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The Protection Thread

mr. clean

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I use that plastic coated mesh stuff. Much easier to make cages with and offers more camo. I pre cut them then roll them up tight and hold together with a zip tie. When i get to site i just cut the zip tie and roll it out, adding 3 zip ties along the joint.

Peace :yawn:

I use the same gear, green coated chicken mesh, but instead of zip ties I just snip a couple of the hexagon shapes in the wire and when I roll the stuff up into a tube shape, I fold a few of the snipped edges over the other edge. No need for zip ties and more sharp bits poking out to deter deer.

Thats the way i have been doing it today. I was a little clumsy though and have stabbed my hands full of little holes from bending the cut wire back :)

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Do not know how much this helps, but I grow only out-doors, in Mendocino California. Take a look at these ladies! The big batch, the ones all close together are Grapefruit-Kush, Sensi- Star, and I believe Afghooey. The second picture is Blue-Berry by Dutch Passionn, Kushes, Sages and ! a couple other Blue-Berries I believe. Good luck on growing, and hope you receive a bountiful harvest! Take Care James420.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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  • 1 month later...

touch wood the only prob i had with my outdoor girls some ak-47xblueberry were some small like caterpillar things sawfly i think put holes in loads of my leafs,i found a stingy nettle patch cleared out a hole in the middle an planted there, i sprayed with provado ultimate bug killer an so far 4 weeks l8tr all seems to be well go bug spray go,

i also used crushed glass around the base so i think that has stopped slugs/snails etc MR PHENO

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have planted my baby in a tree trunk she's thriving so far and not showing any signs of being root bound my mate is doing the same at a tree trunk close to mine and its 5ft+ It really is the way forward. There are a few problem's with bugs but it's in the middle of the forest and eliminate's threat from mammals.

It does however hold host to a few spiders (I was thinking this is a good thing???)

Slugs where an initial problem but seems to have calmed down a bit now.

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I have planted my baby in a tree trunk she's thriving so far and not showing any signs of being root bound my mate is doing the same at a tree trunk close to mine and its 5ft+ It really is the way forward. There are a few problem's with bugs but it's in the middle of the forest and eliminate's threat from mammals.

It does however hold host to a few spiders (I was thinking this is a good thing???)

Slugs where an initial problem but seems to have calmed down a bit now.

would love to see a few photos :spliff::guitar:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

OK...just 1 or 2 questions and my input. wot do nettles do to help a GG? as the spot that i'm preparing has nettles as high as 6 feet mixed with brambles and other spiky plants that took me a good half hour to get into.(still pulling thorns out of my head and hands) and now for my input. i was lookin at ways to stop slugs and snails. i like the sharp cuts running along the top of the up-side-down pot or the plastic tubes. and i'm sure i seen something about an electric fence so....here is my idea...Run 2 strands of copper wire around the pot/tube with a cm gap between each (not connected to each other) then connect to a pp9 battery. then when slug/snail crosses the 1st bit of wire and the touches the other one it will make a connection. now i know when you put a pp9 on your tong it shocks me so to a wet snail/slug its gona hurt. the battery life on a pp9 in a radio can last up to a week. slug and snail are the on switch if you know wot i mean so the life of the battery should last long e-nuff. ive done a pic (a not very good one soz)post-43183-0-43815300-1321721808_thumb.jpg

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I've been experimenting with these bastards slugs and i think i've found a pretty good one.

If you go to you nearest BT telephone exchange (every town or village has one) some of them will have skips outside. If you have a rumage through you'll normally find loads of off cuts of colourful cables. Inside is 0.5 or 0.75mm copper wire.

Get a piece about 30cm long and strip it down to the bare copper.

Then wrap it tightly around a biro pen and then slide it off at the end. You should now be left with a kinda copper spring.

Twist the two ends together to form a circle, then you can stretch it to the diameter that you want to go around your plants stem.

I've put slugs on them and they don't seem happy at all. I put one in the middle and it just wouldn't go over the copper to get out.

Try it yourself.

I should took some pictures :wallbash:

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I could have a solution to the slug problem for some growers.....I breed moths and I start by placing caterpillars on a suitable food plant, I have a small number of rearing sleeves which are elasticated and fit round the top of the plant pot to keep slugs, birds and insects away from the caterpillars. These breeding sleeves are made from a type of netting which allows water and sunlight to pass through so the food plant doesn't die off, the only problem is I can't seem to find anywhere on the internet that sells the type I use....these are similar here . I get rabbits, foxes, hedgehogs and god knows what else in my garden but nothing has gone near my rearing nets yet and the plants have all grown perfectly.

EDIT: I've just found these... http://www.wwb.co.uk/sleeves-for-rearing-larvae which look much more suitable

Edited by Ysakats
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Guest Nunsacred

...Moth breeding kit...

rearing sleeves which are elasticated and fit round the top of the plant pot to keep slugs, birds and insects away

Thanks :yep:

Love the irony of using kit designed for the opposite cause!

There's probably snail breeding nets which are also great for the job

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back to the deer protection . This time of year we all get smellies aftershave etc that we don't want . Most of us have bottles of the stuff that's years old . Get some old rags , douse with Hugo boss , place inside sandwich bag for water proofing , hang or weigh down next to plot . I know this is based on the same idea as the soap on a stick but thought this would do the same .

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