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Stigs rgsc 2023 hunt for the dank


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Evening you lovely lot of weed nerds :hippy:


I have got my shot together to go and take photos and put another 5 replacements down in the holes I cropped the autos from, latest I have planted out by 2 days so another 1st, :smokin:

Seems the most natural place to start,

so after chopping 5 autos pulling the stems and mixing in half a handful of fbb, bonemeal, chicken pellet, smaller amount of Epsom salts, seaweed and bat guano, and added some mychorizal fungi, that was nearly 2 weeks ago :yep: I am not going to pretend I do this with the intention of leaving it this long!! Life has been throwing constant curve balls!! So back to “the hillside garden”check up and late plant outs,

so I decided to use up the coco I have had sat there and took roughly 20l of MPC, perlite, vermiculite, and wormcastings, same mix as normal just added coco to help lossen the soil on site, gave all the holes a fifth of the mix in a hole to help the roots settle in and added some more q4 and set to planting some replacements to not waste a hole !!:pitchfork:


1st off I replaced the fast cookies that autoed on me, with… well another


“RGSC - fast cookies”




I then put 3 x “RGSC s61”




I then went to replace the final auto hole and realised a strange movement on the hill at the other side of the valley, I started looking and stayed poised, fucking farmer!! Shit :wallbash: so I was just contemplating my next move, well I have been here for an hour so IF he had a look about he may have seen me, was in my camo top and balaclava but still, I noticed him so every chance he had noticed me, fuck it, to late now, was just getting ready to move and he got on a quad and left the field, :wacko: was kinda expecting a visitor or to be stopped by an angry farmer but thought got a job to do so may aswell crack on, all be it facing the other way !!


So finally replaced the last auto hole with another firm favourite that really performs at my lat, 

“RGSC Maff”




will sort rest of the photos and update you lovely lot on the rest of the big girls at “the hillside” garden, been a real fitness challenge this one and just hope hen didn’t see me or don’t care if he did!! All I do know is trail cam is going on entrance only one way into garden!! Just for my piece of mind 


stay safe and be vigilant guerrillas :ninja:




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PT 2 “hillside garden”


so I had plenty of cover after being aware of farmer John on the hill opposite, from some rather large plants :wassnnme:lol


so let’s start from the last additions to the hillside,


 “Pink cherry pie”



“Fast zkittles”





Happy with these girls ,  settled in nice considering I haven’t visited and it’s just pissed it down and well no real sun till today :yep:


I am shagged guys! :sleep1: was planning on a detailed update but will give you the joys of photos instead as a picture speaks a thousand words






“Fast lemon cake”








“Fast cookies” pink pistels




“guerrilla dawg”




Some group shots 




Gonna have to update “the bitch site” in the morning, watch this space guys and girls,


big love 


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Morning you lovely lot,


but if a crazy one and will do my upmost to get photos but hope you understand if I pussy out, 




So after miss stig has said that more than double Asian mother hornets have been trapped this year, my head perked up, yesterday when at “hillside garden” in a bucket of water was 3 crazy orange and black big fucking beetles that I was supposed to photo and forgot to, wasn’t a crazy looking beetle :hi: fucking Asian hornets!!!


Walking back up the hill I was taking my  time and one of the badgers set entrances was covered in honey comb :g: now thinking it all fits!!!


so question is, normal European hornets are bad enough so what’s the score with these fuckers and me???


I am hoping one of you lovely lot have had any experience with these bot welcome guests?


any advice/suggestions I am all ears,

always something :fear:thought farmers were bad enough!!!


big love 


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Plants looking fire sir :wub:       Replacement plant out always welcome as MORE is def way  " Betterer " lollol  


Close call on the farmer mucker,  be safe man !         


Asian hornets by all accounts eat our bees !    At least wasps i appreciate as they love a good Aphid feast :yep:     

Seems the asian hornets are the very definition of pointless lol     Wont eat our plants predatorrs.     Dont see much use for them here and sadly destroying already struggling bee populus is the UK.      Dispose with accordingly i say :yep:   

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Why thank you @OldFord really appreciate the kind words :yep:

I am just hoping for a nice September :notworthy: and will be in for some beautiful plants squire, silver lining is I have had a nice break in water runs :)

More is defiantly betterer hahaha lol love that :D

Got a load more in coming, I have been to “the bitch site” today and well watch this space!!


yeah I hope it was just a close call with the farmer :mashed: really hope man!!!


