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Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition

Guest weedmonsta

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oooh nice. I can't wait to see how they react to the 400w, they're gonna love it.

Heres a little pic of my speed devil at 2wks to the day. Yours is gonna steam ahead though with a 400w.




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Guest weedmonsta

actually they have only been under the 400 for 12 hours but it already made a difference...

i will update later with photos and measurements

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Guest weedmonsta

hi guys...

day 24 for the green poison and moham ram and day18 for the speed devil

the green poison is now 16 cm

the moham ram is now 14cm

and the speed devil is 9.5 cm

nothing added to the plants except a spray of seaweed and seaweed in the watering



green poison


moham ram


speed devil


older green poison

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Guest weedmonsta

hi guys i was just moving my plants from under the 400w hps back into veg cupboard and i noticed the speed devil is now starting to flower, yay she has her 1st pistils showing :smoke:

here is a quick sneaky pic :B):


im really glad to see this now... nice feeling that im gona have some more smoke in about a month

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Guest weedmonsta

hi guys :yinyang:

just potted up the speed devil and the large green poison into their final pots and got them under the 400 hps..

no sign of roots on the cuttings as yet so fingers crossed.

i wont be measuring for a while cos its just getting me down seeing they have only grown a few mm at a time... but will still have some pics every update


green poison


moham ram


green poison cuttings

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Guest weedmonsta

meanwhile in the flowering cab,........still on 18/6 for a couple of weeks i rekon


older green poison 11l pot


speed devil

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Guest weedmonsta

the repotted plants have been watered with seaweed solution at 7ml per liter to give the roots a boost... hopefully not too much as i heard it was hard to over do it with seaweed extract.

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meanwhile in the flowering cab,........still on 18/6 for a couple of weeks i rekon


older green poison 11l pot

lookin good WM, you planning on topping her again(the green poison not the SD) seeing as you've got a few weeks veg left? plus longer veg time = bigger speed devil i'd hope :)

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Guest weedmonsta

i think i will top her again m8.... in next couple of days....she already has 6 growing tips.as i fimmed her at the beginning and took 2 cuts one of which is rooted and growing nicely :rofl:

....waiting for the speed devil to stretch.....she is already flowering.... a couple more weeks at 18/6 shouldnt hurt :rofl:

the moham ram has been topped and im trying to clone that one too :rofl: i hope it works... i could be on my way to a perpetual grow now..... something i wanted for ages

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Guest weedmonsta

a few pictures for you guys

the moham ram and the green poisons have been topped :smoke: with the top of the moham ram to hopefully turn into a rooted clone

1 of the gp cuts has rooted lol and is on her way to being a nice little plant :nazi:

speed devil is well into flowering now... i just wish she would stretch a little :fuckyou: please stretch baby!

and the big green poison is doing real well.... i topped her again today hopefully those 6 growing tips will turn into 12 :smoke:

anyway on with the show


green poison


green poison cutting


moham ram


moham ram top growth after topping her


speed devil


the large green poison

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Guest weedmonsta

the green poison and speed devil, these were taken just after lights out and are better than the other 2 in my last post

they are sagging cos its lights out and they just got some seaweed spray on their leaves.

im not too worried by the yellowish leaves at the bottom...as they are always the first to go but i have epsoms on standby if i need them, im sure she will be ok after she settled into her new pot properly

post-26220-1254780800_thumb.jpg post-26220-1254780812_thumb.jpg

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Looking good mate. I'm enjoying a joint of green poison now. It gets better and better after a cure. Can't wait for my next lot to come in from the clone i took. They rooted really easily the GP, glad you got yours covered, it might turn out really special. She takes well to fimming/topping too and will yield nicely, i had about 8 main colas and 6 smaller ones.

Moham ram is my next sweetseeds strain to try. Aint done it yet, but looking forward to it. I don't think i'm gonna top this one, as my sweet afghani didn't like topping, and nor have widow crosses ive done before. And seeing as it's a cross of the two, i will let it take its natural form first time, unless yours shows itself to take really well to it.

Interested to watch this speed devil too. I'm not fond of autos at all. I did some outdoors this year, and they were awful. Not bud really whatsoever, and they were like midget plants, about 6-8 inches tall. I hope indoors they will do better. Mine were dieselryders. Never again. :yep:.

Keep up the good man dude.

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Guest weedmonsta

thanks for the reply solid....

i hope i get a decent result with the gp.... yours were lovely looking plants :realcool: how was the smoke?

the moham does seem to like the top taken out as you can see by the picture she has filled out nicely after i topped her :smoke:


i`ll be potting her up by the end of this week m8... then in the flowering room in a couple more weeks

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Guest weedmonsta

Hey guys... some more updates to my diary :B):

All i have beed giving the girls is a bit of seaweed every other watering.. at 7ml per litre and a quick spray with a 50% strength solution.

The large green poison has had a couple sprays with epsoms at 5g per litre

After i topped the large green poison it has recovered nicely... she now has 21 growing tips, i think she will be going into flower soon i think.... as you can see from the picture her roots are developing nicely...probably some of the biggest roots ive seen on any of my plants :ninja:

The speed devil is stretching :smug: im glad but its not much...this may be one of the short pheno!

I topped the younger gp and mr and put the tops into root riots to keep them as possible mothers.i

I now have:

Green poison L

Green poison S

Green poison cuts rooted x2

Moham ram S

In the prop:

1 green poison cut

1 moham ram cut

1 mako haze cut

The mako haze cut is from a seed i (i got free at last years hemp expo), gave to a friend that he grew ..then another friend took a cutting from that..(just before the mako mother was stolen from his shed).he grew his cut into a mother..and finally it has come full circle back to me :rofl:

Time for a few pics i think


Green poison


Green poison 21 Growing tips :wink:


Green poison roots


Speed devil


Speed devil... closer

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