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Hiding Spanish Girl In The Loft (vertical 250w Hps)


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Thanks guys. Damn I just assumed it would sink into the soil, i guess that's why it's sharp sand? Is the stuff from wickes alright? Shit, I also thought their life cycle was like 5 days or something.. :ouch:

Just checked for you as I wasn't sure. It's actually 20-25 days from larvae to adult but a single adult can lay 200 eggs. The stuff from Wickes should be fine but wash it first (I found that part the tricky bit :yinyang: ). They shouldn't really cause plants any problems apart from seedlings but I don't think I want them crawling all over my sticky buds and getting stuck, don't reckon they've got the THC content that I'm after!

If you do have a gnat infestation it's worth thinking about whether you've got your watering right. They will find life much harder if you're running a proper wet/dry cycle and may indicate that some of the root zone is not getting the chance to dry out leading some roots to rot.

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Same here. I saw a few stuck on my fat colas last time :rofl:

It's funny you say that.. about root rot etc last grow the plant which they seemed to hang around the most got to a point (about day 55 flowering..) where it wasn't getting any lighter.. ie. not draining out.. therefore.. root rot?? - i put t down to the gnats. It was so close to flower I was just flushing the shit out of it anyway and didn't mind too much tbh.

I don't wanna hijack this thread.. but you mean I should not let them dry out too much? I try to wait til I can stick my finger in the soil up to the knuckle and it's all dry.

Cheers man.. I really do appreciate the help.

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Make sure to wash the sand very well before putting into pots,it can contain a lot of salt.Plants are looking really sweet hope you have the height .

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Cool grow net.. :ouch:

I've done vert 150 grows before... And am swaying to doing one with my 400 soon....

Plants look really happy dude.... :yep: I found even a 150 vert grow left me with no airbud as the buds are recieving light all the way down!

Bring on the flowers!

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It's funny you say that.. about root rot etc last grow the plant which they seemed to hang around the most got to a point (about day 55 flowering..) where it wasn't getting any lighter.. ie. not draining out.. therefore.. root rot?? - i put t down to the gnats. It was so close to flower I was just flushing the shit out of it anyway and didn't mind too much tbh.

I don't wanna hijack this thread.. but you mean I should not let them dry out too much? I try to wait til I can stick my finger in the soil up to the knuckle and it's all dry.

Cheers man.. I really do appreciate the help.

No problem, glad to be helpful. No, you need to make sure all of the compost is fairly dry right through the pot. The risk, especially with large pots, is that you might be letting the surface compost dry out but it may staying permanently wet toward the bottom of the pot. Because little air is available in the constantly wet region the compost will become sour and the roots will struggle to survive. Bear in mind that the compost at the top of the pot will dry out before the whole pot is dry. You either need to use the weight of the pots to gauge the moisture left or get a feel for how long before the surface is dry and the whole pot is getting dry.

Make sure to wash the sand very well before putting into pots,it can contain a lot of salt.Plants are looking really sweet hope you have the height .

I did try and give it a good wash, I hope it was enough now :unsure: I don't think I will have problems with height, they don't seem to be stretching much anymore at all, possibly because they're all so close to the bulb.

Cool grow net.. :yep:

I've done vert 150 grows before... And am swaying to doing one with my 400 soon....

Plants look really happy dude.... :D I found even a 150 vert grow left me with no airbud as the buds are recieving light all the way down!

Bring on the flowers!

Thanks SH, that's what I like to hear about the air buds, I was hoping that would be the end result. How have you got on trying to keep some of the buds low?

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Day 11 Flower (47): 400W HPS

Just a quick update, mainly because I got a couple of pics of the Wild Rose that I missed out last time.

Training seems to be working quite well and the environment is running pretty nicely. Still only seen 3 fungas gnats (2 squished and 1 escaped :P) so far so they're still no great concern for me. Last water they all had 1ml fishmix and just over 1.5ml OT bloom; I'm finding the feeds are working very well so far with very little hunger showing.

Plenty of growing tips at canopy level. I've been supercropping the odd shoot to help tips behind get light and I've trained lots of tip down lower too now as recommended by Nunsacred. They very keen for some water in this picture.


The Wild Rose is still the prettiest plant in my book. These pics hopefully show what I've managed to achieve with the training. I've brought most of the tips over closer to the light, effectively flattening the plants around the cylinder somewhat.

gallery_42949_2252_145817.jpg gallery_42949_2252_102997.jpg

Some of the leaves look a bit twisted, this is just from pressing up against the mesh.

