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Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel 400w Soil Drobe Grow.


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cheers Villalad

things aren't too bad Net. The Cc looks like it needs more N but I'm worried I'll end up locking something else out. How can I green up my Cc, shot of Fishmix maybe ?

Looks like the orange string will be making more of an appearance as the grow goes on :) all good fun.

Day 29


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Guest Poacher

looking good in there Yamatoka mate, filling out reet nicely, CC is on my to do list so ill be interested in how they finish

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things aren't too bad Net. The Cc looks like it needs more N but I'm worried I'll end up locking something else out. How can I green up my Cc, shot of Fishmix maybe ?

My CC have been hungry beggars indeed so I know where you're coming from. I have found the OT bloom is well balanced for them at 3-5-4 but I've had a hard time upping my dose quickly enough! If my calculations are correct your NPK ratio is equivalent to 4-4.7-4.3, which if anything looks a bit short of the Phosphorous to me. If I were you I'd up the Bloom, it's pretty hard to tell an N deficiency from a P one ime :yinyang:

I've assumed you're still at 1.5ml grow and 3ml Bloom.

E2A: A one off shot of fish-mix might be a good plan too as it has plenty of 'plant ready' nutrients so could green it up in the short term.

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nice one for that Net. I assumed N def so after watering what I give em - I measured out 4ml/l grow for the Cc ! Next watering I'll keep the grow at 1.5 and just up the bloom for the Cc. The Hp and suspect cheese are happy - just that greedy Cc bitch ha. Might just have saved me a nute lock out there as I'd have assumed N def, cheers.

nice one for that Net. I assumed N def so after watering what I give em - I measured out 4ml/l grow for the Cc ! Next watering I'll keep the grow at 1.5 and just up the bloom for the Cc. The Hp and suspect cheese are happy - just that greedy Cc bitch ha. Might just have saved me a nute lock out there as I'd have assumed N def, cheers.

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nice one for that Net. I assumed N def so after watering what I give em - I measured out 4ml/l grow for the Cc ! Next watering I'll keep the grow at 1.5 and just up the bloom for the Cc. The Hp and suspect cheese are happy - just that greedy Cc bitch ha. Might just have saved me a nute lock out there as I'd have assumed N def, cheers.

No problem mate, glad you didn't give the 4ml grow :wink: From my experience I'd drop the Grow to 1ml and up the Bloom by 1ml, perhaps more if she looks very hungry :ninja: Lovely plant isn't it, mine are budding up nicely and looking very frosty already. Fantastic smells too, nearly as nice as the Wild Rose :spliff:

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How I'll water today then Net.

I fill my watering can with 7 l of water. Boil up a litre in kettle and add 12 ml grow (1.5ml/l) and 24 ml bloom (3ml/l) also 8 ml bud boost (1 ml/l). This is added to can (8 l total). I'll water the Hp with 3 l giving the suspect cheeses a splash as well. I'll then add an extra 3ml bloom to the remaining 3 l for the greedy Cc. Cc gets extra without burnin the not so greedy cheese and Hp. I add some hot water as I believe nute uptake to be better if water not feezin cold.

Here's the Cc lookin :wassnnme:


e2a - see the cheese in the corner 'hangin' ? All colas from left, right up to where you see the cheese belong to the Cc - gis ya dinner money fat kid heh.

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I've removed more spindley branches (some 10 or 12" long). Some of these were almost at canopy level but looked too weak to sustain good budage. Blayz'd posted earlier saying too many colas could cause low yield. Hopefully I've got the balance between not removing too much to cause worse yield or hermie - to removing just enough to ensure remaining colas benefit from extra concerntrated energy to em. Ya get meh, :wassnnme: heh

Here's Hp


eta - because not as dense (being a sat dom) as the Cc (indy dom) I'm lovin how the light shines right thru the plant, penetrating deeper into it's canopy. I think this may lead to this plant producing donkey dick buds I've seen on here.

e2a2 - almost missed ya there poacher - look in anytime.

