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Revives bits bobs odds and sods :)


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@bfehillbilly hey buddy hope you are well.

It's good to hear you find my antics entertaining bro, if I can put a smile on the face of folks and bring a few laughs here and there then it makes it even more worthwhile.

I really don't want to sit it out because I'm very passionate about what I do and I will no doubt feel very left out if I'm not playing too. 

It's just that it's a lot of hard work as you know and I'm a bit concerned it will go to waste and I will bit hit with the same issues as last season (septoria)

If there was a bit more cover this time of year I could get on with putting some precautions in place to give myself more chance of success.

Taking on board what you say about the cornfields I think you have a good point, I've got loads of autos so could bang a few of those out I guess.

At least that way I get my fix and can join in with all the fun and games.

I'm gonna go and check out some of these fields I've previously been eyeballing and see if this can work.

I need to get the engine revving bro and stop feeling so deflated about it I think.

I really appreciate the nudge your trying to give me and maybe that's just what I need.

Be lucky brother hillbilly :yinyang:


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I hear ya mucker,   its a bit of a ball buster man !     

Your prob in the higher % of the septoria getting a grip again and you sound a bit exposed to be playing in & around the plot at the mo .

You could be onto something with the imported mulch being the culprit / catalyst  ,   but it is a gamble 👍


You may even get away with it but it would be heartbreaking to get hit a 2nd time.


The autos in a new plot could well be the medicine for healing the mind mate 😎


What about a couple of sacrificial testers in the infected plots just in case ,  even regs as you can harvest the pollen and ditch them , whittling down the numbers.    


Either way the entire Outdoors group is behind you mucker 🥰     and either way im sure you will score something and put a decent flower show on for us ❤️

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Dude take the soaking and go treat the plot the bad weather for once could be ur friend.

I have seen u pull off a stunning late plant out and u knows u will be gutted when everyone starts posting pics. lol lol

I get u on being and old git being one myself GG fucking hurts.

But u knows u want to so up and at em dude. :yep:


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It always sucks when the banker plot gets compromised been there several times I would look into those cornfields they can do quite well amongst the corn and I have never packed water to a plant in the corn to boot that's a bonus as I'm an old git myself 

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U got to try that plot one last time, if it goes to shit with septoria again 3 times in a row then you know its going to keep happening, but at the same time , I would look to make a new plot u can hopefully use for a few seasons until u need to leave.

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On 27/02/2024 at 19:11, OldFord said:

What about a couple of sacrificial testers in the infected plots just in case ,  even regs as you can harvest the pollen and ditch them , whittling down the numbers.    

That's not a bad idea at all mucker 👍

You have certainly given me something to think about and the mind is already ticking.

On 27/02/2024 at 19:11, OldFord said:

Either way the entire Outdoors group is behind you mucker

That's means so much to me that brother, big love to all my fellow gorillas for the support and encouragement :yinyang:


On 27/02/2024 at 19:24, murphyblue said:

Dude take the soaking and go treat the plot the bad weather for once could be ur friend.

You make a very good point there brother Murphy, for once it could be on my side.

On 27/02/2024 at 19:24, murphyblue said:

I have seen u pull off a stunning late plant out and u knows u will be gutted when everyone starts posting pics

Thanks bro, and your right I don't think I'd be able to come on here and watch my fellow gorillas antics without being involved myself, I'd be lost without my uk420 family :(

thanks for the encouragement mucker 👍


23 hours ago, bfehillbilly said:

they can do quite well amongst the corn and I have never packed water to a plant in the corn to boot that's a bonus as I'm an old git myself 

You have certainly put firm thoughts in my head with this hillbilly.

Where these fields are watering would be an issue tbh so that would be perfect.

Gonna go take a little looksie this weekend and see if this can work for a few cheeky autos 👍

Be lucky brother :yinyang:


12 hours ago, B-real said:

U got to try that plot one last time,

Your right B I shouldn't really write it off just yet but it's a lot of work for 1 of my full on shows as I'm sure you can understand so maybe just a few to see what the score is..it would be too heartbreaking to watch a whole Revive Jungle turn to shit before my eyes again.

12 hours ago, B-real said:

, I would look to make a new plot u can hopefully use for a few seasons until u need to leave.