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Hope stretch will stop soon, only about 20cm between top tips and the ceiling :thumsup: , can always train a few more down if needs be but I'd rather not. Doing a bit of supercropping though. Feed up to 2ml Bloom (with just under 1ml fishmix), plants taking about 3l every 2-3 days. Pistils are really starting to pop up now too, I'm getting impatient to see some buds :unsure:


Cream Caramel, left hand side is the side facing the light.

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Hiya Net mate,

fuck me things have moved on at a fair old pace round here!!

Loving the setup mate, hope it works out for you... nothing ventured nothing gained and all that. Plant's look shit hot buddy, you've obviously taken to the great indoors very well. :wub:

Good luck with the flowering dude, may there be much budness for ya! :yahoo:

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Agree.. looking awesome net. Damn dude, I love that canopy shot.

Cheers man.. I will have to start to get a feel for the pot weights and raise the pots off the floor. Always learning, I suppose :angry:

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Hiya Net mate,

fuck me things have moved on at a fair old pace round here!!

Loving the setup mate, hope it works out for you... nothing ventured nothing gained and all that. Plant's look shit hot buddy, you've obviously taken to the great indoors very well. :yes:

Good luck with the flowering dude, may there be much budness for ya! lol

Cheers buddy, they are coming along quickly now aren't they. It does add to the excitement trying out a setup like this and I am loving they're progress. It's quite fiddly and I have to get the plants out to water but that's worthwhile because I can give them the once over at the same time :B): , just hoping the yield will justify it too. If anything can these Sweet Seeds can (or maybe UGORG :wink: ). Tempted to do a UGORG vs SS comparison with my remaining SS seeds next time, now where can I get a tasty Lot #5 lol

Agree.. looking awesome net. Damn dude, I love that canopy shot.

Cheers man.. I will have to start to get a feel for the pot weights and raise the pots off the floor. Always learning, I suppose :yep:

Cheers kookachu, looks like things are progressing nicely in your neck of the woods too.

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Day 16 Flower (52): 400W HPS

The Box

All going well up top these days. Temps are a little lower than I'd like, I've taken the silver fan out so just have the two clip ons in there, we'll see if it makes much difference. I think I need to seal up the box better but spring is here now, hopefully it'll warm up a bit soon.


Ludicrously fast shutter speed :rofl: Think the height will work out nicely, hope they start stacking up some buds skywards. Some of the leaves close to the light are getting scorched and bleached because it's higher and further from the fan. I've now moved the clip on that's blowing up onto it onto the bottom of the mesh so it's closer to the light.


Getty pretty rammed in there, hopefully they now have lots of roots and lots of leaves, there's plenty of light in there so let's hope for lots of bud :yes:

I did think flowering would be a little further on by this stage, I hope I'm just being impatient :unsure:

Water & Nutes

All plants still getting about 2.5l at each watering. Short Rider and Wild Rose have just had 0.5ml Fishmix and 2.5ml Bloom, other three had an extra 0.5ml or so of Bloom. A few pale leaves to remove but these are generally pretty shaded so could be lack of light more than hunger.

Had to leave the girls through three light periods on one water as didn't have a chance to tend them. They weren't too happy and you can see this in the pics. The Wild Rose was especially droopy so I'll get a pic when she perks back up again. So every other day from now on looks essential.

Cream Caramel 1: She's bushier than ever. It was fimmed into 3 shoots and not trained until late on, think I'll go this way next time with all of them unless I have some leggy sativas :B):

gallery_42949_2252_85252.jpg gallery_42949_2252_71023.jpg

Cream Caramel 2: She's a little more unruly than her sister but looking and smelling good. Sweet, almost sickly but also earthy tones to it.


Flash Back #2 Handsome looking plant with very thick stems, least smelly so far but plenty of time yet.


Short Rider A little crowded out by the Cream Caramels it sits between but hopefully it'll give me an early harvest as it's Top44 x Early Special (apparently with some Ruderalis in there but you wouldn't know it from it's growth cycle). No prizes for guessing where the mesh presses against it :ouch: , I've tried to adjust that a bit now.


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Looking nice in here now, i like the structure of the Flash back and i'm glad you are on top of the fungus gnats now.

Enjoy the best part of the grow, those little budlets turning into nice big fat colas!

All the best mate. :spliff:

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Cheers for your kind words guys, structure of the flash back is nice. I think it would be a great plant from a SCROG; It seems to have just the right level of willingness to branch to create a nice set of evenly sized growing tips.

Can't wait for those budlets to start really expanding, I guess I'm at the stage where there about to really start to get going :!:

Tried some of the ice hash that I made with the Tundra last night. It was really pleasant, the hashy flavours took me back a good few years and reminded me of some of the fesher aromas that have faded after the long cure on the buds :puke: Lovely stone too although it sent me straight to sleep as I've had an exhausting week. :smoke:

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