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Revives funky skunky summer of regs the hacking of the hacks


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+1 for long walks helps process the traffick jam of thoughts .


Sorry to hear about your friend .

I like to consume sativa before going out sunglasses on and just stomp for a hour or 2. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Evening fellow stoners..I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever get back to this due to the site gremlins finally catching up with me..I know lots of you guys and girl's have had agg with some of the site features, ive been reading stuff for months about the difficulties folk have had but ive been sweet pretty much the whole time until recently.. I had some trouble getting on the screwfix website a while back and just thought there site was down, after going in the store it seemed this wasn't the case and was advised by the young chap behind the jump that it may be my phone and my browser may need updating, checked my apdates and sure enough there was updates to be installed and 1 of them was Google chrome.. ran the update then tried getting on there site again and bingo its all good.. yes all good for fuking screwfix but when I tried to get back on here everything was fuked, couldn't like posts, change pages, use emoji fuk all, I could read the first page of each thread but that was it, it did let me write a post but ive just realised even some of those was never submitted and there is no trace of them now ive looked..I was fuking pissed about this and didn't really know how to get around it not being tech savvy..it was propper grim to the point I was just gonna come off here, I mean I couldn't do fuk all or use the site so what's the point..well feeling lost I did some research and downloaded another browser signed into the site on that saved a shortcut to my homepage and boom its business as usual :)

Well im miles behind everyone this season and haven't dont fuk all really apart from knockup a bit of comfrey and pull a few root balls, cover has been my issue so haven't been able to do the early prep my fellow guerrillas have cause id stand out like tall bloke at a midget convention lol

I've been really busy with work too but finally have a few days to get some graft done on the plot..im not gonna lie although I've been here a good few years now I could just about find the plot, knotweed has gone bananas and everything was really overgrown, big fuking change since the last visit, there's some graft to be done so I made a start..was just pulling up more of last seasons rootballs and clearing knotweed plus I had to cut a new tunnel through for excess to the brook.. the old path has now collapsed cause of the weight of the tree i cut down to create an extra barrier, my tunnel was underneath it but gravity has run its course and its now impossible to get through.. now ive had a lil moment here that im not very comfortable about but im not fully sure if its a problem just yet..the plot is spilt into 2 parts the main part is now completely hidden but the newer elevated part of the plot is still a bit on offer as the bramble hasn't come up that high yet so I can be spotted if im not careful.. I wanted to bury some fresh comfrey leaves in each hole but the bush I harvest this from is just the other side of my fence on the said elevated part, I could bearly see the bush for knotweed so started clearing a path towards it, I guess i got a bit carried away and before I knew it I was on the high ground, I was crouching down but still not very hidden when I saw someone about 20/30m in front of me through the treeline.. im not sure if they heard anything and just froze as they passed by..I was in camo gear but it was still very light so not sure if he heard me before I saw him..he had something in his hand looked a bit like a selfie stick or maybe it was a drone controller,I only got quick glimpses through the trees before he went out of sight, he was close though, too fuking close so I grabbed my bag coat and gloves and made for my new tunnel, its thick undergrowth so figured I'd hide there for a bit incase it was a drone controller and if there was an issue hopefully id hear something in the sky and have half a chance of avoiding being seen.. I just sat silent for half an hour rolled a lil banger but then got too prang to smoke it all incase I started giving off smoke signals lol

Heart was pounding but in a weird way I quite enjoyed it, makes you feel alive ya know..everything seemed pretty quiet but I was still a bit concerned he heard me so had a lil creep out my hide and had a peak over the bramble, all clear it would seem..I didn't like that cause id never replace this plot if it was compromised and its had so much work over the years id be gutted to have to walk away..I think I should bang a trail cam up just to be sure nobody lurks about have a nosey.. tbh its hard to reach the plot now from the side he was on and unless you walk down the river your gonna struggle to get to it but still id like to feel safe being as ive got lots to do there and will be around a fair bit over the next week.. ill set some traps for now I think and just be on high alert when I visit..should have just stayed on the low ground but its done now..

Well did get a lil bit done before all this and sneaked to the comfrey bush near the end and got a bit buried..only sorted 2 of the holes as by now light was fading and it started to piss down but its a start..

Just a few pics of how far I got..