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Sounds good Yam, didn't realise you had the bud boost too - I'm assuming that's a high P and K feed. Another thing to watch out for is a plant will naturally tend to strip nutrients from it's lower leaves if they are getting very little light so if the canopy is very dense some yellowing will probably be unavoidable.

Your CC is looks like it's going to be absolutely stacked with bud, can't say mine are looking quite as impressive; I reckon you're going to get more from the 400W than I'm going to manage, still it's the first run on my box and it needs refinement.

Interesting what you were saying about too many colas, did you see my Tundra with about 60 tips :B): Was big and outdoors though. I've been finding it hard to judge which branches to leave and which to prune out too seeing as it's my first time under a light. I think I did too much training etc early on and have now a few too many tips on the CCs, still you live and learn.

I would be very surprised if you could cause a plant to hermie from too much pruning though. I think pruning a plant that is in decent growing conditions doesn't really causes the plant any stress (unless you go way overboard).

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I'm not sure the Cc is a P def, looks N to me Net lol Next feed the Hp and cheese get 1ml/l grow (optinum) and 3 ml/l bloom (vitalink) and 1ml/l boost (vitalink). Then the Cc will get 2ml grow 3ml bloom and 1ml boost. I don't know if I've managed to lock out N on the Cc - any mods like to chip in ? I've managed to wing it so far :blub:

Day 32 - right to left, Cc front of pic, Hp at the back . .


it's a bugger bein potless (in every sense of the word) with this lot in the drobe. It's gonna be a long 4 weeks :ninja:

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Lovely shot of the canopy, it's all got a bit untidy with the vertical grow, not a lovely regimented sea of bud :yep:

I'm soon going to be feeling your pain, I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel now on my stocks :spliff:

Any chance you could get a photo of the lower leaves just under camera flash, no HPS. Can't really tell the leaf colour from your pics. What is the formulation of the boost? They shouldn't be complaining too much with that much food should they but I'd be surprised if anything is locked out at this stage if your environment is good. How bad is it?

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hey yama mate, just been reading through diary - nice one :yahoo:

anyways, what do plan on doing with your hash plant, will you be making hash out of her, i.e. the top buds all the way down??

ps... that cream caramel looks well fine, atb with the grow

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Alright Spirit - I'll be smokin the buds mate and if I do make some hash it will be from good quality trim and maybe air bud if any left heh. I've been known to nab these - er, less work when trimming :wink:

Here's a pic of a Cc leaf on top of a Hp leaf. I think i might try foliar feeding the Cc. I understand that the temp needs to be around 72 so the stomata on the under-side of leaves are still open (over 80 they close). I'll just put 1ml/l grow and sponge it on (to avoid 'beading' of water) I'll do this just before lights out at 10. Worth a shot ? If I'm about to fuck up then now would be a good time to mention it, ta :yep:


e2a - light reaches all leaves on the Cc as I've trained the main stems apart. Also around 50% of the leaves have purple stems, the other green.

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That CC leaf doesn't look bad at all to me, I imagined they were going to be completely yellow. Definitely not lock out or it would be much worse. It does look slightly hungry to me but I'm still dubious that it's N, iirc you would have more yellowing and less purpling on petiole for a pure N deficiency. I reckon it's just a little hungry all round because she's got such an appetite! I'm hitting mine with just over 6.5ml of OT bloom (3-5-4) now and I've got worse hunger than that still (reckon the west+ aint helping)! I'm starting to get the impression the bigger the plant the higher concentration of feed you need :rofl: Like I said tough that really doesn'y look bad at all to me, they're clearly looking after them very well if that's the worst of your problems :spliff:

I think you need a wetting agent to foliar feed effectively or at least use a fine mister, not sure sponging down the leaves will do much imho. If I were you bother with it at this stage. I'm sure you've got a rootball that's quite capable of delivering the goods.

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