out and I was pleased to see the 2 tops coming through.

I will update later with measurements etc.

On with the show.......





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Good evening fellow tokers,

Today is day 31 for the ladies, they are certainly not seedlings. As mentioned in my pprevious post......it was time for the drenching sesh.

As they are just over four weeks old,I decided that they should be able to take a higher dose of nutes,so tonight they had:

3ml/l root stim, 1ml/l catalyst, 0.5ml/bs.

They did seem grateful, I put a litre through each,and then repeated. So both plant had 2 litres through them, as before left in the run off for a good half hour. Because I needed my tea as well as them.

The critical mass are now down and hanging, so as soon as I get them brown bagged, these will be able to hit the mh. These will be vegged for a total of 8 weeks, so we are just over half way through.

Take care and stay happy,stay safe

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They look great and going from a 5 day feed to every 6 days should work. Have you considered daily but less water/feed mix?

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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its looking good in here mate.....

do you feel for the pots getting light before feeding again bud? i leave mine until there's practically not any weight whatsoever in them before feeding again.

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@@Dinafem-Mark cheers for popping in,and for the positive vibes.I have thought of the little and often way of feeding, but I would just panic over how much and when. So this way seems to work for me (touch wood).

@@craigfjyp thanks for popping in mate and the kind words., yes I let them get super light/dry before drenching.

Not much to update really,apart from how I acquired a whole lobster of all things. I pop in to visit a couple of friends as they are older than me and don't really get out. Well yesterday I was sat in my friends having a roll up (as no joints in his house). He then says "I have something for you", goes in his freezer and produces a whole cooked frozen lobster will shell. Being the polite soul I am,accepted his gift. But I don't think I will have it soon,as never tried it and it seems a bit fidely to remove claws etc. Might save it for Christmas, but I can see it just staying in the freezer.

I had better get up,need some milk.

Enjoy.the weekend.

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@@sy100276 hi mate hope your good dont mind me butting in, your watering is way out imo, sorry. just try watering little and often mate it works really well. just start with 100 maybe 150ml on those plants, nice and cool water so oxygen levels are higher. the roots will love you for it mate, happy roots happy plant. atm your just drowning the roots, so there will be less oxygen there. be carful you dont get root rot with a 6 day water.

on a nicer note hows the buds coming on drying, i bet your in there checking if the scraggle is dry enough to smoke lol, i am the same.

peace chap

bloody living life now with lobster, he must know you just cropped lol

you should eat that mate, get some plyers and crack that shit open mmmmm not recommended with milk mind

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@@1lastchance thanks for your input, I am grateful. Lots to think about, quite like the wet/dry cycle though. Watch this space.The buds are drying gently with the temp between 68-70f humidity is 39%, had a check earlier and there is not really anything ready that is smokable,but I have snipped a small bud to dry on the rad to tied me over. I think another 48/hours or so and they can be bagged.

Might save the lobster till it is all Jared up, might make some kind of pasta thing with it.

Time to listen to some tunes.

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yeah man you can still have the wet and dry cycle, i do that but you have to keep them in smaller pots until the roots are sufficient, its all good man they look very nice it would just speed up the growth for ya.

well at least you got loads of gas to warm the radiators up to be able to flash dry a few bits.

enjoy your tunes mate

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Your right there @@1lastchance. Looking to be a good weekend.

Just had a quick look back in my albums,and it would seem I am stressing over nothing, as Iccompared some pics of the cm at the same time as these ak,it would seem growth is similar. As I didn't even start lst until day 36 with the cm, I am aware that these would be speeding upwards under more lumens. The topping did set them back, and I have read it can take even 14 days for plants to get over the shock of being chopped (strain depending). These were snipped as the 5th node was coming through.

Time to chillax.

Oh and the next batch has arrived, so in 7-10 it will be cracking time once more. My plan it to take clones of the ak, would even like to try a bonsai mum?

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Good afternoon folks, and welcome to day 34.

The girls have been rotated today,and the t5 has been raised a touch. As the crop of cm is going into brown bags today,the tent is free. This means that extra lumens will be available. I normally run lights 24/7, but it is good to mix things up a bit. So we will be running 18/6, I think I might give them a few days under both lamps at 250w with dual spec bulbs. Then I will turn things up to 400w on each bulb with mh in each shade.

Time for a brew and then introduce the girls to the tent.

Toodle pip.

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Evening all,

Just transferred the girls to the tent with lights off, they are set to run from 7pm-1pm. With 1pm-7pm lights off.

I was surprised to see the lower leaves look hungry, but the new growth is a nice green shade. I think I should give them a dose of ot grow tomorrow, let them settle in with the extra lumens and then feed. This should let the soil dry a touch, I have posted some pics to see what you good souls think.

Thanks, and stay safe.




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A few people have tried telling you about your watering practice's but ya don't take heed...

We tried... lol

With the over watering your stunting them big time. You should be as far along as you are now at 2 weeks old if you watered a little better bud, honestly. You want them that established within 2 weeks or so. Really..

You put 2 litres through um, just to give you an idea of how much your over watering...thats as much as folk put through fully flowering plants in 6 litre pots...

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