I love anything that loves an aphid feast, stings or not they are all welcome in stigs garden :thisbig: but these fucking things are huge, fat nasty looking fuckers !!
I really don’t see the point after a bit of a read, bloody another invasive fucks and unlike the krays can’t eat them lol


any ideas of trapping them dude?
Looking into this bottle thing and gonna see what I can do tomorrow and visit the girls.

yesterday there was 3 sat in the water so hopefully they are dead and can get photos and upload them, fucking things!!

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@Stigofthedank      Thos hornets seem to attack in packs and seem to be able to summon its mates on instant call !      


Never seen one but seeing pics they do seem hench !!    

Its a shame the poor bees get battered again  ,   im guessing you can bottle  trap them and dispose of them  , the release should be fun lol  

Drop , roll and run lollol  




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Fuck me, great news @OldFord


gangs in the fields now lol honestly!!

one hornet to another

“oi dave check this guy looking like a tree, shall I sting him” what next!!


fucking scared to go up there now :shock: gonna have to get a bed suit , probably won’t help mind you :eek: ah well think of the girls and be quick :boxing:

They are massive dude, like a hornet but shorter and fatter!! Plus bright orange and black, true guerrilla warfare :pitchfork:


Yeah is a shame, a hive can consume 11kg of bees a season :thumbdown: gonna have to make visits to the hillside quick and not fuck about, apparently less active at night so maybe a lack of photos from “the hillside garden” we will see! lol


hahaha don’t think I will release them….

They shouldn’t be here, no pun intended!! And most likely if can trap them put a lid on it and run like it’s a bomb!!! :badass:


Edited by Stigofthedank
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So as promised bitch site update!!


getting in there the last couple times has got so hard I had to take tools with me today to get to my tunnel and upto site!! Rains helping everything to grow that’s for sure :eat:


so upon arrival I could smell glorious Mary from a good 5 meters away in the wind :sadwalk: glad I named this one the bitch site ;)


I took the final corner to be greeted by one hell of a show from the girls 




as you can see the “fast lemon cake” (closest in the photo) that got battered by bunnies has bounced back lovely and is in flower, stood at 5 foot with “the mighty gold” a good 6+ foot and one of my wildcard entries “the blackberry moonrocks” on the right, been nearly 3 weeks since I was there  and was a real relief to see them ploughing along!! 

“fast lemon cake”


in bud, gave it a topdressing of SOP and bat guano before taking all dead / damaged leaves of and tying a few branch’s down and out after reading a lot of people having FLC split issues 






Then moved onto the “mighty gold”

happy to see I have another pink pistel MG :v: lovely times, spent some time tidying her up, ruining her out again and super cropping the tops before topdressing.




Looking back across from opposite end, had to get some loopers out and trim the perimeter back as vegetation was overgrown!!



front left is a recovered “s61” and a “Maff” front right, 


“blackberry moon rocks”



got to hope this one comes over the line, is a proper beast and have a real soft spot for this girl :hippy:


after spending an hour going over these girls and because of the weather due and wanting to check in on plants I put in what was to be a much larger “late garden” but it has a few wildcards/ strains new to me,


these are wildcards, called “cap n kernow”




Looking like a skunk of some sorts , be exciting to see what happens with these girls and all 3 are confirmed females :george:

i have them all a top dress of (ecothrive charge) aswell as some seaweed meal and neem meal now they have settled in, they should really take off now !!


Two that I am buzzing about having out and are rocking now, are courtesy of  @Revive “gg3 x rene x gg3”





 just tidyed them up and top dressed with charge and some volcanic rock dust as they seemed a bit hollow if that makes sense,

so wanted to add some silica to help strengthen the stems :flex:


Hope your all safe guerrillas and any ideas re my hornet problem would be really appreciated!!


big love 




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Fuk me brother stig there's been some goings on in here, having a bit of a catch up but wasn't expecting there to be so much drama going on.. looks like you was lucky with the farmer bruv, that was a fuking close 1..im sure if you was spotted to would have known about it by now so bless for that :)

Asian hornets.. lol fuk me what next

You do not want to be getting stung by those fukers so be very careful dude..id be inclined to have a can of wasp spray in my bag incase you get a few buzzing around you wanting to attack..you could spray a cloud around you at least that might bide you a little time to get the fuk out of there.. bee keepers hat might be worth getting and just making sure you fully covered..id rather sweaty than stung..fuk that wasps are my worst fear, im terrified of the fuking things really badly..only been stung 4 times in my life well 4 diff occasions..thumb, neck, eyeball, yes right in the eyeball and tongue, that was bad as all my throat swelled up and I could bearly breath..dhit im shivering here lol

