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Hiding Spanish Girl In The Loft (vertical 250w Hps)


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Awesome crop net... and great journal dude.. that Wild Rose nug looks tasty as!

Good work mate :D :wink:

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Awesome crop net... and great journal dude.. that Wild Rose nug looks tasty as!

Good work mate :spliff::band:

Cheers, trust me the Wild Rose nug is was seriously tasty :down:

Edited by net2-3
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Smoke report update

I had my first try of Cream Caramel 2, it is quite different in flavour from CC1. It has the same hashy sweetness to a degree but has strong smoky and spicy overtones. It really reminded me of Lapsang Souchong tea and bergamot and incense, absolutely fantastic :yahoo: Despite going for a good bit longer than CC1 it is less mongy and didn't put me to sleep after 2 spliffs like CC1 tends to. This one is up there with the Wild Rose for me :yahoo:

Also tried a bit more of Flash Back #2, still holding off a proper smoke report on her as it's still improving but definitely seems inferior to the other two Sweet Seeds strains for me.

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:wink: Fantastic harvest and excellent smoke reports too, that Wild Rose sounds really tasty and a strain i'll be keeping it in mind for future.

All the best, Enjoy. :v:

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:headpain: Fantastic harvest and excellent smoke reports too, that Wild Rose sounds really tasty and a strain i'll be keeping it in mind for future.

All the best, Enjoy. :smoke:

Many thanks Amnesia. Really enjoying my first indoor harvest. The Wild Rose is a treat in my book, the Cream Caramel is great too but I prefer the less mongy and more complex high of the WR :yep:

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Just had another read through this diary, great work, those budshots are like porn to me :spliff:

I have several strains in mind for when i do my 'proper grow', cream caramel is now one of them after seeing so many people growing them to this result. I have a 250w hps with is above the plant with reflector to push downwards, i wonder what result i could expect in there...

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Thanks for your comments Green giant. I think you could expect very good results from Cream Caramel under a 250w. It forms relative short wide buds at the top of the stems which would work nicely with the limited penetration of the 250w, also they produce many shoots quite easily so I guess they would suit a scrog quite nicely.

I'm really pleased I took one early and one later. The early one really delivers a lovely, thick and tasty sweet smoke while on the later one the earthy spicyness comes through to give you a more complex flavour.

Edited by net2-3
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  • 1 month later...

Flash Back Smoke Report

I haven't smoked any in a little while but though I better record my thoughts on the strain for completeness.

The buds have an intense fruity aroma that makes me think of mango, I've detected similar elements on the Lemon SKunk and Power Kush I'm growing at the moment so I guess it might by a skunk type trait. The buds are dark green with dark orange pistils and grind up well.

On the smoke the same sweet, mango fruit flavour comes through but that's about it, I don't find the depth and complexity of aromas that are in the Wild Rose and Cream Caramel to a lesser degree but I find the smoke very pleasent, especially now it's mellowed out a bit after the cure.

I'm really not that keen on the high from it although it is quite strong. Whilst the Wild Rose is fairly uplifting and gets your mind wondering all over the place this is different. I tend to find it gets my mind going too quickly and instead of wondering aimlessly in the expanse of my own consciousness it makes me go round in circles mulling over any concerns or causes of stress. I don't find the body element of the stone very relaxing, it is focused on your head and does little to relieve the tension.

So I fooking love the Cream Caramel and the Wild Rose and as an overweight rock singer once said "Two out of three ain't bad". I am definitely interested in trying some more Sweet Seeds strains in the future.

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Just thought I should add to my FB#2 smoke report. I remembered two things that may have affected the smoke, firstly I think I dropped the bloom nutes too early and she got quite hungry in the run up to harvesting, secondly I suspect I may have harvested her a bit too early. I also recalled that I did find the smoke on my White Dwarf (auto White Widow) unpleasant sometimes so I guess maybe White Widow is just not a smoke for me seeing as FB#2 is a WW cross.

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Been a while :rofl: Superb grow and pics mate and the smoke reports were top drawer too.

Cheers SSC lol

I'm sorry I just got here now. Very nice mate lol

Keep it high!


Many thanks Tommy, I am really grateful to Sweet Seeds for the great free seeds that they gave me. I currently have the last Cream Caramel and Wild Rose seeds at 5 1/2 weeks flower now, they are fantastic plants :stoned:

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Enjoyed reading your diary. Some great pics too. And definitely going to try some twig hash. :rofl:

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Nice to know you appreciated the Sweet Seeds varieties you've grown so far. Hope you also appreciate the smoke, stay cool!


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Only just found this diary and read it in its entirety. Well written, informative and entertaining. Top marks!

The pictures were excellent too! I have a digital SLR type camera and would like to get decent pics of my grow. I recall you mentioning ridiculously fast shutter speeds and as I'm not very good with the camera, I thought I'd ask you what average settings you used for shooting with lights on?

Oh and I was also very impressed with the yield you achieved..........very well done!


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