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Hiding Spanish Girl In The Loft (vertical 250w Hps)


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Me again.... :wacko:

Not sure if you caught what I meant by the thermostatic plug. You set the desired temp of the Grow room on a digital clock which is on the plug. You can then just plug in your rad to the thermal plug and whack up the radiators to full. The thermal plug will do the rest for ya. I just found it one less thing I had to dick around with in the gr :wacko:

Laters.... B

One less thing to mess around with is a good thing in my book but I'm happy I got things sorted now. I might invest in the future, otherwise I might have a go at labeling the thermostat on the radiator to check how reliable it is first. Cheers for the pointer though :wink:

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Tupperware Kief making :wacko:

Here's a quick tip of what to with your twigs.

Stick them in a Tupperware box, stick the lid on and pop in the freezer.


Give it a good shake once it's cold enough to loosen the trichomes and then scrape the sides. Here's what was on the lid after a quick shake. There's lots mixed in with the twis too so I'll have to shake them in a sieve to get it.


Sprinkle into your spliff and get buzzing right away :wink: or press to make hash and cure if you want a good bit of mongyness :wacko:

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Day 39 Flower (75): 400W HPS

The box

Working out well still and the plants have been looking nice and happy with the environment. Temps are still 18-28 :wacko: , still a little scorching going on but it's not doing much harm at all. Filling up with great aromas and bud nicely, I've been removing a few fan leaves to expose the buds to the light a bit more. Looks like they're at about the stage for the Calyxes to start swelling, can't wait :wink:


Water and nutes

Still just about managing around 3l every 3 days, although a couple of them had a little extra splash after 2 days to see them all the way through. They've been looking fairly well fed again now so upping the bloom to 6ml was a good plan. I now have a few brown pistils here and there and a general lightening of some of the lower leaves so I've dropped the bloom about 1ml and given them 1ml fishmix. I'll carry on dropping the bloom, especially for the CCs which look to be coming along the quickest.

Cream Caramels

Both been doing a good bit of bulking out. CC1 is a little further along than CC2, don't know if this is due to variations in the environment or different phenotypes. They look similar but smell a little different.



She's getting really frosty



You can just about see the effect being in the corner has had on the shape of it in this pic


Heading for the light :wacko:



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alright there net, nice tip with they twigs :wacko:

top diary mate, good job too :wacko: loved that vertical light growing, just started going down that path myself - via a parabolic reflector - still getting bits n pieces sussed but was wondering how far away from buds were you getting there??

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Wild Rose

Bulking up nicely now and she's generally a happy girl. This pic shows the benefit of the vertical light quite nicely, buds up and down those stems :wink:



Flash Back #2

Looking like the slowest bloomer at the moment but also doing well, lower leaves are quite light but hopefully the fishmix will help. Should probably trim a few more fan leaves of her The aroma has really kicked in now, definitely the fruitiest. I think its a strong mango smell, might have to get a mango to make the comparison ;)


:( Rider

Buds are developing rather leafy and spindly, there's still very little smell, leaves are thin and it's not even flowering quickly. Really was a waste of time and space popping this one. If it was a bit further along I'd cut it down and use the space to spread the others out a bit. Won't be buying Nirvana seeds again if this is anything to go by.


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Cheers for your comments Spirit. The mesh is 40cm diameter so plants are only 20cm from the 400W bulb, next time I will make this 25-30cm.

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ha, liked the twig hash net - I'll be using that idea, good one :rofl:

Yeah, I sieved it through a fine sieve and got a nice little pile. It all helps in my time of need lol

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I'm rubbing rizlas on my colas at the mo - it works :spliff:

:headpain: Desperate times and all that.

Tempting but I don't want to burst those developing trichomes. Might end up taking a branch off one of the CCs soon as I really only have a little left. I've got a couple of tiny spindly buds drying that were at the back of a couple of plants, the pistils were all brown as I think the plant had given up on them.

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Just a quick post to say Calyxes have finally started swelling and the buds are starting to fatten up so I'll try and get some pics at watering this evening. Fantastic aromas from all the Sweet seeds and the short rider has finally decided that it is actually a cannabis plant :)

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Hi Net2-3, Brilliant diary, very enjoyable read. Love the adventurous growing technique. Hats off! It looks like its working really well too :ouch:

Love the pics (HPS shots without lines!!!! :) ) and the great tip for the stalks... :yahoo: cheers.

I only hear good things about the CC, I am sure you are going to enjoy! I have the seeds but not grown them yet. FB dunno either! :yep:

Wild Rose is a great smoke, I really like it, currently flowering a few cuts (3rd grow) :v:

All the best m8y

Dorko :rofl:

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Hi Net2-3, Brilliant diary, very enjoyable read. Love the adventurous growing technique. Hats off! It looks like its working really well too :yep:

Love the pics (HPS shots without lines!!!! :yahoo: ) and the great tip for the stalks... :spliff: cheers.

I only hear good things about the CC, I am sure you are going to enjoy! I have the seeds but not grown them yet. FB dunno either!

