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Growers Ark Coco Schedule


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it fucking stinks, and i got a couple of air stones in my res which seems to amplify it lol, these nuts are great things grow v fast in coco with these nutes


just potted on to 6.5L

around 15 days after germination :) with root tonic and first feed

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Your plants are looking really healthy and same for roots. I just finished a run with the coco nutrient range and was really impressed with the result.

With roots like yours - they will be no stopping them ,


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it fucking stinks, and i got a couple of air stones in my res which seems to amplify it lol, these nuts are great things grow v fast in coco with these nutes

around 15 days after germination :) with root tonic and first feed

@@greenfingers1987 Plants are looking healthy, im also at this stage, but ive repotted mine into 3ltr pots.

can i ask, when do you plan to switch from the first feed to grow nutrients.?

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im on grow nutes now bud, i gave themone final feed of first feed as i had 8 ltrs left in the bucket lol, then switched to grow nuts on tuesday at 2ml/l and 3ml UT/l and 5ml/l root tonik which gives me an ec of 0.9, but they went a tad dark green and a couple of leaves with minor twist so dropped it down to 1.5ml/l grow + same levels of others as these dont effect EC and it gives me 0.8, PH to 5.8-6.0 and done

if i was going up to 11's i would prob repot to 3.5-7-11 but if i repotted going to 6.5 they would just need doing again the following week, mine were done monday and i have some roots at drain holes already just to give you an insight into how fast roots grow in coco, im amazed tbh, its prob7 years since i last grew in coco and i cant believe i ever stopped lol, im only 2 weeks into my grow and im a convert lol but the proof will be in the smoke, as yield isnt important to me at all (he says after popping more beans when 60% of jars full and will be jumping straight in with some critical+ and critical cheese straight after lol) it really isnt, i just like to have plenty of smoke about me and a little variation now and then :)


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im on grow nutes now bud, i gave themone final feed of first feed as i had 8 ltrs left in the bucket lol, then switched to grow nuts on tuesday at 2ml/l and 3ml UT/l and 5ml/l root tonik which gives me an ec of 0.9, but they went a tad dark green and a couple of leaves with minor twist so dropped it down to 1.5ml/l grow + same levels of others as these dont effect EC and it gives me 0.8, PH to 5.8-6.0 and done

if i was going up to 11's i would prob repot to 3.5-7-11 but if i repotted going to 6.5 they would just need doing again the following week, mine were done monday and i have some roots at drain holes already just to give you an insight into how fast roots grow in coco, im amazed tbh, its prob7 years since i last grew in coco and i cant believe i ever stopped lol, im only 2 weeks into my grow and im a convert lol but the proof will be in the smoke, as yield isnt important to me at all (he says after popping more beans when 60% of jars full and will be jumping straight in with some critical+ and critical cheese straight after lol) it really isnt, i just like to have plenty of smoke about me and a little variation now and then :)


Nice info on the feed. i'll start with grow nutes on the next feed at 1.5ml.

Critical+? as in Bsb Kritical+.? im just flushing my Kritical+ at the moment, real frosty nugs galore

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no bud. dinafem critical+2.0 (its mould resistant compared to early critical+) and critical cheese (critical+xcheese), glad you got plenty of frosty nugs, good luck with the next run with these nutes, youll love them


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My WIlma system has been up and running for nearly a week now using grow nutes the plants are on a mission thanks for all the great info here. One question i have is when you flush the system once a week with just water how do you go about? just fill the res with plain water and feed them for 24 hours or leave it on constant. thanks again people :P

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My ph is 7.3 straight out the tap but 24hrs later its 6.5,do you think if I mix and feed straight from tap I will run into ph problems sooner or later? It will be best to leave for 24hrs, right?

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I wont flush my pots once a week with just water as long as you feed to run off, you shouldn't get salt build up in the coco, and if your on about your drippers clogging I think you can add products to your feed to combat it, but when I used my Wilma I never had a blocked dripper and just purchased new ones every grow :)


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The old man has a Wilma and uses 11ltr pots with clay pebbles, he just emptys old nutrients and puts fresh in no need to be flushing every week.

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@@BLOCKER , mix your nutes and chech the PH and keep it between 5.8-6.2 i go 5.8 and let it rise over a few days to give them a PH 'range' if you need ph up simply use bi carb of soda and vinegar for ph down if you dont have the proper gear :)


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No you won't have pH probs mixed straight from the tap, its what I do for every watering for soil or coco.

not necessarily bud if the ph is too low he will have ph issues there is no need to ph in soil as it buffers itself but in coco the grower dictates ph its best to check especially in harder water areas, after I mix my nutes my ph drops down to 5.4-5.6 and I up it slightly to 5.8-6.0, not trying to cause any agg just saying what is considered 'good' practice but do whatever works best for you


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lol I still pH my feed for coco mate though, as long as its between 5.8 and 6.3 am happy, I took the ops question to mean will using fresh tap water after adding nutes and phing make his medium pH fluctuate as the water pH drops when left for 24 hours so he must think this will happen in his rootzone too which it wont. No agg here bud ( don't how to do peace sign lol)
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