The plants are looking awsome man, picture of health and loving life..sterling work brother.. keep pushing dude and keep those lovely pics comming, real eye candy :yep:

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Bloody hell when do you sleep? lol You’ve got your hands full here I’ve had a good catch up you’ve got a hell of a lot going on fair play! Respect :realcool:

Have you grown G.dawg before? Whats the end product like? Have a few of these out myself they’re really beautiful looking plants aren’t they. 

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:hippy:That’s what I thought gonna have to go and check they are all good today, and try and spot out another camera up, sketching about fucking Asian hornets @Revivelol

yeah your right!! Whatever the fuck next in this game, fairly bad with adders where they are but at least they don’t come from all angles :fear: @OldFord was saying they can call there mates, since posting the update and doing more reading he is 100% right, another unwelcome visitor to the island :yahoo: jokes,

I got stung down the back at work few years ago by a normal wasp and it flew down my shirt and stung me 5 times before I got shirt off, :crybaby:but in eyeball and throat, that’s brutal dude!!

Was shouting “what’s the fucking point in wasps” turns out they are to pollinate fig trees predominantly! Thought that was most pointless thing flying with a stinger, then these turn up, don’t eat no known plant predators and just fuck up the bees day and mine hahaha lol

Miss stig said the same thing last night, get bee keepers hat, and I have a memory of I think @DutchFox using something similar up trees, all fun and games just gonna have to be VERY CAREFUL!!!! Have a look now.

You think the spray would be effective??

these things are like flying buses in comparison :flex: 

last thing I want is to piss one off and it shouts it’s mates, no easy quick way out and don’t even want to think about repercussions of a sting from them fuckers!! Even worse a gang!! Hahaha


Thanks man for the kind word, it means a lot coming from you @Revive will make sure to keep you lovely lot updated with my shenanigans.


stay safe and be lucky 



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2 hours ago, Hole in the clouds said:


Bloody hell when do you sleep? lol You’ve got your hands full here I’ve had a good catch up you’ve got a hell of a lot going on fair play! Respect :realcool:

Have you grown G.dawg before? Whats the end product like? Have a few of these out myself they’re really beautiful looking plants aren’t they. 


hahaha I hear that @Hole in the clouds I have insomnia lol 

comes in handy sometimes brother, is a curse at times but a saviour at others, and in this game helps :yep: thanks for the kind words, been plugging away learning my craft under a rock fella so coming on here is lovely to offload and express myself :D

No I haven’t Nate, have looked at some photos on here and she looks nice and an outdoor dawg, as long as she crosses the line nicely should be a real treat :skin_up:

yeah she is a lovely plant to grow, all three in veg have been similar in size and shape so be nice too see if I get different phenos come through in flower, got pink pistels on one and is easy 2 metres plus and a wide girl :hippy:

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57 minutes ago, Stigofthedank said:

have to be VERY CAREFUL!!!! Have a look now.

You think the spray would be effective??

these things are like flying buses in comparison

Well they certainly won't like it and it will at least drive them away while you get the fuk away..just a precaution for the sake of a couple quid it just might be worth having 1 in your bag :yep:

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15 minutes ago, Revive said:

Well they certainly won't like it and it will at least drive them away while you get the fuk away..just a precaution for the sake of a couple quid it just might be worth having 1 in your bag :yep:

I have got a wasp killer in my bag now and looking up bee keeper hats :yep:


just hope

1 : it doesn’t come to using it in the 1st place!!

2 : it works and doesn’t just piss then off and cause them to attack!!

scary shit dude


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1 hour ago, Stigofthedank said:

I have got a wasp killer in my bag now and looking up bee keeper hats :yep:


just hope

1 : it doesn’t come to using it in the 1st place!!

2 : it works and doesn’t just piss then off and cause them to attack!!

scary shit dude


I believe it attacks there nervous systems pretty much the same as fly spray bro..I know there much bigger than wasps but im pretty sure it will have the same affect but they may take longer to die..im more thinking of it as something that will just give you some time to get the fuk away as a last resort :yep:

If you know where the nest is you can get a diff type, a foam that can be sprayed from like 20 feet away that kills the nest..and then run lol

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