Be lucky y'all :yep:large.20230510_202838_compress34.jpglarge.20230510_202804_compress10.jpglarge.20230510_202756_compress27.jpglarge.20230510_202811_compress71.jpglarge.20230510_202751_compress57.jpg


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@Revive good to see you back at it, squire. I can feel the clay in that soil of yours: proper back breaking stuff! :D 


Hope your security problems disappear. I've had two plots compromised this past week. I'll manage, but I'm right hacked off too...


All the best with the project!

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Wahayyy @Revive:badass:

I was having the same issue and thought subscribing would help.... So glad I did that but didn't solve said problem /problems with the site after.. All working gravy now with the odd hic cup, hope it stays sweet for everyone, the most engaged I have been ever and loving the genuine support, love, hep, joke's digs, love the uk420 community spirit:skin_up:


Glad your back matey, and already bang, feel like I am with you dude... Stuck in a tunnel with a banger sweating and hearing your heart thumping, what a buzz!:spliff:lol 


I really hope you ain't compromised on that spot!!!! Same as @Crow River

Said I hope your security issues are all sorted and you get that seed factory up and running :clapping:


I was compromised visiting one of my night only spot's to early this year, left it till late April to go back and that was bad enough, mental how we can spend so much time with finding it, prepping spending time there etc etc to then go back late next season to make more of a mess just trying to locate the plot... Especially knotweed :sadwalk:


Cannot wait to see what goodies come from this, lf you can pull anything off like last year's with your seed production, quality over quantity, some magic will happen that's for sure :oldtoker: 


Big ups @Revive you have been an inspiration to me to get writing and join the diary side of things, 








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7 hours ago, Crow River said:

good to see you back at it, squire. I can feel the clay in that soil of yours: proper back breaking stuff

Thanks Crow, its good to be back at it tbh.. yeah mate the soil at my main is propper shit, gets messy over there when its wet but the clay ground does have it benefits..ive got amended holes so im all good but your right its broke my back over the last few years.. sorry to hear you lost a couple spots dude there very few and far between where im from so I really can't afford for that to happen, im 90% he never saw me but the small chance is jarring me a bit I won't lie..gotta grab a trail cam I think cause I need to be sure im safe before anything goes in the ground, right now its just a few empty holes and buckets on some wasteland, not exactly breaking the law just yet :yep:

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Just now, Stigofthedank said:

Glad your back matey, and already bang, feel like I am with you dude... Stuck in a tunnel with a banger sweating and hearing your heart thumping, what a buzz!:spliff:lol 

Yo stig, hope your good mate:)

Yeah bruvva its deffo a buzz and a thrill for me, makes me feel like a naughty lil boy again lol should be all good but your know what folk can be like, fuking nosey bastards.. he will struggle to see the plot if he goes mooching about because the overgrowth of vegetation should be enough deterrent and sure signs will be left if anyone attempts to get through it so im on high alert for now bro..there is only 1 way in really and you have to walk down the brook to find my route so I doubt that will happen, and again I'd know because there's a big muddy bank to climb to get up to my space from that side.. I will rig a few lines of green cotton about chest high where there are other possible entry points for now but once past those its dense nettle and shrubbery so I will spot any paths fairly easy..its very uneven ground too so its quite difficult to get through without going arse over bollox, lets see I think im ok tbh but you never know so I shall do what I need to so im confident of that ya know..

Yeah mate I've got a night plot too, there a bit of agg to be fair, and most definitely a challenge later in the season when checking for rot..grew some regs there last season too so sexing those was a fuking mare under moonlight.. theres propertys backing onto the ground so no torches can be used either..trimming in the dark is a skill you know lollol

Good to hear i have given you some inspiration to get involved a bit more on here and im very interested to see what you get up to squire :)

Yeah its a great lil community this stig, full of characters and plenty of smart arses, a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips.. absolutely love the spirit and very proud to be a part of it :yep:

Be lucky sunshine :yinyang:

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Yoo. good thanks, hope your good? 

Mate you put it bang on, loving seeing alot of people's efforts from seasons gone by. Troopers and some serious results, most definitely a wealth of knowledge :clapping:come on uk420 guerrilla family!! 


Yeah get rigging some traps and like you said you will know, people are clumsy, we tread careful and are always learning.. Don't underestimate as you haven't but he is most likely just some self indulged YouTuber blurting shit!!! Hope it settles sooner rather than later for you bruv, and you can get cracking on. 