Wild Rose is a great smoke, I really like it, currently flowering a few cuts (3rd grow) :)

All the best m8y


Glad you enjoyed it Dorko, I've had a little try of the CC and the Wild Rose and they certainly seem very promising for the final smoke :D I think the HPS shots without lines are thanks to having an SLR lol There will be some more shortly.

Early Smoke Reports

My supplies have run dry so I'm afraid to say I've started picking bits of the ripest plants (CC1 and the Wild Rose). It's definitely early for them but some of the small buds at the back are pretty swollen with brown pistils and after a few days drying provided a decent smoke.

Cream Caramel



Without a slow dry and cure there wasn't much flavour to the bud, however the smoke was surprisingly smooth. The smoke is somewhat hashy but not heavy and earthy like a kush. The dominant note is a fruity sweetness accompanied by vanilla, it remind a little of the bubblegummer that I had in the Dam. Definitely seems like it will be a fairly simple but very pleasant flavour when it's had the right treatment.


The smoke hit me fairly hard before I'd got very far through the first spliff. It resulted in an instant lowering of the eyelids and a nice chilled out feeling. It wasn't long before I was chatting shit and laughing at a lot of things :D It has a very relaxing full body stone, I could feel it sitting nicely inside my skull and radiating down through my body leaving me with the feeling that someone had turned gravity up :stoned: . The high lasted a long time and after a couple of hours I was still feeling very nicely monged and relaxed but not sleepy.

Wild Rose


I couldn't believe how well and how strongly the aromas came through on the early bud. I opened up my grinder and was startled to discover that the dominant smell was deep and floral, I expected this aroma to diminish after drying until it had a good cure. The smoke is skunky with a sweetness that is nicely balanced by a spiceyness that reminded me of turmeric. The floral note, which reminds me of roses and hyacinths (without the pungency), comes through really nicely in the nose and lingers on the exhale. The best and most interesting smoke I've ever tried.


Gave me an instant sensation behind the eyes that felt very pleasant, this faded leaving me wondering if the early bud had any potency. After a few minutes though the high began to develop. At first it was a little rushy and made me feel nervous, but I'm guessing once it's riper this will fade. Afterwards a warm, comfortable, fuzziness filled my head accompanied by a deep thoughtfulness and enthusiasm. Seems like a great weed for looking at beautiful or artistic things and listening to music. It encourages you to engage with and appreciate all forms of stimulation and left me feeling nice and tingly from head to toe, great weed to share with the other half :wacko:

Don't think I'll be able to post anything on the Flash Back #2 and Short Rider for a little while yet by the looks of things.

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Day 47 Flower (81)

Don't have a full set of individual plant shots yet but I'll try and get a couple more up very soon.

It's been an eventful Easter for the girls. They made their first trip out of the loft in a loooong time for a bit of retraining, needless to say they left the whole house smelling pretty sweet for a good while. The scorching had been continuing and I started to get some on the buds so I thought I could train the plants back away fro the mesh to expose more buds to the light and tackle the scorching. I also stuck a decent sized fan over the intake blowing up onto the bulb. All in all it looks like this has the heat issues completely sorted, I hope. The retraining seems to be working a treat, barely a spot of direct light hits the side of the box and more of the buds are getting direct light. The buds are really starting to pack on nicely now and developing nicely down the stems lol

New fan bottom left of shot with Short Rider


Retrained Wild Rose


Full box


Water and Nutes

Still all drinking a little over 3l every 3 days on average. The Wild Rose and Cream Caramels got about 4ml Bloom and 1.5ml Fishmix, Short Rider and Flash Back had about 5ml Bloom and 1ml Fishmix.

The plants

Still a bit of yellowing and loss of lower leaves across the board, they might need a bit more N but I'm not sure it's a good plan to go above 2ml Fishmix.

CC1 is coming on the quickest and looks to be done within 2 weeks, she's absolutely dripping in trichomes



CC2 and the Wild Rose have a little further to go but I reckon will be done within 2.5 weeks (9 weeks in total).

CC2 in her corner of the box


Wild Rose buds, about 20% brown pistils.


Flash Back #2 is taking it's time and looks like it will go for at least 9 weeks. She's still giving off her pungent mango aroma :wacko:

I'll try and get some more pics up and one more update done before the end of the competition, although I will of course be continuing the diary after. that. I'm also about to get cracking on the next set of beans. It will be 2x Wild Rose, 2x Flash Back, 1x Cream Caramel, 1x Dinafem Power Kush and 2x Something else. Not sure what the something else will be, don't think I can stretch to a set of 10 Killer Skunks, I may well go for another Sweet Seed strains I think, maybe Jack 47.

Edited by net2-3
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Hey net, looking good dude.. that Wild Rose looks outstanding.. delicious.. Can't wait to see ur harvest.

Just wanna say thanks as well because after you pointed out my girls looked a bit hungry, I fed them a shitload more and they're all picking up immensely.. lots of the leaves that were yellow went back to green! :D

Enjoy those test buds bud... :)

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