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Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition

Guest weedmonsta

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Guest weedmonsta

just a few pics for today :)

the speed devil is flowering really fast now ;) the buds have almost doubled in size in 3 days

the moham has been topped a couple of times and seems to be ok with it :thumsup:

the green poison got a dose of epsoms last night because of a couple of leaves were starting to yellow


^speed devil^


^moham ram^


^green poison^

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Guest weedmonsta

thanks for popping in bigtee :toot: actually the green poison leaves are only about 4-5 inches across m8

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Guest weedmonsta

A bit of a distraction.... because i can :rofl: and because i was humming the tune 5 mins ago :rofl:

and no i didnt know it had words either !

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Guest weedmonsta

thanks woowoo :wink: the speed devil are lovely the best auto i ever grew! :rofl: i think before christmas ill be buying some big devil and fast bud lol if they are anything like the speed devils i have grown they will be great...

can i just politely ask people who reply in my diary to keep it tidy please and not post the whole post you are responding to

thanks WM

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hows it all going then ?

are the speed devils giving off that lovely cheesyberry smell yet ?

cmon man make me jealous :wink:

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Guest weedmonsta

hi vince... yes the speed devil has got a cheesy fruity smell but only when the plant is moved....

soul stripper you are welcome m8 thanks

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Guest weedmonsta

Hi guys... Sorry for taking so long updating my diary, no internet again :(

but it`s back on now, so on with the show!

The Speed Devil is starting to get a few brown pistils now :med: she is slow i dont understand why? maybe its too cool in there for her or it`s the fact shes on 12/12, there are loads of trichomes on the smaller leaves around the bud and she`s really sticky! :yep:

I rekon still 7-10 days left till the chop.

this plant is covered in bud..hopefuly you can see from the pics.

Trichomes are also appearing on the Green Poison now.. she hasn`t stretched much since starting flowering...maybe 6 inches, I was expecting her to double in size, but she still has 4 weeks or so to go :)

Her buds are really forming fast now and have almost doubled in size in the last week:) they are nearly 4 inch long colas now. :)

I gave the flowering Green Poison some extra food this week comprising of..

Organic liquid seaweed @ 7ml per litre

Doff organic lawn food @ 5ml per litre for extra nitrogen

Liquid growmore @ 7ml per litre... npk 7-7-7

This was to combat a yellowing of leaves in the bottom and middle of the plant....all is green now :)

I don`t think she will need any more now before the chop.

I didn`t give the Speed Devil any extra food apart from seaweed extract as she didn`t need it.

These might be the last few pics of the Speed Devil as she is due for the chop in the next few days...

I will get some shots of the rootball and trimmed buds when the time comes :)

I topped the mature Moham Ram and Green Poisons again...didnt take any more cuttings as i dont have the space for them.I will top again before i start flowering them.

In the vegetation station are as follows..

Green Poison mature

Moham Ram mature

(These mature girls are next into flowering followed by the cuts in 4in pots)

4 Green Poison rooted cuts

2 Moham Ram rooted cuts

1 Mako Haze rooted cut

2 Green Poison in 4in pots

(1 of each of these is destined to be a mother for the next generation)

In the prop..

4 Green Poison cuts

5 Moham Ram cuts

I have enough cuttings at different stages to keep my perpetual grow going i hope!

and the next part of my diary is going to be the moham ram and another green poison...

Here are a few pics :)


^Speed Devil^


^Green Poison^

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Looking good mate :yep:

Interesting to hear the Green Poisons don't stretch too much, I've got 3 at seedling stage and could do with a couple of non stretchy strains... the quick finish and decent yeild sounds even better :yep:

G'wan the perpetual thang..... :photo:

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Guest weedmonsta

Hi Withnail...thanks for popping in :photo:

i was surprised how little she stretched....looking at another green poison diary his plant doubled in height if i recall correctly so i was expecting a 5ft plant but this girl from the top of the pot to the top of the highest cola is just about 3ft

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someones going to have a great christmas ..all looking lovely ..the speed devils seem to produce more indoors on the 18/6 regime ..but yours look awesome ..gotta get me some more for next year

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