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I believe that, given time for it to settle down and become just another feature, it will prove to be very useful for folks who need to know if a poster has got some weight behind their opinions. Let's face it, there's a shedload of really and truly awful advice posted most days, its enough to make one's heart weep. How does a newbie distinguish between the postings of a seasoned and experienced grower with wisdom to offer, and those of a copy'n'paste merchant, a wannabe without any experience who just wants to sound knowledgeable, but who's advice is both second hand and without any experience to back it up? I would have thought a rep function would serve to deal with this just nicely, wouldn't it?

I don't see the point in bitching in here anyway. It's been enabled so the only thing to do now is go with it and see how it goes over the next few weeks/months. If at the end of that time there are any anomalies then maybe Joolz will reassess (because let's face it, the regulars know who should end up with high scores, the way I see it this is about making it easy for newbies to see who has a track record of giving good advice).

If everyone uses the function sensibly then it will have a purpose, if we don't then I'm sure Joolz will switch it back off. I agree that it maybe should be kept out of Free4all (I'd actually go as far as to suggest it be restricted to the cultivation, medical and legal subforums, where the quality of advice really matters) otherwise it could end up just reflecting who's the funniest (or whatever) which would be pretty pointless.

Aye, bang on my friend, bang on :yes: Although I disagree about restricting it, I think it makes better sense to unroll it across the board.

But hey, we'll see won't we.

:yep: Nice one Joolz, I hope it works as well as it looks like it should :yep:

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Please dont forget to add rep +1 if my post was useful

Someones already advertising in their sig :rofl:



ETA: the negative rep button.... would this feature maybe help head off some of the shit storms? I've just been in a thread where one poster is pissing me off, I don't want to get stuck in but a passive negative showing people don't like what they are saying might be useful, I'd put them on ignore but they aren't normally that objectionable...... or is it that the negative button would turn into digital troll food?

Edited by billious
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I'm doomed. :blub:


oboy! A like button!

x2 reputation points for this post :headpain:

Worth a try, but clearly some will abuse it.


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Why does anything new gets put forward its a conspiracy for others, people just dont like change

If you give good advice you get repped if you dont you dont get repped simples... MM

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Guest weedmonsta
Please dont forget to add rep +1 if my post was useful

Someones already advertising in their sig :rofl:


guilty as charged lol.... i dont see a problem with it, if someone finds my post useful then why not add it?

it will help noobs to know who gives good advice... so far i have no rep points, but that dosent matter to me

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I dunno?, just feel like it enforces the clique that everyone says doesn't exist?.

I agree.

I recall Ghadaffi mentioning the 'clique' in one of his speeches recently if IIRC :smokin:

FWIW I think its a good thing, kool and the gang and that :wink:

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II think it would serve more of a purpose if you could see a members reputation under their regular avatar though, without going to their profile.

we have that option, I just haven't enabled it yet, I can also add a tab to members profile which will show a list of who repped who and for which posts, I might enable them later :)

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the bullshitters on the site get weeded out by those who know any way. (EDIT: the growing section is where i have noticed this, mainly when ppl claim certain things that arent true, get called on it and are found out)

it didnt take me to long to work out who are the people worth listening to and those who arent. plus imo the star system worked well tells u wot threads are worth reading and are full of good info.

feel like every post i make will now be judged and that judgement will been seen by every1 with either 0 rep or a +rep score

i get judged enough in the real world dont want it on here too

just my 2ps worth


Edited by smallbeginings
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Sounds good if it works. Esp in the growing section for new growers. Only thing is if you get a load of replies to a prob, surely you have to wait to see which advice is good before rating the suggestion... Dunno if many will go back and do that. Ok others who agree with good advice can give rep to that post I guess... Ignore me just thinking out loud.

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20,000 reps for your mate, he's dead funny, ergo his advice is better.

10 million smilies, reps, txt spk, three of the main culprits in making us look like a bunch of stoned teenage imbeciles. Just sayin'.

Long time since I was a teenager...

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I must admit I don't really understand how rep will help people know if advice is good or not

but it's an experiment so we'll see

I think you should enable negative rep for txt spk tho Joolz :wassnnme:

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II think it would serve more of a purpose if you could see a members reputation under their regular avatar though, without going to their profile.

we have that option, I just haven't enabled it yet, I can also add a tab to members profile which will show a list of who repped who and for which posts, I might enable them later :)

Yea i think enabling would make life easier for folks... but i also think the negatives should be alowed aswell but thats jus my thoughts. I guess this is a good start tho an tho some dissagree (an i can see why), the system maybe moulded to suite everyone, who knows? until u try it u'll never know.

Readin through sum of these posts u must at sum point be thinkin "why do i bother?"

i 4 1 wud jus like t say thanx, ur efforts am appreciated m8! :smokin:

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