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You Know Your Stoned When....


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You put your card in the cash machine to draw some money out go in the shop and realise when you come to pay you left the 20 quid in the machine outside (yes it happened to me and luckily enough it was still there when i staggered back outside) :)

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  • 2 months later...

You know your stoned when you tap a freshly rolled spliff on the edge of an open beer can, and drop the fekker in...still havn't learnt my lesson there.. :ninja: Bad habit of mine that.

Also when you run yourself a bath that feels perfect temperature to the touch, you eagerly jump in then eagerly jump out because its simply way too hot for your important bits.. :badass:

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When you can count 8 lighters on the desk your sat at and more strewn around the room

And only one of them works, but you can't remember which one.

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You know ur stoned when:::

you roll a spliff...smoke half. put it in the ashtray.. then 20 mins later think... ooo ill skin up.. you skin up then go to flick the ash and realise you already have half in the ashtray :)

amazing how many times i do that :yahoo:

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  • 11 months later...
reminds me of the time i was sat naked smoking some black, and a nice fat rock fell on my balls. :(


In my rocky smoking days I was in bed, lying down watching a movie and smoking a spliff. As I took a toke, a shower of hot rocks (yea I couldn't burn in properly when I was a teenager :rofl:) fell onto my chest. I sat bolt upright from the pain, causing the ashtray to spill all over my bed and another shower of hot rocks to fall into my crotch. It hurt.

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when...you cant remember wheather you have just smoked a joint and have put it out, or where just about to roll one...

best roll one just to be safe innit

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i do that roll another joint whilst still smoking one.. :g:

You know you're stoned when a teen on the bus says "fuck me man, you look MASHED" and you just grin

When you go to put your shoes on.. and are already wearing them...

When you're heating up some hash to grate on the nutmeg grater and instead of throwing the grater back on the bed, you throw the rock of hash and fucking lose it.. Still aint found that bastard...

or the worst one (this happened to me the other week)

You know you're stoned when you're coming back in to the house through the back door having gone outside for a joint or two and spend 30 minutes outside at 3am wondering how the fuck you're gonna get back in because the door has locked itself.. Then out of desperation you try the front door, and as it's the door you came out of in the first place, it's open.

You know you're stoned when something a politician says makes sense.

Edited by CaptainStoner
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You put the sandwich meat in the cubbard with the bread

You fall asleep with a joint in the mouth

You go upstairs to get a drink, come back only to realize you already had a drink

You wonder why its so quiet, but then you realize the music stopped 30 mins ago

You stare at the floor wondering what you were just thinking about

You stand up, question your movement, but remain standing wondering why you stood up, only to sit back down

You hold your piss for over an hour because you dont want to ruin the couchlock

E2A: Your wondering where the bongo drums are coming from..only to realize you have the plane game open in another window http://flightsimx.cyclops.amnesia.com.au/

You put a post up, wonder why no one is responding, and realize its 3AM in the Uk

Edited by vyral
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or when you walk the dog and it takes you 45 min to get past your driveway...

shadow lol

:) :) :)

I totally get this one

For example i went walkin the dog today and ended up climbing through ditches and traversing fields way off the beaten track. i found two ancient sites of residence of our ancestors circa 250 years ago and enjoyed a pipefull of northern lights at each. Views amazing. 1hour walk became 3.5 hours coz every little thing is so much more interesting when a nice stone is thrown into the experience. Here here for camera phones!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to share the joy. Free da weed old school like

:wink: :rofl: :rofl:

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  • 2 months later...

oh fuck, in the dim light of my screen, still working at 2am, I've just tried to light my nose rather than the spliff in the ashtray. :)

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man, the other day i had the biggest trip of my life

those damn cakes

at 11am i done in the cake

then i proceded to lay down some plywood over a bathroom floor ready for some tiling.

took me 3hrs to measure out the dimensions, my mind was shot to shit, and i drew out the obstuctres like toilet, sink support, rad pipes etc :P Cut it out with a jigsaw... it was an epic moment trying to get the bugger up the stairs...

i tried to get to fit in' in as one peice, i was wrestling with this massive pre-cut template of plywood to try and get it to sit flush in bathroom, trying to put it in left way first, then right, the fucker just wouldnt go in, i even got it jammed between the obstructres which took me about 10 mins to get it free, i almost snapped the fucker too when trying to get it free

well in the end i had to cut in half and fit them in 2 pieces :)

moral of the story, dont diy when high :)

Edited by Smokey
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