I'd love to find a new 1 bro but as I've said where I live is 90% concrete so it's just not so easy. I'd probably have to travel a bit to find something suitable and that just opens up a whole new ball game when it comes to the risks that will need to be taken with driving bits and bobs around in the back of the car or van.

My thoughts have something to ponder over now at least 👍

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@Revive it’s a dilemma, few thoughts to help you


 1. go swampy bag style /dug plastic bags to contain new soil, mission!! :ninja:

2. risk using chems and swapys ontop


3. I will prep you a plot and make journeys down plant out mid way and harvest treat



4. Rest yourself up and come see me and have a holiday !!


5, go plot hunting outta the big smoke??


as @bfehillbilly said need you and your antics and mate hide in plain site this man and myself included love that :pitchfork:


biggest of love


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10 minutes ago, Revive said:

That's means so much to me that brother, big love to all my fellow gorillas for the support and encouragement :yinyang:

always count on the guerrilla gang to pull through 🦍:pitchfork:


one love all outdoor sungrown growers 

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2 minutes ago, Stigofthedank said:

go swampy bag style /dug plastic bags to contain new soil

Hey stiggy me old mate..

That's a shout worth thinking about but the only worry with that is if the area and surrounding vegetation are infected then it will still spread in the wind and rain over time..if I use some chemicals too like you suggested then it may just work..


I'm gonna put a bit more thought into this now I think as you lot have deffo given me some encouragement to put on my usual show, don't want to let the family down do I ;)

I do have the night visits only auto plot still, didn't use it last season as there was someone camping in the bush nearby so could go check that out I guess. Its very much in plain sight but it's bought home the bacon on a couple diff occasions so worth investigating again.

12 minutes ago, Stigofthedank said:

I will prep you a plot and make journeys down plant out mid way and harvest

Bless ya brother such a lovely gesture, your a good lad 🙏

Haven't go around to getting those replacement beans in the post yet but promise to have them sorted for you before the week is out 👍

Hope your doing out and not getting to stressed out on the home front.

Much respect :yinyang:

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10 minutes ago, Stigofthedank said:

always count on the guerrilla gang to pull through 🦍

For sure brother, love you all 🥰

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1 hour ago, Revive said:

Hey stiggy me old mate..

That's a shout worth thinking about but the only worry with that is if the area and surrounding vegetation are infected then it will still spread in the wind and rain over time..if I use some chemicals too like you suggested then it may just work..

maybe hit it with chems and then a straw layer organic ?? Or if you can get away with it that weed cover fabric?? Then holes and swamp bags ontop maybe 

got my head thinking now!? lol




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1 hour ago, Stigofthedank said:

maybe hit it with chems and then a straw layer organic ?? Or if you can get away with it that weed cover fabric?? Then holes and swamp bags ontop maybe 

got my head thinking now!? lol




Originally I wanted to hit the soil in the holes and all of my canes and supports with a bordeaux mixture/spray..basically copper sulfate, hydrated lime, and water.

Wanted this done by now really then trichoderma and weed barrier just before plant out with the holes topped up with some fresh coco...

Great minds brother stig 🦍

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@Revive You've worked hard these last few seasons.


You deserve an easier season.. same plots, less plants/visits/attention?






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2 minutes ago, Punta Roja said:

@Revive You've worked hard these last few seasons.


You deserve an easier season.. same plots, less plants/visits/attention?






Thanks PR it's been a labour of love for sure.. I think that's why I started to consider sitting this 1 out as I've lorry loads of weed in stores but you know what's its like dude I need my fix.

Nothing makes me feel happier than growing my own little ganja jungle and as much as I really don't mind the graft I'm not getting any younger so I just don't want to waste too much time and effort for another septoria shit show.

However I'm getting a bit more fire in my belly after all the replies from you good folk, the encouragement has really helped.

This is what I do so I can't let the side down but as you say it's been a tough few seasons, I really am due a bit of an easier ride.


You all set for the seasons fun and games dude? You gonna be running some of your hacks?

Wishing you well PR

Be lucky :yinyang:



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@Revive Thank you mate, same to you.


I scratched the itch by risking it in the garden after some "invigorating" and memorable (I'm sure you know what I mean by that) but poor results in the wilderness.


I complete 60 laps round that great grow light in the sky in August...🙄 

I know how you feel... 


Yes, my own GITG, with love, extreme, hybrids will be making an appearance this season.🤪


LD for the win.







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