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yet another nice contribution to the thread. ffs if i wasnt convinced before im 100% you just like trying to get a reaction from people.

however. i will wish you a good day and be on my way

atb 4k

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18 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

Only if you plant new mums in there willy nilly, with proper screening the cross contamination issue is easily avoided. 

its the same with hydro set ups they all share the same water so if say you got a root issue all of them will be in the same boat . im merely saying 20 in a one container = is not the (best) practise people are not reading 

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I'd love love sot here an explain why that's a mute point but it's got nowt to do with the thread. 


I be starting a how to thread on the notill mums and I can discuss the pros and cons of the way I do it there eh. 

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My sus beans were super lemon haze x clementine 2019 drop GHSC, they were their new usa genetics. 3 left from that set, now ordered sherb og x exodus cheese, SLH x C 2022 drop, persian pie and pulp friction. clean practises and keen observing for HPLVD but don't plan on cloning anyway. my acc is new but I've been reading these forums for donkeys years and only just started growing in lockdown

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What's right for one person may not be right for another. What represents good value to one person may be a waste of money for another. What one person considers to be good practice might be unacceptable to another.


What the fuck is a "master grower" when it's at home? That's some bullshit that's been imported from those facilities in the USA where this virus proliferated and eventually made it's way over here and is potentially fucking up some of the last vestiges of old school classics that are literally irreplaceable. Really fucking masterful that was.


To a novice I am a master, but to a master I am a novice. That's the reality of it.


We can indeed all learn from one another but not if we're determined to insist that everyone's circumstances, means, motives ideals, and values are identical.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

@lush1 because all they grow is stardog



When you only grow one clone and its clean it's pretty hard to catch it out of nowhere. 



Many a commercial grow going down, many many commercial growers still totally naive to it and wondering why crop after crop is wank 




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Thats correct, most the foreign commercial grows consist of dawg or haze. Mimosa fast became another favourite aswell


The virus is known to be within jungle boys seedstock aswell, reported by a commercial dutch grower elsewhere. 


Edited by Girlrilla
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I test all my plants at tumi, iv got 12 vile's ready to test again after 6 months of having results back where I was lucky enough to be all clean. 

Unfortunately a friend who keeps 9 mums had 7 come back positive, one low level & one clean.


Bleaching is mando between taking cuttings from different mothers. I don't think it can spread through touch.

Im pretty sure the spread is through plant sap, so sucking pests may very well be able to spread the virus. Going from host to clean eating.

Going into the new year If I get an all clear I will not be bringing anything in again.


There is a bro science trick to bringing it out of a plant with out testing. 

You dry back until the plant (flops/dehydration) and water / feed it again dependant on substrate this will bring the horrible bastard out and it will not return to it self. Any arms etc that don't come bank are infected.


I woke up this morning and found my rainbow belts flopped but I got some water in her and she's flew back to life. 

This one will be going of for testing so I will keep everybody posted  :yep:

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  • 6 months later...

@Unc Flawless


Any update on that plant you had tested? Would be good to know if there is any truth to that trick.


I'm currently growing a few different Gelato 41 phenos and all of the cuts from one mum have much smaller buds than on previous grows. The crop overall is very healthy and there shouldn't be any issues so I'm starting to worry it could be HLV


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Just read the whole thread (including all the beef lol)


I feel slightly better now as I'm certain my worrying cuts aren't showing some of the typical traits, and also they're from seed so risk is a bit lower. The mum that gave the cuts im concerned about is getting binned anyway as I'm not impressed with the pheno anyway, but will look to get the keeper mum tested to be safe as they've shared recirculating nutes.



Wondering whether it's worth making a summarised thread that could be pinned? It took me several hours to get through 29 pages :headpain:


Could include things like identifying common traits, effective sterilisation methods, problematic strains and breeders, testing facilities available to UK growers etc. Just a thought


Edited by BushDoctoR
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