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Revives funky skunky summer of regs the hacking of the hacks


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Having a shitty time of it so far folks, came out the bush just before dust to find another wanderer.. sure he spotted me but I doubled back quick sharp back down a mud bank and out of another exit further along but he had moved and dam sure he saw me again..I went out of sight and plotted up for about 5/10 mins then thought fuk it ill just take a casual walk back but he was nowhere to be seen..thats twice in 2 days that I feel uneasy and at risk from human activity so I think I will stay away for a bit now..it doesn't seem like im gonna have much luck this season, getting a gut feeling something ain't right here so im not gonna push it..im not gonna lie im a bit pissed off about it, ive been waiting for this bit of time off work to get shit sorted but safety comes first..gonna just put this on ice for now I think..maybe over the next week I will just take a wander about the facinity for a few evenings just to see if anyone is lurking about, need to go borrow a dog or buy a set of binoculars, maybe ill just take up jogging for the week lol ill get me sweatbands on and some lairy running gear that will work.. all I know is this shit ain't happened in all the years I been here now its twice in 2 days, is it a sign that I shouldn't ignore :ninja:

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Cams rock. If anyone is interested in your plot, you'll know, especially over the summer months. At least you've got randoms in bushes, I had non random uniformed officers with military tech, so you're fine. :D 


Growing in or around London has been difficult for years, and is quickly becoming impossible, which is why my GG3 & Ren seed plot is near Worcester this year. 5 hour round trip but totally worth the fuel costs. Fuck London growing. 

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@Revive, yep. Better to heed a warning than ignore it.


Fucking ballache when randoms are wandering near your plot. Worse if it's neighbours or someone with an agenda. 


Good thing is, you've still got time. If you plant out a bit later, the girls won't get so big which might help avoid detection...


Edited by Crow River
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39 minutes ago, Crow River said:

Fucking ballache when randoms are wandering near your plot. Worse if it's neighbours or someone with an agenda. 


Thing is buddy we can never possibly know what ones agenda is in those situations..I know 1 thing ive been in the game long enough to know when something isn't right  Crow.. not once in a 5 stretch and then twice in 2 days... could be a coincidence but im not so sure..the plot is still well hidden and hard to reach so ive not give up yet dude but my gut is telling me something ill say that..

51 minutes ago, Crow River said:

Good thing is, you've still got time

Yeah mate remember its just a seed run this so it really doesn't matter as long as the plants reach maturity and flower I can do my thing ya know.. just gonna sit back for a bit I reckon..ive still got the lil auto plot to sort too but its a night shift  so haven't even pull last years rootballs yet lol

Still a bit on the cool side at night for those just yet imo so there no hurry up as such..tbh its watching my fellow gorillas cracking on thats making me anxious for a play in the mud..ill work it out im sure bruv :yep:

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5 hours ago, Slippy One said:

Growing in or around London has been difficult for years, and is quickly becoming impossible, which is why my GG3 & Ren seed plot is near Worcester this year. 5 hour round trip but totally worth the fuel costs

lol you didn't last long out the game slippy did ya mush..its nice to read this brother :yep:

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5 minutes ago, Slippy One said:

Seed crop and I'm out.  :yep:


I will believe it when I see it brother :yep:

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2 hours ago, Revive said:

my gut is telling me something ill say that..


Always pay heed to that. Number of times my instinct was telling me something, only for me to rationalise it away. Guess what? Every time I ignored what my gut was telling me turned into a total disaster. I know better now to trust my instincts...

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1 hour ago, Crow River said:


Always pay heed to that. Number of times my instinct was telling me something, only for me to rationalise it away. Guess what? Every time I ignored what my gut was telling me turned into a total disaster. I know better now to trust my instincts...

I genuinely never go against my gut feeling Crow, I too learnt some hard lessons in the past but have since learnt to trust that feeling :yep:

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Fingers crossed for you mate :yinyang: I hope it’s just a random coincidence. I take it you’ve set traps on the way in that haven’t been sprung? Or you think he’s actually been on the plot?

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And I know you don’t like trail cams but Slip’s right, 50/60 quid on one not live to phone could put your mind at rest. Never touch it or the card without gloves.. never coming back to you. Just a thought mate

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Yes, gut instincts and "that" feeling is right.. I think it's something that humans have but don't use much.. Probably came from waaaay back in time. The mind and body is ours to listen to and it's hard to listen to it when you have a deadline or goal of sorts. @Revive:yep:

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1 hour ago, Hashcity said:

Yes, gut instincts and "that" feeling is right.. I think it's something that humans have but don't use much.. Probably came from waaaay back in time. The mind and body is ours to listen to and it's hard to listen to it when you have a deadline or goal of sorts. @Revive:yep:

Very true buddy..as much as growing weed has been a big part of my life and not just for getting stoned, its much more than that for me..its given me so much back and been key to my mental health and sanity at times, many times tbh however safety comes first and ive far to much to lose to get complacent about that :yep:

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3 hours ago, Aphatspliff said:

Fingers crossed for you mate :yinyang: I hope it’s just a random coincidence. I take it you’ve set traps on the way in that haven’t been sprung? Or you think he’s actually been on the plot?

Hey bro..na I dont think anyone has been as far in as the plot, no signs shown of that as there's a fair few obstacles to negotiate.. my worry is have I been seen going in or been heard doing my thing more so..im dead careful here and pretty much roll the same way I always have, been here for years now..I doubt anything is known about the plot itself but quite possibly suspicion has been raised as to what im doing in there if I've been seen..aside from comming out the other eve I doubt I have been spotted but being so quiet and the potential of folk being able to walk faily close by I could easy have been heard.. gonna just stay away for now and just keep an eye out for wanderers around the outskirts of this wasteland.. I may have just been ulucky with my timming, infact I was gonna go the normal way out the last visit but because of the suspicious activity the eve before I wanted to walk the other way to check if there was any signs of attempted entry from that side of the land.. if I went my normal route I would never have known this fella was there as its the other direction..sometimes things happen for a reason bro

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3 hours ago, Aphatspliff said:

And I know you don’t like trail cams but Slip’s right, 50/60 quid on one not live to phone could put your mind at rest. Never touch it or the card without gloves.. never coming back to you. Just a thought mate

The prob for me with these is the multiple entry points I would need to have them at and there really isn't many places to put them close to the plot..the vegetation is quite dense all the way around the plot so its hard for anyone to get close with leaving a massive trail through it..the back end is a steep muddy bank with a brook at the bottom then loads of really high shrubs and stingers the other side of that until it reaches a small wooded edge before you back out in the open again..anyone that gets close would leave lots of tracks behind them and so far I've seen none.. I walk down the river to get to the part of that bank I climb up and then ive tunnelled into the plot from there with my new entrance covered with a tree branch I cut last time I was there..that was just before I came out and close to the direction this fella was in so maybe he heard that and was sniffing about..its a tough call this 1 but ive still got some hope however there's lots of work to do there so with multiple visits needed I need to be sure, and this is the problem we never really know how safe we are mate

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