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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Excellent thread!!

I've ditched jiffys when growing autos. Nothing wrong with them but I've found the roots grow far quicker without. Jiffys just seem to contain the roots longer than just plain coco... you dump your jiffy in a pot of soil and that silly coating just seems to slow the roots from breaking out.

Anything that slows autos for me is a no no because autos are time limited.

I just pop my cracked beans right into small pots with mycorrhizal fungi and root stimulant and watch them go bananas.

Has anyone else witnessed root delay when transplanting Jiffys?? I've seen riot cubes drastically delay roots too.

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@@LovinTheBeans yeah i have noticed it mate, most are ok but got 2 which have slowed down because of the jiffys. Worrying thing is i got 7 blues in jiffys for few days now and they are up looking healthy but cant see a single root. Would like to before i pot up but cant wait much longer as id imagine theyd want some nutes soon. Will be pissed off if they end up slowing down. I prefer the riot cubes tbh for seeds.

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Why not crack the beans in plain water stummer?? 24 hours later u got roots showing out the seed and pop straight into a 1/2 or 1 litre pot. Works for me every time and put myco in the pot and yer flying :)

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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Yeah I'm probably gonna do that next to be honest. Just been a while since I done that so would probably fuck up on when I should water until run off. Know at the start I won't want too. Have done it before but was a long time ago.

Tempted to put these blues seeds into their pots today, should do really but can't believe not a single root is showing. Makes me not want too because the 2 stunted ones I've already pot up. Can't wait forever though and the first lot had roots showing after about 2 days, these have been a few days now.

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lol they go through that anyway without any issues but yeah you know what i think ill remove it and pot em up tonight, cant wait forever their gonna need some food in em soon man. Just hope these lot dont go like the 2 that are stunted man, dont mind the odd seed but 6 will piss me off.

Hopefully when i check the two i watered last night they are looking decent. Fed up with shit going wrong and its such basic shit just watering a plant, would think i was new. I just finished a dinachem and got a decent enough yield from it so should really just do what i done there but only 1 plant survived out of 10 lol.

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gonna pot up em tonight, they are all looking fine and strong and been in them for about 5 days now. Will burry them and water to run off and leave them too it.

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Some looking more behind than others due to be potted a few days later. Only good news is, I got the problem I was having sorted at fucking last. Plants are looking bang on and got lovely white roots, already more in this short space of time than what they looked like when I potted up last time lol. Proper over the moon like you wouldn't believe. Buzzing to try these strains and not even in flower and already deciding what seeds I'm ordering next lol. Life is good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

just a quick question on coco .... I will have plants just going into flower at Christmas time and I'll. be needing to go away for one night which will mean missing a days feed but will.probably. be longer than 24 hours as I'll be goin on the Friday night after watering... then I'll be back on the Sunday night to feed them again and then it will be back to normal. ...

do you think this will have a massive impact on my plants? I want to get away with this if I can....

I've already thought about drip feeding and automated etc but it's my first grow and I have very limited space in my groom so wanted to over look that option at this moment in time.

any advice on my predicament ?

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It depends how far along you are. Week 5/6 flower for instance sees them at a stage where they have rooted their pots and are VERY thirsty. If youve not that long potted up then of course they don't need as much water.

Im sure youll be ok at this stage just drench them fully before you go ;)

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for future reference for example they are week 7 flower and I need to go away after feeding them Friday night and cant feed again until. Sunday night - will this kill my plants? or will it set them back a day? how much of an impact will this have?

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Personally I would rig something to give them water at that stage but thats not to say they will suffer.

At 7 weeks flower they could sit in a pot saucer full of water/feed which they should wick up in that time - give them a huge ferd with 30% run off on your return. Also google for other alternatives to automatic watering. 7 weeks flower isnt the stage for them to be thirsty imo so try and get something in place. Maybe others have some ideas ;)

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