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6 minutes ago, AnonyMice said:

That’s good going man, FairPlay. How are you consuming, vaping? 
I tried one of them expensive mighty vapes recently a pal owns, loved it. 
Lungs will be all the better for it

Thanks brother..yeah I bought a TM2 but I'm not even really using it anymore, the odd hit every couple of days or so, no real sessions on it.

Main consumption now is oil I'm getting through a fair bit but mostly take it in the eve and like a greedy fuk every time I get up in the night for a piss lol

Sleeping like a baby for the first time in 20 or more years..still have the insomnia but spending a lot more time in bed because I'm so fuking baked lol


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14 minutes ago, Revive said:

Main consumption now is oil

Strong stuff man @Revive. I find it's the best remedy for inflammation, pain, sleep and getting proper mashed...for hours !!! 🤣 Over indulgence also burns fat. 😉

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16 minutes ago, Mace_Windu said:

Strong stuff man @Revive. I find it's the best remedy for inflammation, pain, sleep and getting proper mashed...for hours !!! 🤣 Over indulgence also burns fat. 😉

Yeah mate it gets me right off my nut :)

I took a bit to much a week or so back, basically tried a little of the last batch I'd made but completely forgot I'd already dosed myself up half hour before.

funny as soon as I swallowed it I remembered lol

tried to get my nut down sharpish but it all kicked in and hit me like a herd of buffalo so I couldn't sleep..layed there for hours tripping me bollocks off lol lol

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Damn I need to get on the oil. Barely getting high smoking flower anymore :( 


Got one of them disposable carts recently. Got me stoned but wouldn’t buy again. Oil got blocked all the time & coil burnt before I was half way done 

Edited by AnonyMice
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11 minutes ago, Revive said:

tried to get my nut down sharpish but it all kicked in and hit me like a herd of buffalo so I couldn't sleep..layed there for hours tripping me bollocks off lol

🤣🤪...Yep, some of the craziest ganja roller coaster trips I've ever been on...and totally by accident 😆..Glad to know I'm not alone @Revive !!

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11 minutes ago, AnonyMice said:

Damn I need to get on the oil.

You're seriously missing out man @AnonyMice get some down ya. I highly recommend it...Start off low and slow as they say...Otherwise you won't be doing much except sleeping 😵‍💫😂💤

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29 minutes ago, AnonyMice said:

Damn I need to get on the oil. Barely getting high smoking flower anymor

Dude you should, it's a completely diff buzz imo ..smashes the life out of you for hours on end, highly recommend 👍

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@Revive, well done on kicking the smokes. It does take some determination, but I found once I made my mind up, that was it. When I gave up tobacco back in the day, there were no vapes so I still rolled joints with pure weed, but it got expensive so started smoking less. Dry herb vapes were like manna from heaven - so thrifty with the green stuff and still a nice stone. Also, the left over AVB makes decent oil, more sedative than oil made with fresh weed, but can still be very strong. Definitely improves sleep for those of us, like yourself, that are prone to insomnia. 


@AnonyMice if you don't have mountains of weed round the place like the OP, using AVB is worth a try: get stoned twice from the same green! :) 

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11 hours ago, Crow River said:

well done on kicking the smokes. It does take some determination, but I found once I made my mind up, that was it.

Thanks crow 👍

Yeah it's tough at the start tbh what really helps is after a couple weeks the smell of someone smoking tobacco is so rancid it does not make you want to go back to it.

Turns my stomach now dude.

I didn't think a pure joint would taste so bad but it did so being combustion free really has made the diff here.

I'm still addicted to nicotine from the e juice vape so I still need to work on that but 1 step at a time brother :yinyang:

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I remember years ago,

I used to wonder why ex smokers were so militant about smelling the smoke from others still smoking fags lol







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1 hour ago, Revive said:

Thanks crow 👍

Yeah it's tough at the start tbh what really helps is after a couple weeks the smell of someone smoking tobacco is so rancid it does not make you want to go back to it.

Turns my stomach now dude.

I didn't think a pure joint would taste so bad but it did so being combustion free really has made the diff here.

I'm still addicted to nicotine from the e juice vape so I still need to work on that but 1 step at a time brother :yinyang:


Well that's classic ex-smoker territory dude. It's like leaving a religious cult or something, you become so vehemently against it, embarrassing sometimes. I try to be diplomatic these days, but wasn't always the case!


Like any addiction, you can get a long way just by cutting down. With cigarettes, once I decided to stop I reduced my intake gradually. From 20 a day, to 15, then 10, then 5. Once you're on 5 a day, 4 is easy, then 3, 2, and 1 a day. You're hardly smoking at all by this point so 1 every other day, then just 2 a week, then 1, then just "social smoking" (this was before the smoking ban). I carried on like that for a while, then just stopped altogether.


Can't stand it now, even folk smoking in the street is irritating! :D 

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@Crow River My fam member smokes a dry herb vape. We had a sesh one day, he tipped mountains of ABV on his window sill. Next day it was gone. I asked if he ate it, NOPE.. mad man throws the stuff in the bin lol he’s going to keep it for me next time though. 
I’m going to look into getting one myself. Job interview tomorrow so fingers crossed.  

damn there’s still a whole level of my tolerance I haven’t reached yet… lol 

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@AnonyMice sounds like you have a potential supply of AVB if your relative remembers to keep it for you. 


I use mine to make oil, and also "swamp water" - basically green dragon but with AVB rather than fresh weed (sometimes called golden dragon).


One thing about AVB is the taste, kind of like tobacco. So I use a different process to when I make oil with fresh herb. With AVB, I use a mocha pot, most folk use it for making traditional espresso. In the base goes coconut oil in solid form, just spooned in to roughly the fill level, topped up with water. AVB goes where the coffee is supposed to go. Screw the jug on top, sit on the stove, and the oil/water mix percolates through the AVB.


I run the mixture through three times, then the oil and water are set aside in a bowl in the fridge overnight. The oil floats on top then solidifies, making it easy to pour away the now very brown water. The water removes all the charred and toasted bits, meaning the oil tastes much better. Also the left over cake of AVB still has good stuff in it, and can be eaten. Tastes much better after the wee "water cure" too.



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@Crow River that’s some damn good info mate.. green dragon is another new one for me! Though I done something similar with fresh herb making butter in a pot of water. Letting it cool & scraping off the butter from the top.. not green dragon but it worked lol. 

I smoke joints, bongs. only a half oz a week - 3/4 oz a week now but tolerance is increasing so I need to change something. Hopefully grow something to make a concentrate out of this year tho 

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Green Dragon (and golden dragon/swamp water) are made with high proof alcohol. Basically just weed-infused spirits. Vodka or moonshine are good to use...

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