Re: trail cams, I have a few and use them, some times useful some times not, will find make of my cheap ones and put it up, they are all good for when not there etc, but somewhere on here some one mentioned having one set to a burner for when your 'working' love the idea but I am not tech savy, any experience or know of anyone worth having a chat with? Be much appreciated


I'm doing my thing as normal but also running some extra bits as diary pieces, a lot of work, you made 80 odd pages look a breeze lol 

Absorbing all the UK outdoor bud porn and reading others trials and tribulations was enough but so glad I made the leap to join and hope it runs smoothly for this season and the future so I can join in. 

You too mate, hope you have the season you have aimed for, 

Big Love




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Welcome back mate :) 

Glad you are still with us :D 

mall the best with this season’s outdoor malarkey :yep: 

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Just now, Gaijin said:

Welcome back mate :) 

Glad you are still with us

Thanks my bro :yep:

Glad I can use the site again, stressed me the fuk out that did lol

I was lost and in a pickle man..this tech lark ain't my bag Gaijin growing weed is all I know ;)

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2 hours ago, Stigofthedank said:

Re: trail cams, I have a few and use them, some times useful some times not, will find make of my cheap ones and put it up, they are all good for when not there etc, but somewhere on here some one mentioned having one set to a burner for when your 'working' love the idea but I am not tech savy, any experience or know of anyone worth having a chat with? Be much appreciated

The thing with these is id prob need a few bro and tbh with the way this land lies finding a place to put them could be difficult, not many trees mainly shrubbery really..I might be getting parra for fuk all but you can never be too careful, he'd effort had something in his hand stretched out in front of him but I only got 2 small glimpses before he was out of sight..I saw his movement through the edges of the bushes then when he got level with me he was looking straight ahead but I was pulling up knotweed seconds before and although not making much noise itsvery quiet here so did he hear anything,I guess he would have been looking into the bushes if he did so hopefully he was glued to his phone if that's what it was and oblivious to everything else..the odd thing was he walked along the grass edge of this bit of wasteland and its pretty boggy and slushy under foot yet 10 meters to the right of him moving away from the wasteland is a concrete path that he could have used to take him in the same direction..possibly im thinking to much on this but I went around that way once I was done and walked down the same bit of grass as he did to see what view he had or what he may have been able to see..dont think he had a dog either so walking through that boggy ground wouldn't be nessaserry. Mate im having a day of it atm cause ive now got another issue that has drove me mad all morn.. I went to 2 plots yesterday, dropped a new digging spade at 1 of them picked up some lobbers that id left there to take to my main plot so I could cut the new tunnel, just before I bought the spade I got some diesel for the van and had the receipt in my pocket, I remember finding it before I got out the van to go drop the spade and thought id left it in the van incase I dropped it on the plot..its got my credit card details all over it you see..well this morn I went to look in the van and its not there, been searching the gaff too, pockets, coat still nothing..not to bothered about losing it but its where I've lost it, fuking drama cause ive not gotta go back to both plots just to make sure I never lost it onsite..I know it won't last long in the rain and shit but still I cant rest until I go check, and its pissing down lol

Yeah those trail cams your talking about are the WiFi ones with the live stream straight to your phone, not sure I like the idea but with a burner phone I guess there minimised risk..

@Slippy One has plenty of knowledge with trail cams.. any info on these slip?

Hopefully he will chime in at some point stig :yep:

Right mate I gotta get on this mission so I can put my thoughts to bed, there may be some digging in the rain at plot 1 when I get there lol gotta try out the new spade havent I lol 

Be lucky bruvva

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8 hours ago, Revive said:


Yeah those trail cams your talking about are the WiFi ones with the live stream straight to your phone, not sure I like the idea but with a burner phone I guess there minimised risk..


I'd still be concerned about the GPS of the cam and the phone . 

Some app staff/or hacker could see what is at the plot and have a GPS for the plot and the grower.

I dunno. I just don't trust third party tech.

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Can't believe I missed this. Great stuff!

All the best with your snooper and the new grow.


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1 hour ago, CheechChongReturns said:

I'd still be concerned about the GPS of the cam and the phone . 

Some app staff/or hacker could see what is at the plot and have a GPS for the plot and the grower.

I dunno. I just don't trust third party tech.

You make some good points cheech..im really not up with this whole tech malarkey..  not many folk on here seem to run with them mind quite possibly due to there safety issues, ironic really when thats the purpose of having 1 to stay safe.. :yinyang:

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