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I wouldn't miss it for the world.


Goodbye man, even though we never met, you have given me so much and I will continue to try and live with your spirit and freely pass on everything I have learned.



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Farewell OT1.

You shall be greatly missed by many.


Your knowledge was invaluable and you were always more than happy to share with everybody around you.


I would not be the grower i am today if it wasn't for you.

The cannabis scene would not be what it is today if it wasn't for you.


Thank you OT1.




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rest in peace oldtimer1 ..this ones for you ..tend them gardens of heaven ..

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Today we bid farewell to one of our mightiest oaks. An oak that weathered many storms, withstood many long dry summers and many cold harsh winters. His roots ran deep, his boughs were resilient and his rugged trunk stood immovably strong. The acorns he carried, nourished and gave shade to, have themselves grown into a new generation of oaks, some just saplings, others, already venerable trees in their own right...


"The oak is considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied in its towering strength. It grows slowly, but surely at its own rate. Oak is often associated with honor, nobility, and wisdom as well thanks to its size and longetivity."


To me Oldtimer1 was the human embodiment of an oak tree. A storehouse of wisdom, vast in stature, honorable, noble yet at the same time incredibly humble. He never sought acclaim or accolades. He slowly but surely walked his own path, doing his own thing for his own reasons. He was generous with his time and knowledge. Spending himself in the arena of educating others about our sacred plant.




As I sit beneath this mighty oak, my thoughts turn to another. My mind is drawn to a single question: "How can I be more like him?"


Today we smoke in honor of his legacy and to celebrate his life. As he embarks on his final journey, our thoughts are with his loved ones and those who knew him in life. May they take solace in the knowledge that his loss is felt by us all. We will share in their unknowable grief in our own small way.




Rest in peace Oldtimer1, may your memory and legacy live on forever. This one is for you...




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